Upcoming Dates
April 23 - Last day to add players to Spring Teams
May 12 - USTA Super Sr. Team Registration opens
May 14 - Adult/Sr/Super Sr. Mixed Doubles Team Registration deadline
May 7-12 - Local playoffs - 3.0 & 4.0 May 14-20 - Local playoffs - 2.5, 3.5 & 4.5 May 30 - USTA Tri-Level Registration deadline
June 1 - USTA Combo registration opens
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Only one player in doubles needs to call the ball out. If the other player is silent it is assumed that that partner agreed with the call or could not determine the call.
It is not really proper to ask the silent partner what they thought. You can ask the person who made the call nicely if they are sure.
It is not the responsibility for other players on other courts to call lets for players not on their court. Players must call their own hindrances related to their match only. I understand that you are trying to prevent possible injury to others. However stopping play by calling lets and hindrances for other players in other matches not on your court can create problems. That is the responsibility of the players on their own court.
If spin or wind brings the ball back over the net, after bouncing in the opponents court, to the side of the player(s) who hit the shot, the opponent(s) may then reach over the net and play the ball. They may not touch the net or the opponent's court. This is the only situation when a player may reach over the net to play a ball. If the opponent does not play the ball and it bounces on the side of the player who hit the spin shot, that player(s) who hit that spin shot wins the point. As taken from The Final Word
Summer 2012
USTA Jr. Team Tennis
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League registration will be open May 1st - May 31st. Matches will be played over
4 weekends:
June 9-11 & June 16-18. June 30-31 & July 7-9
Players in all age groups. 8u,10u,12u,14u,18u. Quick Start formats will be used in 8u and 10u leagues
Contact League Commissioner
Tony Cherone:
Or click here for more info!
Memphis tennis is right in the middle of the USTA Spring League Season, with only a few weeks in regular season play left before local playoffs. Keep up with all your teams and tournaments all in one convenient and easy to use location using the USTA League iPhone App. Some of the convenient features available in the App are: - View League Schedules
- View Team Rosters & Records
- Research Stats & Standings
- Get Directions to Your Next Match
- Find a Player's NTRP Rating
- Report Scores from any league Match
Best thing about it....it's FREE! |
 | In Bereavement

David Chin
Everyday we encounter people who appear to be disgruntled and dissatisfied for one reason or another. Making us all the more grateful for those rays of light, people who are humble, gracious and smile just because. People who offer assistance and answer our questions without a hint of impatience or resistance. David Chin who passed away last week, was certainly one of those people. Known as much for his encyclopedia-like knowledge of racquets, string and the game of tennis as a whole, as he is for his congenial presence, David was a pillar of the Memphis tennis community. Everyone who plays tennis knows him because he's strung racquets all over the city since 1988, from Frayser to Cordova, but is probably best known for his time spent at Don Miller's Varsity tennis shop. David moved his stringing operation to MPTC's Leftwich tennis center about a year ago and of course continued to radiate his infectious spirit.
When he first came to MPTC he was asked what it is about stringing that he enjoys, he said he likes "helping to solve people's problems", and everyone surely sensed that. In a game that can be a little lonely and confusing at times, David did his part to share his guidance and most of all his light. For that, he will be missed.
A reception will be held this Thursday, April 26th from 5-7pm and Memorial Service on Friday, April 27th at 2pm, both at Memphis Funeral Home. The family requests in lieu of flowers donations be made to your charity of choice. www.tennismemphis.org
 | 2012 USTA League Mixed Doubles

League Changes & Deadlines
If you haven't already heard, there will be some changes to the 2012 Mixed Doubles season.
The adult, senior, and super senior mixed leagues will begin June 1 and will be played regular league style with mostly Saturday and/or Sunday matches. Some matches will be held on weeknights in order to have ample court availability during the two (2) State Championships that Memphis will host in June. All teams will need to declare a home court. The leagues will conclude with tournament style play July 19-22 at the Dunavant-Wellford Tennis Center at Memphis University School and Hutchison School.
Important Mixed Dates:
May 14 - Adult, Senior & Super Sr.Team Registration Deadline (minimum of 6 players registered for legal team) June 1 - Mixed Doubles League play begins July 9 - Last day to add players to mixed teams
For more information, please contact:
Sherrie Cox
Local League Coordinator
Adult, Senior, and Super Senior Mixed Doubles
 | 2012 USTA Tri-Level League

League Info
Play doubles with your friends, while on a team consisting of 3 or more NTRP levels.
The USTA Tri-Level TN Championships will be in Murfreesboro August 10-12.
The Regional Championships will be in Memphis September 28-30.
Tri-Level league registration ENDS May 30 !
If you have any questions about USTA Tri-Level leagues, contact:
MJ Garnett at windyketennis@yahoo.com
 | 2012 USTA Southern Combo League

Important League Dates
Open league registration: June 1
Captain's meeting: Monday June 18
Team registration ends: Sunday July 15
Local play begins: Wednesday August 1
Last day to add players: Sunday Sept 16
Local playoffs: Sept 26 - Sept 30 (early because of fall break)
"Life is like a game of tennis; the player who serves well seldom loses" -- Unknown
Cathy Russell
Editor, Talkin' Tennis |