CoreConstellations Center
Want to Raise your Vibration?
Try "Active" Meditation!
Osho Kundalini Meditation

Where Active Stress Reduction and 

Mindfulness Meet


This "active meditation" integrates physical methods for stress release with mindfulness and reflection. A sequence of movement and dance will relax your body.  "Osho Kundalini Meditation" uses gentle shaking, moving and dancing to unblock your energy and deeply relax your body. Effortlessly, you will then enter a phase of silence, rest and deep meditation.

Meditation Movement & Traditional header
Next Osho Kundalini:
Thursday, February 9, 2012    
7:30 until around 9:30 PM          Fee:  $20.00
Register NOW !
Please reserve your place in advance!
Make Relaxation your Wellness Habit.
Plan ahead!....... Upcoming Schedule this Spring:
March 8 (Register)      April 12 (Register) ,      May 10 (Register) ,    June 14 (Register)
About The Benefits of Movement Meditation
Wellness starts with a relaxed body, balanced emotions and a clear mind. Because our mind and emotions are so intricately linked with our physical body, movement and expressive dance are powerful and indispensable tools for relaxation and well-being in a culture centered on stress and performance.  READ ABOUT STUDY
Osho Kundalini Meditation explained by Kuno Bachbauer
Osho Kundalini Meditation
explained by Kuno Bachbauer
 Who Should Participate?
This movement meditation is perfect for people who want to release physical tension and shake off their emotional burdens! Participants usually emerge feeling refreshed and energized while in a state of meditative stillness. They frequently report that they are more at ease with themselves and their world. Please join us and enjoy this wonderful meditation-in-motion!
Quick Links

Osho Meditations | Core Energetics | CoreConstellations Center 

Contact and Connections


CoreConstellations Center

1107 Nelson Street  #204

Rockville, Maryland 20850


Contact Kuno:




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