Reis Ranch
Reis Ranch Newsletter
in this issue
November 2010 4 Week Clinic at Reis Ranch
Join the "No Dust Club" Today
Ambassador Program
Host Hotels for Oklahoma
Book Your Airfare Now!
2 Day Hands-On Clinics with Dennis Reis
Don't Miss Us On RFD-TV

To the Friends of Reis Ranch,


Hi All,

WE had a great time in Cloverdale, Indiana this past weekend! Our host Steve

took great care of us, treating us to a homemade Italian dinner (his girlfriend is a master chef!!) the Cross Roads arena is a beautiful facility and we look forward to coming back next year. Dennis and I took a day off and headed to Indianapolis

with our dog Hondo. Hondo was in dire need of a bath and haircut. So while Hondo was at the spa..... we went to the movies - gorged on popcorn and soda then headed back with a very "fufu" doggie who seemed quite pleased to shed himself of all the hair!!!




  Check out the colt start standings at Warrick Bergroth and Dennis were neck & neck all weekend. They both a had exciting horses that came a long way over the two days. Warrick came out first overall!

Come join us weekend for our No Dust Tour 2010 Colt Starting Challenge.  

Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, PA

September 10-11-12    10 am to 5pm daily




Hey - all of you No Dust Club members - take advantage of the new member discounts available when you sign up for a Reis Ranch Clinic -

NO Dust Club Members can sign up for 1 week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks and receive 25% off.    50% off for No Dust Club Members when two people sign up for 4 consecutive weeks.

Dennis Reis Presents: The Reis Ranch School of Universal Horsemanship Levels Program

This clinic is a Universal Horsemanship Levels program, meaning you will move through the Mentor Series Home Study Freedom Course 1, Awareness Course 2, Movement Course 3, and the Horseman's Course 4 all at your own pace. Dennis will instruct each student at their current course level. Students will progress into the new course levels at their own pace, and returning students will enjoy a � price discount on their continuing education when they sign up for 4 consecutive weeks.

You may sign up for 1 to 4 weeks but may not enter into the class schedule in the middle of any session. Everyone starts together on November 6th and may continue for as long as they like.

Dates :November 6th through November 29th: 1 Week to 4 Week Educational Sessions. These are 4 day weeks. Class days are Friday- Saturday- Sunday - Monday

                                                                     With Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday off.

Week one - November 6-7-8-9      (please note the first session starts on Saturday)

Week Two - November 12-13-14-15

Week Three - November 19-20-21-22

Week Four - November 26-27-28-29

Deposit Requirements: A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your space.

Board Includes: Stall -or Pen Feed twice a day - Shavings - cleaned

Lodging- Call for available lodging

Prerequisites: You must own all four of the Mentor Series Home Study Courses.

You must be able to trot on your horse. No Stud horses allowed.


Check out the details below and call me right away to reserve your space! This is a one of a kind opportunity! Bring your family member or bring a friend and enjoy together an incredibly fun and educational experience at Reis Ranch!  Reis Ranch is amidst the beautiful wine country of the Sonoma / Napa Valleys. Wineries can be found in any direction.  San Francisco is a short, easy 1 hour drive south on Hwy 101. The beautiful giant redwoods are just 20 minutes north. The scenic north coast beaches are just 30 minutes west. Come join us! Enrollments now open for November 2010. Call for details or to reserve your space.  800-732-8220

Join The "No Dust Club" Today!

$20/ Month or $200/ year and receive 25% off your

Mentor Series Home Study Courses and FREE financing!

Dennis Reis No Dust Tour Ambassador Program: 


Choose what level suits your passion and time schedule for 2011!

State Ambassador  *  City Ambassador  *  Online Ambassador

To learn more about our Nationwide ambassador program & how to earn store credit

just go to:



We have 2 host hotels for our event in Oklahoma. Both hotels are within 1 mile of the event center. Book your rooms now to receive the special Dennis Reis Event rate. To receive the special rate you must call to make your reservation and ask for the "Dennis Reis Event rate". You will not get the rate if you book your room online.

Super 8 -  $59.00 per nightfor 2 adults - 17 and under free

Room includes: Breakfast - 1 king or 2 queens, microwave, fridge, coffee pot, hair dryer. Contact person Dasha - 918-341-2323 -1100 East Will Rogers, Claremore, Ok

Comfort Inn - $65.00 per night(they charge by the room not people - so same price for 1 or more)

Room includes: Breakfast - 1 king or 2 queens, microwave, fridge, coffee pot, wireless internet. Contact person - Joel - 918-343-3297 -1720 South Lynn Riggs Blvd, Claremore, OK

BOOK YOUR AIRFARE NOW! October 29- 30-31 2010 


and join our year end finals in Claremore Expo Center, Claremore, OK

Friday 10/29  - 10am to 5 pm - Universal Horsemanship Mounted and Mounted Refined Competition.

Saturday 10/30 - 10am to 5pm  - Universal Horsemanship Ground School competition.  Fun - Exciting demonstrations by Dennis & Deborah Reis

Round 1 - Of the Universal Horsemanship Colt Starting Competition.

Saturday 6pm - Deborah's Birthday Party & No Dust BBQ -music & prizes!

( BBQ $15.00 please pre-pay so we will have a head count)

Sunday 10/31 - 10am to 5pm ­ - Universal Horsemanship Round Pen competition

Round 2 & Round 3 Of the Universal Horsemanship Colt Starting Competition

And Buckle Award Ceremony!

To RSVP for Deborah's Birthday Bash and BBQ

Or Call Cathy @ 800-732-8220 with Credit card information


Dennis Reis Universal Horsemanship No Dust Tour 2010 Horsemanship World Finals ands Dennis Reis Universal Horsemanship No Dust Tour 2010 Colt Starting World Finals. We will be handing out beautiful custom buckles for 3 title championships.  From course 1 to Course 4 - any level in our system can win the world title!! The top ten students of our Mentor Series Home Study program will qualify to come to Oklahoma. There will be 2 buckles awarded:

Buckle No. 1: Dennis Reis Universal Horsemanship No Dust Tour 2010 Horsemanship World Champion - will be awarded to the student with the most points earned this year including points earned that weekend in Claremore.

Buckle No. 2: Dennis Reis Universal Horsemanship No Dust Tour 2010 Horsemanship World Finals Champion - The top ten student  points will start at zero for the Claremore challenge and this buckle  will be awarded to the student that wins the challenge held in Claremore.

The top three Colt Starting Horseman will qualify to come to Oklahoma and one buckle will be awarded. Dennis will be competing along with the other three horsemen; however his points will not count towards the World Finals Championship Title and buckle

Buckle No. 3: Dennis Reis Universal Horsemanship No Dust Tour 2010 Colt Starting World Finals Champion - will be awarded to the Colt Starting Horseman

that wins the competition in Claremore, OK



It can happen as Dennis Reis Presents:


No Dust Club Members will have their horses started for FREE! Non-members pay $200.00 Submit your horse today- for the World Colt Starting Challenge we need horses for all tour stops!     Click here:



Club Members receive a 25% discount off clinic prices.

 Not a Member ? We have a fantastic huge savings for you too!

Would you like to ride with Dennis Reis?  Well now you can!

Following all of the 3 day (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) "No Dust Tour" stops there will be a 2 day hands-on clinic with Dennis on Monday & Tuesday. Bring your horse and spend two full days immersed in universal Horsemanship! Dennis will work with you and your horse at your own pace and skill level.

This is a unique opportunity to advance your skills in the Mentor Series Home Study program.  We have a special offer for those of you that have yet to purchase the Mentor Series Home Study Courses.

v  Want to audit a 2 day clinic? Become a No Dust Club member and you can come watch the hands-on clinic for FREE! or pay $25.00 per person per day to audit.     Call for information 800-732-8220

DON'T MISS US ON RFD TV - Mondays and Sundays


What' on & when?

Sunday 9/12/10 10am pacific

No Dust World Colt Starting Challenge -Lincoln, Nebraska

Part 1 of 3 part series: Round 1 - Competing in round pen, ground school, mounted & mounted refined. Dennis Reis, Warrick Bergroth and very proud to introduce our first Horsewomen- Amity Bruns.

Monday 9/13/10 9am & 7pm pacific & Sunday 9/19 10am pacific

No Dust World Colt Starting Challenge -Lincoln, Nebraska

Part 2 of 3 part series: Round 2 - Competing in round pen, ground school, mounted & mounted refined. Dennis Reis, Warrick Bergroth and very proud to introduce our first Horsewomen- Amity Bruns.


Enjoying the Journey & keepin' the dust down,

Deborah & Dennis  

Small, Beau & Atreyu

  And Hondo too! Find us on Facebook
Contact Information
phone: (800)732-8220
Join Our Mailing List