August 12,2012 Weekly Gardening Tip
August Blooms
The clouds of white coming from your lantana is not dandruff! So please put away the Head and Shoulders and step away from the plants!  They're back, yes whitefly. Late Summer and early Fall is when we see the most of them.  Some years are heavy some not so bad, but when you have them in your garden, it doesn't matter much you just want them gone! They do appear to erupt out of your plants like a white cloud of flakes when you walk by, water , or touch the plant. Lantana, roses,hibiscus, and vegetable plants seem to be the most affected.  Because they are very mobile and have a high reproduction rate getting rid of them takes some persistence. If the pests are on non edible plants than Hi-Yield systemic granules is probably the most effective control. If they occur on vegetables or fruit bearing plants, something safe like Ferti lome Triple Action is a good choice. It may take a few applications and until the weather cools substantially whitefly populations will come and go, so stay on the look out!  Keeping your plants well fertilized is also a good defense against the sucking damage that this pest may do. A healthy fast growing plant will be able to ward off the effects of the infestation much better than a plant that is stressed or struggling. As always you can hear this tip Live Saturday at 8am during  the Rosie on The House show! And you can click on the coupon link to save %20 off the products mentioned. Just print out the coupon and bring it in!
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