Wind and Water Feng Shui       October 2009
Feng Shui Tip of the Month
Are the windows  in your home and office in good working order?   Windows represent the voice of the child in Feng Shui, so repair any that are broken or stuck.   Open windows from time to time to give your children (and the child within you) a connection to the world outside.


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Great is the man who has not lost his childlike heart
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        Children and Creativity    
In Feng Shui, the area of the home and business that represents Children and Creativity (Tui) is located in the center right quadrant of a building from the front entrance.  Not only does this sector represent our biological children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and step-children, it relates to all our creative projects, future plans and the ideas we give birth to.  In business, this is where the innovators of the company and those responsible for raising new financing belong.  Since this is the area of the bagua associated with the mouth, personal and professional communications are affected by this space as well.  It is where we give expression to our creative intuition.
Seasonally, the Children and Creativity area is symbolized by autumn, the season of the harvest and completion. After the energetic yang summer season, we gather the fruits of our labor and transition inward to a more yin, thoughtful environment.  This is a good time to complete those projects started earlier and tend to any unfinished business.  
Finally, the Children and Creativity area represents our ability to find joy and pleasure in our lives.  This is a good place for colorful pictures and images of youth and whimsy.  Visit this sector of your home and office and examine how often you set aside work and adult responsibilities to honor your inner child.  Remember to take time in your busy world to play, for this is the noble work of children.   
with pleasure and joy - our ability to fild that lies within u Oct we are reminded to take time away from our work and to play, which is the nhildren.   
Wishing you good ch'i,
Diane Gallin                                 Forward this email to a Friend
 Are you Buying, Selling, Moving or Renovating?
This is a perfect time to incorporate Feng Shui principles into your plans.  Whether identifying the right home or office for your needs, selling your property, or enhancing your new surroundings, Feng Shui can help!     

  Upcoming Lectures and Workshops

Saturday, October 10, 2009
11am - 12 noon
Feng Shui - The Chinese Art of Placement
Free lecture and discussion on landscape and design details
Palm Harbor Library
2330 Nebraska Ave, Palm Harbor, FL
(727) 784-3332 

Friday, November 20, 2009
6pm - 8pm
Feng Shui Workshop - Creating Peaceful and Prosperous Spaces
$30 per person ~ a light vegetarian meal will be provided following the workshop 
Yoga Shakti ~ Center for Wellness
2625 Keystone Road, Tarpon Springs, FL 
(727) 937-4744  
Saturday, November 21, 2009
St. Petersburg College Gibbs Campus Library  
10:30am - 12:30pm
Feng Shui for the Holidays!
Free lecture on holiday preparations and the winter season
6605 5th Avenue N, St. Petersburg, FL
Just west of Eagle Lake
Diane Gallin, CFSC
Wind and Water Feng Shui Consulting  
 International Feng Shui Guild
Red Ribbon Professional   
Residential and Commercial Feng Shui Consultations
                                 Lectures, Workshops, Healthy Building, Chinese Astrology
                                     Telephone:  727-459-1459