CoreConstellations Center
CoreLecture with Kuno Bachbauer:
Mastering the Emotional Tone Scale
CoreLecture DETAILS:

CoreConstellations Center
1107 Nelson Street,
Suite #204
Rockville, MD 20850
Thursday April 15, 2010
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Date Correction:
With Kuno Bachbauer

will be held on:
Saturday, April 17

CoreConstellations Center

Saturday, April 17 @ 9:00 AM
Fee: $30.- Pay at the door

NOW!    (click below)
Our CoreLecture Series Continues....
"Mastering the Emotional Tone Scale"
Lecture with Kuno Bachbauer, MD
, April 15  @ 7:30 PM     FREE! 
Do you find yourself stuck in certain emotions?

Are you FROZEN in low energy, procrastination, depression, or numbness, or are REACTIVE, frequently "flying off the handle" with anger, consumed by fear and anxiety, or STUCK in the rat race, "driven" by never-ending inner demands?
This lecture/experience will teach you mastery of your own "Emotional Tone Scale", the spectrum of all your emotions. It will show you how we all can get stuck in a certain emotional state and it will offer you ways to become a master of your emotions by understanding how your "emotional brain" works. 
Emotional balance, vibration, creativity and spontaneity are a sign of health. Understanding the "Emotional Tone Scale" will be a great tool for you to get UNSTUCK and will help you to REGULATE  your inner experiences. Combined with some essential body-based tools from Core Energetics you can free up locked energy and vibration. With practice, this will allow you to THRIVE by being able to move freely and spontaneously up and down along the spectrum of your emotions.
Please click on the link below to REGISTER for this FREE  CoreCommunity  event.
Register NOW!
Thank you for your interest in our work!
Please call us at 301-762-5866 for more information, or e-mail, or check our website:
Finally, thank them for their attention and response, and tell them you look forward to seeing them at your event.
Kuno Bachbauer & Joanne Lynch-Bachbauer
CoreConstellations Center