CoreConstellations Center
Speaking on Energetic Fields & Family Systems
 FRIDAY, March 5, 2010 @ 7:30 PM
CoreConstellations - Center for Body, Mind & Soul
1107 Nelson Street, Suite #204
Rockville, MD 20850

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March 05, 2010 at 07:30 PM
March 05, 2010 at 09:30 PM
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About this video:
In an informal and relaxed atmosphere, a biologist and two psychotherapists discuss the phenomenology of family systems including both living and deceased members, the love between husband and wife, partnership, death and its rituals, and the knowledge within the soul of the movements which can bring peace and healing.  Starting from very different points of view, the discussion centers on family system dynamics, but moves far beyond as well.
Suzanne Corcoran, LCSW-C
The unifying thread in this exchange is Bert Hellinger's understanding of the dynamics between living deceased family members,
Suzanne Corcoran, LCSW-C    Rupert Sheldrake's
theories and experiments with morphic fields and morphic resonance as well as Hunter Beaumont's particular feeling for love in families and for resolutions that enhance relationship.  ( ...... )
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Please check our website for the beginning of our next Family Constellations Series starting in April 2010!  We will offer a series of  3 all-day workshops on Saturday, April 10, May 8 and June 12, 2010.
Please call Joanne at 301-217-0427 for information & registration or e-mail
Our website is: 
We thank for your response and we look forward to seeing you at our Center.
Sincerely,  Kuno & Joanne
Joanne Lynch-Bachbauer, LCSW-C
Kuno Bachbauer, MD, LMFT
CoreConstellations Center