Important Dates
Ryle Drama - "Anything Goes!" May 3rd - 5th 7:30 PM $5 for students $8 for adults Ockerman Middle Spring Musical - Fiddler on the Roof May 10th - 14th 7:30 PM Awards Nights: Cooper High School- May 15 @ 7:00 p.m. Conner High School - May 16 @ 7:00 p.m. Boone High School - May 14 @ 7:00 p.m. Ryle High School - May 16 @ 7:00 p.m. Graduation: Boone High School - May 19 @ 1:00 p.m. Conner High School -- May 20 @ 2:00 p.m. Ryle High School - May 19 @ 10:00 a.m. Cooper High School - May 18 @ 7:00 p.m. |
Bullying Hotline
SafeSchools Alert is an online incident reporting and management system that lets you receive valuable tips from students, staff, and parents on bullying, harassment, or any threat to your school's safety, 4 convenient ways: Phone, Text, Email, Website. Every tip is immediately logged and routed to administrators who can investigate and track issues to resolution using a state-of-the art management system. |

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Good Things ARE Happening!
- Ockerman Middle School's jazz band competed in the Kings Island Music Festival this weekend (4/28) & earned several honors. Top Overall Instrumental Ensemble, 1st Place - Class AA, Superior Rating, Best Brass Section, Best Saxophone Section, Best Rhythm Section, Outstanding Trumpet Soloist - Alex Strawn, Outstanding Saxophone soloist - Elizabeth Pulsifer
- The Ryle Drama club presents "Anything Goes"! May 3rd through May 5th at 7:30 p.m. in the Ryle auditorium. Tickets are $5 for students and $8 for adults.
- Make plans now to attend the OMS Spring Musical, Fiddler on the Roof. The show opens at 7:30 PM on Thursday, May 10 and runs through Monday, May 14.
Click here for details - North Pointe Students are State Level PTA Winners for Reflections and Self Esteem. Congratulations to the following students who won awards Lindsey Davis, Anna Impellitteri, Michael Morelli, Michael Thackery, Demi Watson.Their entries were chosen as some of the best in the state from many entries. These students will be honored at an awards ceremony in Lexington in May. Congratulations!
- Congratulatins to Boone County High School Bowling team for their outstanding accomplishments this year. Boone County High School Boys were Region 6 Champions and the Girls were Region 6 Runner-ups
Cory Black is Region 6 Boys Champion Shannon Ramey is Region 6 Girls Champion Brad Hightchew was 4th best Overall in the State of KY and was also named one of the Enquirer Bowlers of the Year! Coach Bruce Hightchew was named one of the Enquirer Coaches of the Year!
Boone County Schools
receives PEAK Award
Boone County Schools have received the Public Education Achieves in Kentucky (PEAK) Award from the Kentucky School Board Association. The focus of Boone County's award winning program, Response to Intervention program (RTi), is to keep students in regular instruction while addressing their reading, and now math, deficits with scientifically based instruction and interventions matched to students' needs. Students are monitored weekly for progress using data to make instruction decisions.
KSBA created the PEAK Award in in 1997 to focus statewide attention on outstanding public school efforts aimed specifically at enhancing student learning skills and, in doing so, promoting the positive impact of public elementary and secondary education in Kentucky.
Yesterday, Bill Scott, Executive Director of KSBA and Tom Blankenship, President of KSBA Board of Directors, visited Ockerman Elementary to observe an advisory team meeting for RTi interventions.
Boone County Schools will be invited to lead a clinic at the next KSBA annual conference. KSBA also will endorse our RTi program for clinic presentations at future annual conferences of National School Board Association.
Superintendent Randy Poe, Alissa Ayres, TW Loring, Kathy Reutman, Karen Cheser, Boone County Schools Board of Education Chair, Ken Cook, Bill Scott, Ed Massey and Tom Blankenship |
Boone County Schools District Mission Statement
Representing and in partnership with our stakeholders, the Boone County School District recognizes that all children can learn and dedicates itself to providing a challenging educational environment that allows each student to achieve to his or her highest potential as a learner and citizen. |