Boone County Schools

May 14, 2012

In This Issue
Goodridge Wax Museum
Cathy Reed
Important Dates


Awards Nights:

Boone County High School - May 14 @ 7:00 PM 

Conner High School - May 16 @ 7:00 PM

Cooper High School- May 15 @ 7:00 PM

Ryle High School - May 16  @ 7:00 PM   



Boone High School - May 19 @ 1:00 PM

Conner High School -- May 20 @ 2:00 PM

Cooper High School - May 18 @ 7:00 PM 

Ryle High School - May 19     @ 10:00AM

Bullying Hotline


SafeSchools Alert is an online incident reporting and management system that lets you receive valuable tips from students, staff, and parents on bullying, harassment, or any threat to your school's safety,
4 convenient ways: Phone, Text, Email, Website. Every tip is immediately logged and routed to administrators who can investigate and track issues to resolution using a state-of-the art management system.
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Boone County High School's 'Rebellion' recognized
The student newspaper of Boone County High School has been recognized for "General Excellence" and seven student journalists won individual awards by the Kentucky High School Journalism Association. Competing in the large school "AAAA" competition, three first-place entries helped propel "The Rebellion" to second in the category of General Excellence.
"It's such a new paper, that I thought it would take a few years to get up to the standards that have been set," said senior and Editor in Chief Charli Lootens.She was on the first staff as a sophomore and she feels the paper has improved by adding new features, viewpoints and topics. That diversity turned out to be a surprising strength.

The first place entries were in the categories of overall Newspaper Design, Page One Design and Illustrations/Graphics. The staff redesigned the paper in the fall and adopted a more complete collection of design elements that senior Kassie Strobel said made the paper "look more professional."

English teacher and Rebellion advisor Lance Melching said it was very fulfilling to see the students recognized publicly for their work.
The school yearbook was also recognized with a second place finish for use of graphics. According to the KHSJA website, 94 schools belong to the KHSJA for the 201-2012 school year.
Anyone interested in purchasing a copy of "The Rebellion" or advertising in a future issue should contact the paper at

Summary of Awards: 2nd Place - General Excellence (Newspaper) - Boone County High School 1st Place - Page One Design - Derek Kohlman & Harrison Hall 1st Place - Overall Newspaper Design - Charli Lootens & the Spring 2012 Staff 1st Place - Illustrations/Graphics - Chase Huddleston 2nd Place - Single Page Layout - Brendan Hamilton & Steven Cain 3rd Place - Newswriting - Jessica Duran 3rd Place -Page One Design - Jessica Duran 2nd Place - Use of Graphics (Yearbook) - Boone County High School
BCHS Newspaper staff
Goodridge Elementary Wax Museum brings history to life
Goodridge fourth grade students had a major assignment this spring. Students had to take on the persona of a famous historical figure in the Goodridge living wax museum! This fun, yet challenging project took about six weeks to complete.  Students completed a written biography report, an informative poster, and had to memorize one minute monologues for the wax museum performance.

Other classes from Goodridge Elementary enjoyed viewing the performances in both the gym and cafeteria. Once the performers button was pushed, the spectators heard a one minute account of that person's life and historical significance. Some examples of the famous people that students studied are Abraham Lincoln, The Wright Brothers, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and Martin Luther King.

When asked what her favorite part of the wax museum assignment was, Makayla Rolcik, the fourth grader pictured here, said, "It was awesome to learn about famous heroes from our past and wearing a beard was pretty funny too!"
Wax Museum


Boone County Schools Energy Manager recognized
Cathy Reed
Congratulations to Cathy Reed, Energy Manager for Boone County Schools systems.  Cathy was among 37 school staff honored recently for their part in a two-year project that will reduce Kentucky's school energy costs by nearly $13 million by the end of the school year.  She received a certificate of commendation from officials of Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA), the Beshear administration and Education Commissioner Terry Holliday during a ceremony in Lexington.



 Boone County Schools District Mission Statement

Representing and in partnership with our stakeholders, the Boone County School District recognizes that all children can learn and dedicates itself to providing a challenging educational environment that allows each student to achieve to his or her highest potential as a learner and citizen.