About this Lecture:
Many people use the term psychosomatics in a colloquial way to connote an assumed connection between a particular illness and a specific mental or emotional process.
This lecture will give you a short historic overview of the brilliance of the original model of psychosomatics and why it ultimately had to fail. You will see how the common tools of Body Psychotherapy such as work with "character armor", theories of energy and consciousness, and various body-based emotional release techniques based on the work of Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen, John Pierrakos (and many others) may be a perfect addition to the original theoretical understanding of psychosomatics and its practical applications.
We are essentially creating a New Psychosomatics that includes work with the body in its approach through various ways of "de-armoring" body work and emotional release. This understanding enables us to be more self confident and effective as body-practitioners and true healers of Body, Mind and Soul!
Kuno Bachbauer, MD, has a life-long interest in personal growth, mind-body medicine and understanding the neuro-biology of emotions. He practices Core Energetics in Rockville, MD, and offers a nine-month Somatics Course "The Body as a Laboratory of the Soul" to therapists. He is a Senior Faculty member at the Institute of Core Energetics, and has also taught Core Energetics to students in Brazil, Mexico and Australia.
Kuno can be reached at 301-762-5688, e-mail: kuno@coreconstellations.com, and www.coreconstellations.com
When & Where:
When: Friday, June 4th 2010 @ 8:00 PM
Doors open at 7:30 PM
Talk begins at 8:00 PM
Where: Cleveland Park Congregational Church,
at the corner of 34th and Lowell Streets, 3400 Lowell Street, NW, Washington, D.C.
Fee: Guild members free, $5 for guests and non-members (pay at the door)