Important Dates
Beginning in March -Kindergarten Registration
March 5th - 30th
Terry Johnson Art Show
Terry is a retired art teacher from Boone County High
March 17th St. Patrick's Day Superintendent's Student Advisory Council 1st Annual 5K "Run for the Gold" England/Idlewild Park 9 a.m. More details to follow
March 17th
Ockerman Middle School Spring Craft Fair
9am - 4pm: This is a fundraiser for Chad Everett and the Everett Family; all proceeds will go directly to his family to assist with medical bills.
March 23rd and 24th
CEMS Drama Club Proudly Presents: G2K Getting To Know Oklahoma! 7:30 pm on March 23rd
2:30 pm and 7:30 pm March 24th
Cooper High Auditorium Tickets are $5.00 apiece and available at the door |
Bullying Hotline
1-866-Live-Tip (1-866-548-3847) extension 193 |

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Good Things ARE Happening!
- Congratulations to Sydney Watts of Conner High School who has been awarded a $2500 national scholarship from the National Achievement Scholarship Program that recognizes top African American students nationally.
- Congratulations to Ryle Varsity Cheerleaders! 1st Place - Place U.C.A. Regionals, 1st Place KAPOS Regionals, 1st Place NKCCA, 4th Place KAPOS State, 9th Place U.C.A. Nationals. Ryle J.V. Cheerleaders - 1st Place U.C.A. Regionals, 1st Place NKCCA
- Logan Weinfurtner, a seventh grader at Camp Ernst Middle School, qualified to represent CEMS in the State Geography Bee at Western KY University on March 30th.
- Conner Middle School has been very busy thinking of others. The science team led the school through a penny war during their water cycle units to raise money for a water well in Africa. They raised over $3500. Also, the 6th annual Cancer Walk raised $19,000 for the American Cancer Society. Way to go CMS!
Conner High School Latin
students continue to excel!
In February many of Conner High School Latin students attended the Kentucky Junior Classical League's Latin Convention. This was the 2nd largest convention to date - a total of 402 students from all over the state! Students participated in a host of competitions and contests, both academic and artistic and attended seminars on ancient culture. Students scored in the top ten in 7 out of the 7 academic tests and placed in the top three for the creative and artistic contests! The Latin students are led by Jarrod W. T. Lux.
Congratulations to the following students:
Edgar Correa, Krissy Darby, Alexandria Emmett, Pierce Gootee, Will Henry, Nate Jensen, Rachel Jensen, Noah Lahman, Tyler Monell, Spencer Murray, Paxson Panganiban, Kyle Patrick, Ben Ryan, Sami Schmitt, Katlyn Vickers, Chas Wolfe, Will Henry and Danielle Browning |
Boone County Students Represented on State-Level Student Advisory council
Last Tuesday Dr. Terry Holiday, Commissioner of Education, met with students at the first meeting of the Next-Generation Student Council. The council is comprised of 11 high school students from across the state, including Logan VanWay, sophomore from Boone County High School. The group discussed a range of issues with Commissioner Holiday including dual-credit courses, end-of-course exams, raising the compulsory age of attendance and school technology. Commissioner Holiday said, "This is a very important group, because they represent the ultimate goals of our educational efforts."
Operation Preparation -
Volunteers Needed
Boone County Schools is committed to ensuring our students have the 21st-century skills necessary to be college/career ready - the foundation for success in life. But we need your help. Advising is one of several key strategies we are using to reach this goal.
The Kentucky Department of Education and the Department of Workforce Development have set aside the week of March 12-16, 2012, for Operation Preparation - a community-based advising initiative. During Operation Preparation, trained volunteer community advisors will meet one-on-one with 8th-and 10th-grade students in a public setting at school. Using Individual Learning Plan (ILP) advisors will talk with the student about their career aspirations and required education/training; whether the student is on target to meet their goals; and whether the student is taking the courses recommended to prepare them for their future.
Events will take place during the week of March 12th in our schools. For more information about Operation Preparation please click here or contact Sandy Holtzapfel at or 859-282-4678. |
Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership Applications
Please see the attached invitation to apply for the Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership (CIPL) and be sure to check the following link for additional information . Several parents from Boone County Schools have participated in CIPL over the past 6 years and the results were measurable and impactful for our students. We would be happy to discuss CIPL with you and write letters of recommendation if you are interested. Please email Becki Bagley at |
Boone County Schools District Mission Statement
Representing and in partnership with our stakeholders, the Boone County School District recognizes that all children can learn and dedicates itself to providing a challenging educational environment that allows each student to achieve to his or her highest potential as a learner and citizen. |