November 2010
Aunt Ann's Home Care Newsletter
In This Issue

The Eldercare Coach
Home Care Still a Bargain in 2010
Ten Warning Signs for Alzheimer's (Newly Revised)
Early Retirement and Early Mortality Linked
The Flu IQ
A Woman's Nation Takes on Alzheimer's
Recipe of the Month

Important Links to Our Web Site
Contact Us
Happy Holidays to All!!

Can you believe it?? The year is almost gone and the holidays are upon us! Aunt Ann's Home Care is proud to sponsor our friend Kitty Kotzebue, "The Resource Corner",, in her Toys for Tots Event again this year. 

Aunt Ann's is also pleased to provide socks, gloves, toiletries, etc. to our colleague, Beth Corwin, "Birthday's For Seniors" She provides Christmas stockings filled with goodies to senior's who reside in facilities. Please read our recipe for a Stress Free Holiday that follows the newsletter.

May the days ahead bring you Peace, Good Will and Stress Free Holiday Celebration!

Thank you,
Vicki Paul

The Eldercare Coach

Aunt Ann's Home Care is pleased to introduce our friend and colleague, Janice Wallace, The Eldercare Coach. She helps families get off the roller coaster ride of constantly reacting to the dilemmas of aging and chronic illness by creating well thought out plans, building care teams and finding the right resources to help family members. Eldercare coaching provides the structure, support and knowledge families need to care for a relative with confidence and peace of mind.

Janice can be reached at 415-661-3271, by email at [email protected] or by visiting her websites and Call to schedule a free 1/2 hour consultation.


Janice Wallace, the Eldercare Coach
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist
Phone: 415-661-3271
Caring for an ailing family member? Visit
Supporting a relative with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia? 



Home Care Still a Bargain in 2010

The MetLife 2010 Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs compares nursing homes, assisted living, adult day services, and home care. Findings showed increased costs for all except home care, which was unchanged from the previous year.

Access the full survey here.

twoTen Warning Signs
for Alzheimer's (Newly Revised)

The Alzheimer's Association of America has revised its 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's disease as follows:

  1. Memory changes that disrupt daily life
  2. Challenges in planning or solving problems
  3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks
  4. Confusion with time or place
  5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships
  6. New problems with words while speaking or writing
  7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps
  8. Decreased or poor judgment
  9. Withdrawal from work or social activities
  10. Changes in mood or personality

Download a PDF here.

threeEarly Retirement and Early Mortality Linked

A new US-based study confirmed the theory that retiring early has an association with a higher rate of mortality because early retirees decrease their physical, social, and mental activities earlier than later retirees. These decreased activities put them at greater risk for recurring health problems. Yet another reason to adopt and promote active lifestyles and wellness behaviors into old age.

Read the full article.

sixThe Flu IQ

Think you know all there is to know about the flu? Answer 10 easy questions and see how you do.

Learn more here.

sixA Woman's Nation Takes on Alzheimer's

This groundbreaking report by Maria Shriver and the Alzheimer's Association reveals the epidemic's effect on women as caregivers, advocates and people living with this disease.

View an article summarizing the report.

eightStress Free Holidays 

Oh by gosh, by golly, it's time for ....
Work, shopping, parties, baking, cleaning......
So much for the mistletoe and holly!

Tips to make your holiday "Stress Free"

Create a To-Do List and ask these questions about each task:

  • Would the holidays be the same if I skipped this task?
  • Is this a habit, tradition, free choice or obligation?
  • Must I complete this task or can it be shared?
  • Do I enjoy this task?

Be realistic... Traditions often change as families change and grow. Find new ways to celebrate together.

Plan ahead... Set aside specific days for shopping, baking, visiting friends/family and other activities.

Plan menus and make one big trip to the grocery store.

Allow extra time for travel so that delays do not worsen stress.

Learn to say NO!! Don't abandon HEALTHY habits and get adequate SLEEP! LOOK AFTER YOURSELF!!!!!