Harper's nursery&landscape co,inc.  
March 11,2010
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Get ' Em Before They Grow
I know, I know! You've already got a bunch of weeds, you think I'm too late.  You're half right.  I am too late for the weeds you have now, but if you want to prevent what is coming-and they are-apply another round of pre-emergent herbicide now.  For a comprehensive weed control program pre-emergents should be applied once in the Fall,you're glad you did this year, and once in the Spring.  The Fall application will prevent the Winter and early Spring weeds and the Spring app. will prevent late Spring and Summer growth.  This one product may be the single most effective time saving tool in our gardening arsenal.  Pulling,spraying,and or hoeing weeds is the most unproductive and miserable job there is in the garden!  There are several products that we would recommend for the job. Hi Yield "Dimension",Monterey "Weed Impede", and Bradfield "Corn Gluten". Dimension is a granular product and its biggest benefit is it controls Spurge.  Weed Impede is a liquid spray and is probably best suited for large granite areas.  Corn Gluten is organic and can be used in lawns and garden areas, it also gives you a 9% nitrogen fertilizer at the same time!  No matter which one you choose-do it now!  You'll be glad you did, just drive by a yard in the next few days and watch someone out there with a weeder or a hoe and imagine-they could be planting flowers,vegetables,fruit trees,or sitting in the swing enjoying their garden and the weather!!
 As always if this task seems too daunting or weeds are just the tip of the landscape iceberg that is lurking ahead-Give Jerry Harper a call. One of our landscape design/consultants can help you steer clear of the danger!!
Harper's Scottsdale location is sponsoring a benefit car wash to help the family of our former coffee bar operator Tammy Lynn. Tammy's sister has been diagnosed with cancer. She is a young mother and they need our help. Please come out Sunday the 14th of March 8-2 and get your car washed, it probably needs it anyway! Harper's will offer anyone who participates $5 off on any $25 or more purchase!!
The Harper Boys
2529 N HAYDEN RD SCOTTSDALE 480-946-3481
1830 E McKELLIPS RD480-964-4909