CWCA RETREAT - PLEASE SEE CORRECTED PHONE NUMBER! CWCA is planning a "retreat" (fun week-end) in Two Rivers, WI. We need to know what dates may be convenient for you. There is an Inn or hotel up there as well as Margaret Lutze has a summer home. Here are a couple of dates, July 23 -25, July 30 - Aug. 1, Aug. 6 - 8, or in Sept. Call Dale Osterle for details, 815-751-7647.
NEXT MEETING Tuesday, June 22, 7:00 p.m. We decided to meet every 4th Tuesday unless there is a change. The next meeting is at Laura Cerf-Dahl's house, 3009 W. Sherwin, Chicago. She is approximately 1 or 2 streets north of Touhy (7200 North) and about 2 blocks west of California Ave. (2800 west).
SUMMER BOARD MEETING travel assistance If
you are interested in attending and would like to accompany Dale
Osterle (president of CWCA for 8 years) and assist her with her
wheelchair, she is offering to pay your airfare. If interested please
call Dale at 815-751-7647.
SAN FRANCISCO - City by the Bay for the National WCA board meeting and the Pacific Region Eco Arts Conference June 23 - 27, 2010.
NATIONAL needs to have a head count and contact information for all who are attending the WCA events. Please email the following information by Monday June 14.
1. Your name
2. Cell phone number
3. Arrival date and information
4. Departure date and information
5. Hotel
6. Indicate what events you are attending:
________ Thursday - Bus Tour,
________ Friday - Eco-Art Conference,
________ Saturday - Executive Board Meeting,
________ Saturday - Chapter Rep/VP meeting
________ Sunday - Board meeting
Art Dates, News & Resources
WCA mission statement
WCA Mission Statement:
Statement of Purpose long version The mission of the Women's Caucus for Art is to create a community through art, education, and social activism. short version The mission of WCA is to create community through art, education, and social activism.
We are committed to: - recognizing the contributions of women in the arts - providing women with leadership opportunities and professional development - expanding networking and exhibition opportunities for women - supporting local, national, and global art activism advocating for equity in the arts for all
Please visit the CWCA blogs for more information. To do so you can use the links to the left or below to get the latest posts and more info: The CWCA member blog has the latest posts on member info, exhibits and other information. The CWCA calls blog has information on calls for exhibit and other opportunities.
To post to one of the blogs email to the name of the event and details along with a photo if available. Please state in your email "To Post on Blog".