CoreConstellations Center
CoreVideo: A Dialogue with Dr. Wayne Dyer on
 "The Shift: Ambition to Meaning"
CoreConstellations Center
1107 Nelson Street, Suite #204
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Friday, May 21, 2010
at 07:30 PM
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The Shift: Ambition to Meaning
Inspirational DIALOGUE  with Dr. Wayne Dyer

FRIDAY, MAY 21        7:30 PM          FREE 

We are delighted to introduce this dialogue with inspirational teacher Dr. Wayne Dyer. Learn how to shift your life towards meaning, intention and purpose while watching an entertaining and very enjoyable interview!
Wayne Dyer  Dr. Wayne Dyer  
Message from Kuno:
Originally I wanted to screen the movie version of  "The Shift: Ambition to Meaning" as a pleasurable and effective way of learning about creating one's vision and finding one's purpose and meaning in life. 
I recently re-visited the "expanded version" of the Movie.  
It contains a powerful and inspiring 90+ minutes interview with Wayne Dyer that had served as the intellectual foundation for the production of "The Shift". I simply fell in love with this video document! 
Instead of showing the movie version of "The Shift", I now want to share THIS interview with you!  It is the "industrial strength" version of Wayne Dyer's teachings. 
With energy, humor and humanity Dyer covers a lot of topics of the human experience. Starting from man's ego-ambition & Lower Self defenses he moves us to a "Shift into Meaning" and towards finding one's unique Purpose of Life.
I am sure that this video event will be well worth watching for you and hope it will inspire you to see the  movie  version of "Shift" as well!

".....The Shift captures every person's mid-life longing for a more purposeful, soul-directed life."                                (From: "The Shift" website)  

This video showing is FREE!
It helps us to know in advance how many persons to expect.
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We look forward to seeing you at this event!
Please check for details on our other programs on our website: 
Kuno Bachbauer & Joanne Lych-Bachbauer
CoreConstellations Center