The Distributive ENote
A monthly e-newsletter from Distributive Management 
November 2009 Issue 119
"At some time in the life cycle of virtually every organization, its ability to succeed in spite of itself runs out." ~ Richard H. Brien
In This Issue
enote0Proving Organizational Improvement with DataDrill
Using DataDrill and Measurement to Prove that CMMI Delivers Organizational Improvement

When organizations climb the CMMI maturity ladder, they hope to improve the performance of their systems or software engineering processes. Expected improvements include increased productivity, reduced development time, increased quality and ,in general, increased competitiveness in their target market. Unfortunately, very few organizations can actually quantify or demonstrate this improvement. In some cases, organizations lack sufficient or credible information to understand their current/pre-improvement performance. Because there is no known starting point, it is impossible to make claims to organizational improvement.

In this webinar, we'll look at how an organization utilizing a CMMI-based approach can use DataDrill to quantify organizational performance. The webinar will demonstrate how three key organizational measures, defect density, staffing and estimation accuracy, can be monitored over the life of several process improvement cycles.  The webinar shows how DataDrill monitors the change in organizational measures as process improvement efforts are completed. Attendees will learn how DataDrill:

�  Centralizes organizational performance from all projects
�  Allows grouping and filtering of performance data

�  Can use estimation factors as organizational measures
�  Allows you to quickly review and monitor  performance
�  Assess improvements in a single organizational measure
�  Justifies the cost of process improvement    

We'll show how DataDrill supports your organizational changes with quantitative insight, determine the areas of your organization that need improvement, monitor the effect of your CMMI process improvement and then ensure that variation and capability are improving. 

When:  December 16, 2009 @ 1pm ET (GMT-5)
Cost: Free
Where: Online with Distributive Management
enote1Distributive to Speak at SEPG North America 2010

Distributive's President, Peter Baxter, will speak at the SEPG North America 2010 conference. SEPG North America is the leading event for learning and networking on software, systems, and services process improvement.

Be A Know-It-All: Avoid Blind Spots with Measurement
When: March 22-23, 2010
Where: Savannah, GA
This presentation focuses measurement on four opportunities in the risk process so that projects are able to pro-actively plan for and quantitatively deal with risk factors rather than wait for problems to occur and then try to react. All projects are subject to risk; it is inescapable. Projects that fail to manage risk, or that manage it in an ad-hoc way, find themselves in perpetual crisis.  They never see it coming.
Presentation slides will be available after the conference.

To learn more about the conference, please visit our Events calendar online at

enote4Your Measurement Team is Picked, But Who Does What?

Much time is spent on determining the roles and responsiblities for your measurement team. Since many organizations implement similar measurement activities, Distributive Management and R.J. Kohl & Associates have created a resouce tool, Guide and Sample Measurement Position Descriptions. This document breaks down the core requirments, allowing you to easily define and create structure for your measurement roles and responsibilities. 

The document contains a tailorable measurement process, and outlines four measurement roles (lead, process engineer, analyst and technician). In addition, the document defines responsibilities and skills for each of the roles. The intent is to make it easier to define a measurement team with a resource that you can tailor without having to start from scratch.

We'll be happy to send the guide and samples to you. Just send an email to sale[email protected]
PPresentation:  Decision Analysis for Systems Engineering Estimation
Peter Baxter spoke at the Hampton Roads INCOSE Conference on Decision Analysis, delivering a presentation on a technique for quickly making systems and software estimates.  Mr. Baxter described how to using measurement along with the Saaty method (or pair-wise comparison) for economically making systems and software decisions.
Event Details  

If you would like a copy of the slides, please email us at:
[email protected]
Read more ENotes on our web site at  The Distributive ENote is a free, subscription-based electronic newsletter produced by Distributive Management as a service to the performance management community. The ENote provides insight and information on performance management and improvement processes, as well as Distributive Management product information.
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enote5A Little Levity: Word Play
Two silk worms had a race.
They ended up in a tie.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.

Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway.
One hat said to the other, 'You stay here; I'll go on a head.'
Distributive Management