Embracing the Present Moment
The Family Constellations
Workshop Series & Training Program
OPEN WORKSHOPS SERIES: Stepping into thr Energetic Field
Each Saturday "Open Workshop" is designed for the general public. This is where you can get a first experience of Family Constellations work and find out how it could support your personal growth and healing. It is appropriate for beginners and people who are more experienced with Family Constellations work. It can be taken multiple times, as a continuous learning process, and as an addition to ongoing therapy.
Next Workshop February 25, 2012: REGISTER
TRAINING LEVEL 1: Learning from Personal Experience
This highly experiential training will meet six weekends (Saturday & Sunday) over the next year. It will be dedicated to an in-depth exploration of the theory and practice of Family Constellations work. This Training is open to various health practitioners as well as persons that are interested and commited to their own growth and transformation. There will be ample time for each participant to explore their own family system from this perspective.
TRAINING LEVEL 2: Advanced Facilitator Training & Supervision
This program is open to people who have completed a minimum of one year training with the CoreConstellationsCenter, or the equivalent.
Please contact Joanne directly for more information about this program. You are also encouraged to watch Joanne's video (above) and to read about our Family Constellations work on our website. Training program is closed to new admissions after the February weekend. REGISTER.