Boone County Schools

February 20, 2012

In This Issue
Good Things ARE Happening!
Leadership Institute for School Principals
Important Dates

February 21, at 9 AM and again at 7 PM.  Districtwide Parent Advisory Meeting at the District Office 

February 24 - Preschool Screening, 9-4 PM, Ralph Rush Professional Development Center  

Beginning in March -Kindergarten Registration 

March 17th                              St. Patrick's Day Superintendent's Student Advisory Council
1st Annual 5K                        "Run for the Gold"
England/Idlewild Park
9 a.m.

More details to follow


Where are they now?
University of Louisville junior Erin Sheehy has received an English-Speaking Union Scholarship to study during the summer at University of Cambridge in England. Erin is a 2009 graduate from Ryle High School.
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Good Things ARE Happening! 
  • Congratulations to R.A. Jones Middle School students, Selena Vargas and Rita Ackah, they have both qualified as state finalists in the Student Technology Leadership Program Championship in the winter product category.  
  • Congratulations to Diesel technology students at the Boone County Area Technology Center who took home the first and second places at the SkillsUSA regional competition.  Cooper High School senior Will Vance was the overall winner. Ryle High School junior Cody Stephens took second.
  • Preschool and Kindergarten students at Kelly Elementary School in Boone County enjoyed the story about "Little Red", told to them by Mr. Taylor. Mr. Taylor is a retired police officer and the grandfather of Josh, a preschool student at Kelly Elementary. His story taught the students about "stranger safety".

Kelly Preschoolers

Leadership Institute for
School Principals
Erika BowlesThe job of a school principal is a very big one; they are responsible for everything that happens in his or her building. But principals' most important work is making sure students achieve and are given the best foundation for success later in life.  A principal must ensure teachers and other team members in a school building are all focused on the same goal.  Research has shown that effective leaders have a positive impact on student and school performance.
Erika Bowles, from Longbranch Elementary was one of 47 principals who were chosen to represent the first two cadres of Kentucky principals in the Leadership Institute for School Principals through the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. 
The Leadership Institute for School Principals provides training to help Kentucky principals:
  • Build a high-performance culture
  • Influence others to ensure student success
  • Explore how knowledge of individual strengths and developmental needs can produce positive outcomes for students, schools and communities
  • Practice new behaviors for positive results
Ms. Bowles graduated from the program on February 2nd, 2012.  She says the experience "feels like I won the lottery, I know more about myself as a leader than I ever imagined." 
Congratulations Ms. Bowles!

 Boone County Schools District Mission Statement

Representing and in partnership with our stakeholders, the Boone County School District recognizes that all children can learn and dedicates itself to providing a challenging educational environment that allows each student to achieve to his or her highest potential as a learner and citizen.