A Morning of Letting Go and Relaxation Body-Based Meditation Workshop Led by Kuno Bachbauer
Body-Based Meditation techniques affect the whole person: Body, Emotions, Mind and Spirit. The idea is simple: Relax your body by letting go of physical tension that comes from stress and difficult emotions. Specific body exercises will free pent-up energy and vibration in your body. Relaxed and energized, you may enter a space of emptiness and inner freedom. This will allow you to become more grounded, still and open to receive yourself.
Body-Based Meditation is easy, relaxing, invigorating and pleasurable! Everyone can do it.
The Program: We will start with actively relaxing and de-stressing the body with Osho Kundalini Meditation . We will continue to go deeper with a variety of other body-based relaxation techniques and quiet meditation.
When: Join us on Saturday, June 19, 2010. Saturday from 9:00am - 12:00pm. Fee: $30.-
Pay at the door: Cash, check or credit card
Registration is required! Click on REGISTER NOW!