CoreConstellations Center
Behind The Mask
Behind the Mask smaller 

What are you hiding behind Your Social Mask?

Who Are You Really? Discover your True Greatness... 


A Core Energetics Seminar

Saturday, December 10 10:00 - 5:00

with Kuno Bachbauer


A "Mask" is a mask.  It hides things. It obscures things, makes them look different than what they are really like for you (deep down). There are three major social masks. LOVE, POWER & SERENITY.


Ideally, we all live from a genuine place of Love, Power and Serenity. So, how come we develop a mask?


Each mask is a device that protects us from some form of perceived pain or unwanted aspects of ourselves. The problem with our mask is the price you must pay:  all masks tone-down our life force! They dumb you down and weaken your presence in life. All that in exchange for the meager benefits of being liked, validated, or left in peace. Your masks may even look great but they have nothing to do with your true capacity for love and kindness, your true power, strength and courage, and your true sense of serenity, balance and peace. Come find out more about who you really are .... SIGN UP NOW!


Please read on for more details (further below) .... or, watch Kuno's video:

Behind the Mask - Core Energetics with Kuno Bachbauer
Behind the Mask - Core Energetics with Kuno Bachbauer
 Saturday, December 10, 2011 from 10:00 until 5:00 
Fee: $99.00  if paid in advance by Wed. 12/7   ( $125.- after 12/7)
Register NOW !
Please click  OUR REGISTRATION PAGE  to reserve your place.

About this Workshop:



We develop our social masks in order to be accepted and validated in our world.  It is how we want others to see us.  In Core Energetic we also call this phenomenon the "idealized self-image".  I think this describes it rather well.  It is an adaptive mechanism adopted to suit our circumstances in life. Therefore, we may employ many masks throughout the varied circumstances of our life. Generally we use variations of these three "masks":


●      LOVE Mask

●      POWER Mask

●      SERENITY Mask  


Our masks are fine-tuned towards our audience.  Our masks also parallel some of our best traits in life (or, "Higher Self") and thus they are often very difficult to distinguish from them.  Because we create such believable (and convenient) Masks, unconsciously,  we often believe in them ourselves .....  Until we wake up!



This workshop will help you wake up to your own mask! It will raise your awareness of all the moments in life you use your mask (unnecessarily).

You also will learn to see and feel it in others.


With the increased awareness  that will be achieved through Core Energetics  bodywork, consciousness-raising exercises, movement and mindfulness explorations, we will learn what lies behind the mask. Unveiling the mask lead you to deep inner journey.


These are markers along that journey "Behind the Mask":

  • Behind the Mask there is a wounded child that has learned how to defend itself with a powerful layer of armoring. Once you see the mask it is rather easy to address it and let it go.
  • Behind the armoring there is a deeper layer of negativity and self-hatred. It represents a "No to life", a negation of the life force that needs to be addressed. (Core Energetics offers excellent tools for that.)
  • Underneath that negativity hides the pain - the pain of that wounded child. Properly addressing the pain of the wounded child unvails the original and innate capacity for love, power and beauty of that person.

Experience it for yourself:  

 Saturday, December 10, 2011 from 10:00 until 5:00 
Fee: $99.00  if paid in advance by Wed. 12/7   ( $125.- after 12/7)
Register NOW !
Please click  OUR REGISTRATION PAGE  to reserve your place.
Kuno Bachbauer, MD (Austria), LMFT (DC)
Kuno is a Core Energetics practitioner in Rockville, MD.  In his practice Kuno offers Core Energetics private sessions, transformational groups, workshops and mind-body trainings with the goal of helping his clients & students to let go of trumatic stress and habitual tension, and to open their hearts.
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1107 Nelson Street  #204

Rockville, Maryland 20850
