CoreConstellations Center
How may Body-Centered Groups be helpful for me?
About Body-Centered Group Process Work
The Format: What is an Ongoing Process Group?
What about Medical and Psychological Issues?
We currently offer two different Groups
Kuno With Drum
Kuno's skill is to guide people into emotional processes accessing their body's energy. There will always be some expressive dancing in our groups! Guaranteed!
This helps make connection, and release tension.   
Kuno usually facilitates

Core Energetics "warm-ups" and (together with Joanne) orchestrates the intensive body-based processes. This allows participants getting grounded, becoming aware of their feelings and open their heart.

Joanne Waterfall1
Joanne is highly trained in the dynamic aspects of group work. She has a very sharp eye for what goes on between people and helps them see their "blind spots". Her feminine energy is combined with inner strength, intuition and clarity often helps people to take necessary next steps. Her training in Family Constellations work often adds an extra dimension and depth to to our work.




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The Power of Groups  



How may Body-Centered Groups be helpful for me?
Our ongoing groups and workshops are a wonderful place to grow, to experiment, and share  your deepest feelings in the presence of others. We work with the body, energy and consciousness. The support, inspiration, love and companionship of the fellow group participants often helps overcome deep-seeded fears and corrects long-standing misguided beliefs about oneself, one's own body and about life in general. These groups, provide comfort and support as well as an ongoing challenge to go for one's highest potential!

A Method for a vibrant Body, Mind & Soul
Body-centered Process groups have originally been developed to help patients with emotional illness such as depression, anxiety and additions. Especially in European countries therapy groups are also used to help persons with  psychosomatic" complaints, such as ulcers, arthritis and various pain syndromes.

Personal Growth & Human Potential 

You don't have to have "problems" to join a group! Groups have become an effective lower-cost option in the personal growth movement. They are helping clients to achieve higher levels of personal potential, both in their interpersonal connections and in their carreers. Working in this way, can also have the effect of spiritual opening and inner expansion.


"Being in the group has been one of the most meaningful things I have done in my life"

S.G. (PhD psychologist)     

"I felt energized, revitalized...."   E.D.
About Body-Centered Group Process Work
HeartDance 2 (DK) JPEGYour body holds every life experience, both joyous and painful.  When a negative or painful experience happens in life, your body contracts. We call this an "energy block". It is our attempt to stay safe. These energy blocks disrupt the natural flow of energy in the body and prevent your creative expression in the world. You may find yourself unable to enjoy a satisfying lifestyle, a healthy and fit body, fulfilling relationships, and even prosperity. You may struggle to accept yourself and others. Or, you may be feeling stuck in life. These feeling are actually blocking your potential from within. These blockages may manifest as physical pain, chronic ailments, limiting beliefs, and restricted negative attitudes toward life which may be causing you to miss out on abundance, joy, happiness, health and fulfilment.

The goal of body-centered therapy  is to help restore the natural flow of energy in a person. Body-centered therapy is a speciality of psychotherapy where we combine specific physical exercises and psychological process work in order to address the deepest conflicts of a person. 


Core Energetics is the specific branch of body-centered therapy offered at CoreConstellations Center. It is a mind-body process
developed by psychiatrist John Pierrakos, MD that emphasis the deep inter-connection of body, emotions, mind, will and one's spiritual dimension.


 "....Kuno and Joanne created an incredibly safe environment for me to let go and experience an in-depth release of long submerged feelings....

"They created the opportunity for my body to blossom and unfold that I have never before experienced..."  P.C.
The Format:  What is an Ongoing Process Group?
 What Personal Issues do People bring? Many people come for personal growth, for stress release and to open up in their relationships. Joanne and Kuno, over the past eleven years of working together in this format, have helped many people with weight problems, sexual issues, addictive behaviors, sexual and physical abuse, body image issues, shame, guilt, depression, fear, and more...

How does it all work? Working with body-centered methods in a group setting adds a powerful dynamic to therapeutic work. It enhances access to unconscious patterns and also helps raise one's own energy. Increased energy often works as a tool for understanding of what's going on for a client and serves as an entry point for emotional healing, personal growth and transformation. 

What is the Format and what Methods are used in our Ongoing Process Groups? A Process group builds on the continuity of weekly therapeutic work together. It is a place for people to explore their deepest life issues. In the safe and nurturing company of people who are also working on their own personal issues it easier to open up, to take new risks and to practice new behaviors. During these sessions, we use Group Dynamics, Core Energetics, Family Constellations, Bodywork, Dance & Meditation.


"It's an amazing process. You look into the dark to see the light and then become the light for others."


"...When I began core therapy, I was merely surviving/half-dead. Now I'm alive. Alive to the pain of my past, but also the love, joy and peace of the present."    K.E.S.
What about Medical and Psychological Issues?
Please Note: Medical and Psychological Issues
If you are currently in a medical treatment or psychotherapy please consult with your health professional  before registering for our groups and workshops.


For your own safety, we want to know as much about you as possible before we accept you in one of our programs. Please inform us on the registration form or during your initial interview about any health conditions or emotional problems you may have or have had in the past. We also want to know about any prescription medications you are taking and any psychotherapy you are currently involved in. 

Kuno & Joanne w/ Mountain 2

We currently offer two different Process Groups

"Monday Group"  Body-Centered Process Group

Meets WEEKLY, Mondays, 6:30 -8:30 pm

Led by Kuno Bachbauer, MD & Joanne Lynch-Bachbauer, LCSW-C

  • 6 months initial commitment.
  • Entry interview.
  • 1 session/month individual therapy


"Path of the Soul"  Core Energetics Process Group

 Meets WEEKLY, Tuesdays, 6:45 -8:45 pm

Led by Kuno Bachbauer, MD


  • 6 months initial commitment.
  • Entry interview.
  • 1 session/month individual therapy
Location:  All groups and workshops are held at CoreConstellations Center in Rockville, Maryland.
We thank you for your continued interest in our work!  We are excited to offer  a number of leading-edge approaches to personal growth, healing and transformation.  More detailed information will come along with our next e-Newsletters and is available on our  website.   


Please join us for one of our programs! 
If appropriate, please tell a friend about us, or refer someone who might benefit from our work.



Kuno Bachbauer & Joanne Lynch-Bachbauer
CoreConstellations Center