CoreConstellations Center
"Activating the Heart's Intelligence"
  with Howard Martin (Institute of HeartMath)
 CoreVideo presentation on Friday, June 25, 2010   @ 7:30 pm
June 19, 2010
 9 AM - 12 PM
 with Kuno Bachbauer 
A Morning of Letting Go and Relaxation  
(click for details)
We will start with gentle
Core Energetic  Exercises and continue with Osho Kundalini Meditation to release and open up the energy field. This will be
followed by a variety of body-based energy experiences and quiet meditation.
Register for Meditation  
Fee: $ 30.-  (pay at the door)
Dress for movement!
All levels welcome!
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CoreConstellations Center
1107 Nelson street, Suite #204 Rockville, MD 20850

June 25, 2010 at 07:30 PM
June 25, 2010 at 09:30 PM
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"Living from the Heart" is not just a phrase
"Activating the Heart's Intelligence"
Lecture featuring Howard Martin  
 Friday, June 25, 2010 @ 7:30 pm  FREE!
Some of you may have heard Kuno talk about the "Intelligence of the Heart" in one of his monthly Core Energetics lectures, and wondered what he meant. This video explores the intelligence of the heart in great detail. You will gain a new and deeper understanding of the heart not only as a pump, but as a powerful regulator of energy and communicator of emotion. 
"Living from the Heart" is not just a phrase. Howard Martin, Vice president of the Institute of HeartMath, brings over 30 years of expertise in this field to this lecture. In a dynamic and fun presentation he makes difficult scientific discoveries exciting and easy to understand.
Come, learn about the new field of neurocardiology, the power of "heart rate variability", stress reduction and "entrainment"!  Howard Martin will show you how this information may enhance any form of body work and psychotherapy and teach you an exercise to transform "uncomfortable" emotions such as anxiety and anger. We hope that you will use your new understanding of heart-energy to enhance performance and welbeing in daily life.
                             Space is limited!
R.S.V.P.  (click)
Register Now!
Executive VP, Strategic Development.


Howard Martin (HeartMath Institute)

Howard speaks internationally on the HeartMath approach that is based on compelling scientific research--linking heart function with health, emotional well-being and intelligence.
Institute of HeartMath
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Kuno Bachbauer & Joanne Lych-Bachbauer
CoreConstellations Center