Shulamith School for Girls of Brooklyn
Erev Succot Newsletter

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Chag Sameach!

Birkat Kohanim at the Kotel
Dear Shulamith Family,

I wish you all a wonderful and inspiring זמן שמחתינו!  Although we've only had a few days to prepare for the Yom Tov of Succot, so much has been happening here at Shulamith School.  The Morot are busy preparing the girls by reviewing the dinim and minhagim of the Chag.

We thank Mr. Gideon Gur-Arie (see photo below) for constructing a most artistically beautiful 12 Shevatim Succa on our front lawn at Shulamith.  It was most insipiring seeing him build the succa with so much enthusiasm and skill.  The girls got to see the succa at recess and, BE"H, our 8th Graders will have the opportunity to use the succa during the Simchat Beit Hashoava on Chol Hamoed (Mon the 17th).  We thank Mr. Gur-Arie as well as the Yavne Minyan and their Mora D'Atra, Rabbi Sokol, for the use of this magnificent Succa.  And we thank Mrs. Shoshannah Brombacher (a professional artist) who recently painted the Succa (see photo below).
Gideon Gur-Arie & His Succa
Succa--Shoshannah Brombacher--Artist
On Monday, we had a wonderful celebration as Mr. Joseph Bergida (father of Rochelle, grade 7, and a professional photographer) took a beautiful photo of the entire school Nursery through 12th grade!!  The photo was taken in front of our building, reminiscent of the photo taken in the same location several decades ago.  We are very thankful to Mr. Bergida.  BE"H, we will share this photo in a few weeks.
Mr. Joseph Bergida & Rochelle 
On Tuesday, we are having Erev Yom Tov Assemblies.  The older students will see videos that teach the Halachot of the Arbaat Haminim (Israel Live online)  and the younger students will sing along at assembly, hear a story and simulate Hadlakat Nerot and Kiddush.
I will mention a beautiful Shem MiShmuel to the Girls... As we know, the halacha tells us that the minimum number of walls for a succa is two plus a tefach (with a "צורת הפתח").  If you think about the shape that this creates, says the Shem Mishmuel, it is the same as the palm of our hand, with the thumb.  This is symbolic of the pasuk in Shir Hashirim--"וימינו תחבקני" and His (G-d's) right hand embraces me.  At this time in our history, we at Shulamith School truly feel that the רבונו של עולם is embracing us and setting us on the right path to a bright future for our girls!!
!חג שמח 
Rabbi Shmuel Klammer

Last week, Mrs. Fleisher, Mrs. Goldberg and I (Rabbi Klammer) began to publicize to the children four basic rules of Derech Eretz in our school.  We invited the girls to give us feedback and suggestions:

Procedures for

Derech Eretz for Hallways and Classrooms

  1. Hold the door open for adults
  2. Walk on the right side of the staircase
  3. Stand up for grownups when they walk into the room
  4. Don't interrupt someone while they are speaking
Happy in the Halls  
Make Sure to Check Out Our Website:

8th Grade--Simchat Beit Hashoava!!

Our 8th Grade is Invited!!

To a 

שמחת בית השואבה

Also called:יבנה ביבנה  

When: Mon. Night, Oct. 17th, Chol Hamoed Succot

Time: 8-930pm

Place: Yavne Minyan 12 Shevatim Succa at Shulamith School (on our main lawn)

We look forward to seeing our 8th grade girls there!

!חג שמח
Visit to Ateret Avot
Last Week Morah Fine Took Our Fifth Graders to Ateret Avot.  Here are a couple of photos from this wonderful mitzva:

Uncle Moishe Concert at Shulamith

Date:  Sunday, Oct. 16th 

Showtimes: 1230, 2:30, & 4pm

Uncle Moishe

Recycling Plastic Bottles
We are proud to announce that we are now recyling plastic bottles at Shulamith School.  The proceeds from the bottle collection are being used to support our school.  We thank Mrs. Leslie Berger and Mrs.Sarah Sabo for spear-heading this project.  The recylcing recepticle is located at the main entrance to the building.

Mrs. Berger Recycles!
Support Shulamith School!
Bring in your plastic bottles today!
Recycle Plastic Bottles/ Support Shulamith!

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About the Yavneh succa...



This is a heart warming story about a man, a community, and a sukkah. The man is Gideon Gur-Arie. The community is the Yavneh Minyan of Flatbush. The sukkah... well... the sukkah is a wonderfully unique structure that was conceived and built with love and care.

 Born and raised in Israel, Mr. Gur-Arie moved to Flatbush in 2006 after living in Los Angeles for 40 years. The Yavneh Minyan of Flatbush became his makom tefilla and kehilla.  A jovial and engaging gentleman, he has endeared himself to the Yavneh community. He has repeatedly preserved the wellbeing and comfort of minyan members by donating his expertise as an electrician.  Whether it's to repair the aged and lumbering shul air conditioner, to make sure a circuit is safe, or to help individual minyan members, Gideon has been there. He states he was drawn to the Yavneh minyan because it exemplified for him the middos of Hachnosos Orchim and of V'Ahavta L'Reacha Kamocha, thus, the desire to give back so much.

 But, this year, Mr. Gur-Arie went well beyond the call of 'chesed' duty.  He spent countless hours throughout the course of the year and used his own resources to design and build "The Sukkah of the Twelve Tribes", also fondly known to Yavneh Minyan members as "Gideon's Sukkah."  What's so special about this sukkah?  What inspired its construction?

 "The Sukkah of the Twelve Tribes" stemmed from Gideon's desire to have as many shul members as possible, young and old, comfortably fit into the sukkah, as well as a further desire to make the sukkah wheelchair accessible for this writer and any other wheelchair users.  He wanted the sukkah to be unique in design and invulnerable to the wind.  So he conceived of an ideal shape, a dodecagon: a 12 sided figure, corresponding to the 12 tribes of Am Yisrael.  Mr. Gur-Arie surmised that a structure with twelve 5-foot wide walls that approximates a circle would maximize usable space and be strong enough to withstand the wind. Why, Gideon, ever mindful of the safety of others even installed a lightning rod to divert chance lightning bolts into the ground.

  The sukkah has an artful geometric design. The vertex of any two walls is always a perfect twenty feet from the vertex joining the opposite two walls no matter where around the sukkah one happens to be located. It seats 44 people comfortably with a standing room of 60.  It is a firm painstakingly thought-out, self-reinforcing and beautiful structure. Wind gusts from storms merely swerved around the sturdy circumference-like perimeter of the sukkah.  One wall serves as an entrance.  It was sized perfectly for entry for wheelchairs of any size!  Mr. Gur-Arie beveled and placed 2 planks of wood on either side of the ground level supporting pipe to allow a wheelchair user to easily and smoothly roll right into the sukkah.


While Mr. Gur-Arie served as chief architect and builder, several minyan members volunteered their time and their labor to help construct Gideon's vision. The artwork of Shoshana Brombacher, a Yavneh Minyan shul member and well known artist in the Jewish community (http://www.absolutearts.com/shoshannah/), adorned the sukkah.  The artwork contained the 7 Ushpizin, the 7 distinguished guests from the Tenach who we invite on the 7 nights of Succos!

 "I had the greatest pleasure when the children of the shul flowed into the sukkah to hear Kiddush, and when I had a chance to proudly wheel you [this writer] on a tour of the sukkah," Mr. Gur-Arie declared. "A young girl walked over to me and asked if I could build a sukkah for her!"

 Thank you Mr. Gur-Arie for building a sukkah that accommodates the space and safety needs of the many and the wheelchair access needs of the few.  May we all learn from his sensitivity, awareness, and initiative so that we can invite Jews of every shape, size, and color into our sukkahs.

 Sharon Shapiro-Lacks


Executive Director of Yad HaChazakah -The Jewish Disability Empowerment Center, Inc. (212-284-6936, www.yad-jdec.org) and member of the Yavneh Minyan of Flatbush (www.yavnehminyan.org) 

Video Link to Gilad Shalit Atzeret Tefilla 
As we wrote to you in our previous newsletter, Shulamith School was Zoche to participate, along with over 100 Schools in an Azeret Tefilla for Gilad Shalit on Erev Erev Yom Kippur.  Please click here to view the video from that event:
Gilad Shalit
May Hashem save Gilad ben Aviva, Bimhara Viyamaynu! 

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Shulamith School of Brooklyn!

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