117 East Main St.
Terre Hill, PA  17581
Hammock of Leaves
Tis The Season!
Greetings! ,

Leaves cover the ground and there's a chill in the air.  The fireplaces are lit, pumpkin is on the menu, and the crisp white wines of summer have given way to the more robust wines of fall.  It can mean only one thing...'the holidays are coming.  It's such a busy time for everyone, so give yourself a break!
Take the time to enjoy one more Wine and Cheese Tour, have run with shopping this year as you enjoy our new special, and take in some of the many holiday house tours and shows in Lancaster County. 
Bruce's new Cat Book is now available and the perfect gift for every cat lover.  
Did you know we have a New Year's Eve Party every year?  You're Invited!
Our gift certificates are available for any amount and can be used for art, lodging or culinary tours - no more fretting over making the hard decisions!  We can now order your tickets for all Sight and Sound shows at discounted prices, and our cookies made the news.  Read on for the details....
If you're a Quilter, The American Quilt Society's show is scheduled for March 24 - 28, 2010 at the new convention center in Lancaster.  Gather your girlfriends and stay with us.
November 14 - Wine and Cheese Tour
Our last tour of the year promises some outstanding wines at both Waltz TanksTamanend and Waltz Vineyards, and a multi-course wine-paired dinner at Haydn Zug.  We also tour two local cheesemakers to learn their craft.  The cost of $150/person covers all tours, tastings, lunch, dinner, tips and transportation for the day.  Just sit back and relax as we travel the backroads of Lancaster County.  See our Wine Tour page for details.  Hurry - lodging is still available.
Ruth Reading Cat BookMy Name Is On the Deed, But the Cats Own The House
Last December, our good friend Ruth was gravely ill, flirting with death several times--but always rallying.  I wanted something small to take to the hospital, a gift that would make Ruth smile and lift her spirits.
"Ruth loves your art," I said to Bruce, "--and she loves cats.  You should create a cat book and dedicate it to her."
An idea was born!  Soon guests to our inn were contributing drawing suggestions, sending us funny photos of their cats, and offering clever picture titles.  This small giftbook is filled with Bruce's drawings, advice from cats and is sure to bring a smile to everyone on your holiday list.  We're glad to report that Ruth is now fully recovered as well and she's pictured above holding Callie and a book. To order your book, click here or call us at 888-999-4479.
6th Annual New Year's Eve Party
There's no admission - except to bring food or something to drink.  We'll put together a puzzle and hold our Guys Against The Gals Trivia Contest.  Be warned - the Gals have won for the past 3 years!  The party starts at 7 - come when you can, leave when you must - the neighbors are invited too!  Lodging is still available at the inn and Carriage House.
Discounted Sight and Sound Tickets for Guests
The next time you plan to see a show at Sight and Sound, call us first and we'll be able to save you some money.  The discount applies to back-stage tours, Living Waters Theatre, and all shows, including Joseph - which premiers March 6.  Watch our blog for a story on Sight and Sound soon.
Cranberry Bread
I changed this recipe to be made in the food processor because I was running late one time and just threw everything into the processor.  I really liked the way the cranberries were speckled throughout the bread, and now I make it that way all the time.  Serve with lemon curd.
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 � teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
� teaspoon baking soda
� cup butter
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon orange zest
� cup orange juice
1 � cups golden raisins
1 � cups cranberries
Preheat oven to 350.  Spray or grease one 9 x 5 bread pan or 4 mini pans. 
Put dry ingredients in food processor.  Blend.  Add butter and process until coarse crumbs.  Add wet ingredients, orange zest and cranberries.  Process to blend, add raisins and blend just so that they are incorporated.
Pour into pan and bake for 70 minutes for big pan, about 40 for little ones or until the toothpick comes out clean.  
For more recipes, see our Food and Recipes page.
Artist's Inn Cookies In the News
We're pleased that our cookies made it into an article in for National Cookie Month! 
Thanks to all our guests that have posted reviews on Trip Advisor,, Bnbfinder and  We really appreciate it and so do the folks that are considering staying at the inn, Olde Stone Cottage, or Carriage House.
Jan and Bruce Garrabrandt
The Artist's Inn and Gallery
In This Issue
Wine and Cheese Tour
Bruce's New Cat Book
New Year's Eve Party
Discount on Sight and Sound Tickets
New Fall Recipe
Keep in Touch! 
Our newsletters only go out about four times a year.  For more frequent updates, recipes and coupons, follow us on Twitter, read our blog or become a fan of the inn on Facebook.
We also try to keep up with current events on our Things To Do Page. 
Join Our Mailing List
Where is Bruce This Weekend?
For a listing of Bruce's shows, see his calendar on
Tis the Season to be Shopping!  Who says shopping is all hard work?  Whether it's the outlets in Lancaster or Reading, antique stores or specialty shops with creations from Lancaster County, we'll share our list of favorites and our discount coupons.  Book two nights anytime from Thanksgiving through Christmas and we'll throw in a ticket to the National Christmas Center - they are sure to put you in the mood for...more shopping!  Package includes two tickets per room and is not available with any other discounts.
Offer Expires: December 25, 2009