Boone County Schools

April 16, 2012

In This Issue
Good Things ARE Happening!
Magna Awards
Energy Star Schools
Conner Middle Symphonic Band
Important Dates

Boone County Schools

Art Show

April 17th - 22nd, 2012

Boone County Public Library - Main Branch

Artist Reception: Firday, April 20th - 5-7 PM


Ryle High School Greenhouse Sale 

April 21, 2012

9 AM - 1 PM

Ryle High School

10379 US 42, Union



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Good Things ARE Happening!
  • Congratulations to the following counselors who have been recognized by the Northern Kentucky Counseling Association: Rebecca Burton from Conner Middle School - NKY Counselor of the Year; Terri Maile from Yealey Elementary School - Lifetime Achievement Award; Jimmy Jackson from Erpenbeck Elementary - NKCA Scholarship Winner
  • The Conner Art Department teamed up with the ATC and painted a mural in the ATC building. The students who painted are:Stephanie Broome, Chad Munday, Haley Keslar, Bethany Noll, and Lauren Cleek. Their teacher is Emily Laun. 


  • Cody Stephens a junior at Ryle received 2nd place at the State Skills USA competition in Diesel Equipment Technology and received an $8,000 scholarship for college. Donald Ballinger a senior at Boone placed 1st at the State Skills USA competition in Sheet Metal. Tim Miller a senior at Cooper received 2nd place at the State Skills USA competition in Sheet Metal. All three will have the opportunity to compete at Nationals in Kansas City
Boone County Schools Earn First Place Honors in 2012 Magna Awards
Boone County Schools have been selected as a first place winner in the American School Board Journal's (ASBJ) 18th annual Magna Awards program.
Boone County Schools were honored in the 5,000 to 20,000 enrollment category. Concerned that the percentage of overweight and obese students was rising, the district launched Boone 4 Health, a student-led initiative that encourages people of all ages to become healthier. More than 200 community members participated in the kick-off event. The baseline fitness screening included push-ups, sit-ups, and a quarter mile run/walk. School Based Decision Making Councils are refining or creating wellness policies and food services staff members are revising their menus. Boone County students are dedicated to their efforts to model and publicize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
The Magna Awards recognize districts across the country for outstanding programs that advance student learning and encourage community involvement in schools. The Magna Awards are supported by Sodexo School Services. Each of the grand prize-winning school districts will receive $4,000 in scholarship money during a special presentation at the National School Boards Association's (NSBA) Annual Conference, to be held April 21-23 in Boston.
"The Magna Awards exemplifies strong school board leadership, creativity, and commitment to student achievement in public education," said Anne L. Bryant, ASBJ's Publisher and Executive Director of NSBA. "This year's Magna Awards recipients truly showcase the best practices and innovative school programs that are advancing student success."
ASBJ initiated the Magna Awards in 1995 to recognize school boards for taking bold and innovative steps to improve their educational programs. An independent panel of school board members, administrators, and other educators selected the winners from 300 submissions. This year's nominations came from 44 states.
In addition to the ASBJ supplement, the district's winning entry will be posted on the Magna Awards website and added to the program's searchable best practices database. Both can be found at
Two Boone County Schools receive Energy Star Award

Congratulations to both Florence Elementary and Longbranch Elementary for receiving the Energy Star Award.  The EPA works with schools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through strategic energy management practices. To qualify for the ENERGY STAR, a building must earn a 75 or higher on EPA's 1-100 energy performance scale, indicating that the facility performs better than at least 75% of similar buildings nationwide.  An ENERGY STAR certified facility meets strict energy performance standards set by EPA and uses less energy, is less expensive to operate, and causes fewer greenhouse gas emissions than its peers.
Conner Middle Symphonic Band
takes top honors
The Conner Middle School Symphonic Band was invited to perform at the 2012 Music for All National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis, IN.   The group was one of three from the United States invited to play at this prestigious event!  Congratulations to Jim Daughters, conductor and all of the students who participated.  You can watch some of their stellar performances by clicking on the links below.
Click here to watch "Fanfare and Flourishes" by James Curnow
Click here to watch "That's a Plenty" featuring former CMS students Jas Lidyard, Justin Croushore, Aaron Buede and CMS band staff Chris Hedges and Tim Kennedy
Click here to view "Rikudim" by Jan Van der Roost
Click here to view "Café 512" by Ryan George

 Boone County Schools District Mission Statement

Representing and in partnership with our stakeholders, the Boone County School District recognizes that all children can learn and dedicates itself to providing a challenging educational environment that allows each student to achieve to his or her highest potential as a learner and citizen.