Important Dates
June 14 - 16, 2012 Lego Town Camp Ernst Middle School 14th & 15th - 3-8 PM 16th - 11 AM - 5 PM |
Bullying Hotline
SafeSchools Alert is an online incident reporting and management system that lets you receive valuable tips from students, staff, and parents on bullying, harassment, or any threat to your school's safety, 4 convenient ways: Phone, Text, Email, Website. Every tip is immediately logged and routed to administrators who can investigate and track issues to resolution using a state-of-the art management system.

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Kentucky Governor's Scholars
The Kentucky Governor's Scholars Program is a summer residential program for outstanding high school students in Kentucky who are rising seniors. The Program originated in 1983 as a result of Kentucky leaders' concern that the state's "best and brightest" were leaving the Commonwealth to pursue educational and career opportunities elsewhere without fully understanding the potential of their talents at home. Students who are selected attend the Program without charge. In the spirit of partnership, the Office of the Governor, the Kentucky State Legislature, and private enterprise come together to provide the financial support for the Program.
The Program's mission is to enhance Kentucky's next generation of civic and economic leaders. Congratulations to the following 22 students who were selected as 2012 Governor's Scholars.
Boone County High School
Jenna Abbott, Rose Elmore, Lauren McQueary, Valerie Rice and Nicole Wheeler
Conner High School
Brandon Jump and Renae Nelson
Cooper High School
Morgan Restaino, Andrea Thompson and Austin Ulerick
Ryle High School
Julie Beck, Emma Costello, Meghan Eleniak, Alana Gale, Sydney Gebka, Jasmine Gentry, Emily Gonzales, Samuel Kirby, Allison Pinkston, Mary Schmalzl, Mitchell See and Kelly Tursic |
Gatton Academy of
Mathematics and Science
The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science at Western Kentucky University is a residential program for bright, highly motivated Kentucky high school students who have demonstrated interest in pursuing advanced careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
It was recently named the nation's top high school by Newsweek magazine. It was also named a finalist in Intel Corp.'s 2012 Schools of Distinction Awards in the high school category for excellence in science; and it has been named to The Washington Post's list of top-performing schools with elite students every year since 2009.
The Gatton Academy also seeks to provide its students with the companionship of peers; to encourage students to develop the creativity, curiosity, reasoning ability, and self-discipline that lead to independent thought and action; and to aid students in developing integrity that will enable them to benefit society.
The goal is to enable Kentucky's exceptional young scientists and mathematicians to learn in an environment which offers advanced educational opportunities, preparing them for leadership roles in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Congratulations to Benjamin Koehler, Logan Mitchell and Logan VanWay who have been selected to attend the Gatton Academy!
Boone County Schools District Mission Statement
Representing and in partnership with our stakeholders, the Boone County School District recognizes that all children can learn and dedicates itself to providing a challenging educational environment that allows each student to achieve to his or her highest potential as a learner and citizen. |