50% OFF
3rd Saturday/month Event-Christmas Open House&Sale!!

To thank you for your support and to celebrate the Holiday Season and the future-HARPER'S is extending this invitation to you!  Please come and enjoy Free Food and Cider and take advantage of 50% off all Christmas merchandise! Amaryllis bulbs, Christmas Cactus, wreaths, selected Christmas trees, and of course POINSETTIAS!! The SALE will last till the merchandise is gone, the food and festivities are on Saturday the 19th, our usual 3rd Saturday of the month event! Remember that all GIFT CARDS over $50 are %20 Off!!

Thank you for a great 2009 and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! REMEMBER TO JOIN US ON FACEBOOK! Keep up to date on what Harper's is up to on a daily basis.  Become a Fan of Harper's and we'll give you $5 off your next purchase!!