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News & Events September 2010
Berkshire Grown envisions a community where healthy farms define the open landscape, where a wide diversity of fresh, seasonal food and flowers continue to be readily available to everyone, and where we celebrate our agricultural bounty by buying from our neighboring family farms and savoring their distinctive Berkshire harvest.

Jasper Hill Farm VT

Reserve now, this event sells out!

September 20
6:30 pm

Tickets $65

Berkshire Grown members $55

Farmers (only) $30.



Preserving logos sm 2010

Please call each workshop for details, each class is unique!

September 9, 2010: 11 - 12pm Shaker Cooking with Michael Roller at Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield  413-443-0188 $17 or free for members of Hancock Shaker Village

September 11: 9 am - 3 pm Tomato sauce, yoghurt making from raw milk; lacto-fermented dilly beans and other vegetables + more, with Fiona deRis of S.O.L. (Seasonal, Organic, Local) Kitchen Catering in New Marlborough. To register, visit NOFA or call 413-658-5374, ben.grosscup(at)nofamass(dot)org $45 NOFA members and $50 non members

September 11: 2 pm at  Wild Oats Market, Williamstown

Salsa canning, Limited space, call Michael Faber 413-458-8060 $10

September 13: 4 pm Lacto Fermentation of seasonal vegetables with Seth Travins (who makes sauerkraut) at Berkshire Co-op Market, Great Barrington 413-528-9697
Preserve the Bountyfree

September 16: 7 - 10pm Ketchup with Carole Murko Heirloom Meals, Stockbridge,  carole(at) boulderwoodgroup(dot)com, 413-298-0173 $25

September 18: 10 -12:30 Preserving Herbs for the winter (freezing herbs) with Amy Cotler author of The Locavore Way, West Stockbridge amy(at)freshcotler(dot)com, 413-232-7174

September 19: 9 - 12 pm Join Elyse Etling and Katherine Miller at Pronto Cooking School in Lenox. Dehydrator and pickling.... Menu posted on web site. Reservations: elyseetling(at)aol(dot)com 413-637-3949 $50

September 19: 3 pm Honey lavender poached port pears with Chris Bonnivier/ Gala Restaurant, Williamstown 413-458-9611 x517

September 21: 9 -11:30 am Pickling with Lauren Gotlieb /Mezze Bistro + Bar takes place at Sheep Hill, Williamstown call  413-458-0123  $25

September 25: 10 am Pickling with Andy McMeekin at Ward's Nursery and Garden Center, Gt. Barrington 413-528-0166

preserved peaches Caroline's blogSeptember 25: 10 am Pickling workshop for kids with Jenny Schwartz at Berkshire Co-op, Great Barrington 413-528-9697 free

September 25: 4 - 7pm Harvest Cooking Guido's Fresh Marketplace and The Marketplace Kitchen focus on tomato sauce, will include dinner, takes place at The Marketplace Kitchen, Sheffield, call 413-442-9912 x122 for reservations and details

October 10: 2:30 -4:30 Sherri Brooks Vinton, author of "Put 'Em Up" Storey Publishing's newest book on preserving food, at Allium Restaurant + Bar, 413-528-2118 $25

October 30: 2 - 3pm Food Preservation 101 Julie Gale at Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield 413-443-0188  $17 or free for members of HSV

Visit Berkshire Grown to learn more


 What We're Reading
"In the Berkshires, Dinner's Not Far Away"

Rawson Brook Farm nytimes
We're thrilled, Berkshire Grown is featured in the NY TIMES:

 "It's hard to dismiss the current locavore boom in the Berkshires as mere fashion. In fact, the national enthusiasm for eating farm-to-table has roots in western Massachusetts.The nation's first agricultural fair was held in Berkshire County in the early 19th century, and in 1986, when the country's first two community-supported agriculture farms were established, one was in the southern Berkshires...
"Berkshire Grown, an organization dedicated to the region's another legacy of the vibrant, community-oriented food activism that was well under way by the mid-1980s. "

Read the article here


Seeing a Time (Soon) When We'll All Be Dieting
By MARK BITTMAN in the New York Times

coming Famine bookcover useBittman reviews: THE COMING FAMINE The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do to Avoid It  By Julian Cribb

"Fifty years ago, a billion people were undernourished or starving; the number is about the same today. That's actually progress, since a billion represented a third of the human race then, and "only" a sixth now.
 "Today we have another worry: roughly the same number of people eat too much. But, says Julian Cribb, a veteran science journalist from Australia, "The era of cheap, abundant food is over."
 "Much of "The Coming Famine" builds an argument that we've jumped off a cliff and that global chaos - a tidal wave of people fleeing their own countries for wherever they can find food - is all but guaranteed. The rest of the book concentrates on catching an outcropping of rock with a finger and scrambling back up. The writing is neither personality-filled nor especially fluid, but the sheer number of terrifying facts makes the book gripping."

Read more here


The New Ingredient in our Harvest Supper!

We will be offering two extraordinary Wine Dinners for eight guests, each one created by a phenomenal chef:

  * Peter Platt, Executive Chef and Owner of The Old Inn on the Green (pictured on left)
  * Brian Alberg, Executive Chef at The Red Lion Inn

Plan now to put together a team with your friends to bid as a group on one or both of these two delicious evenings.
Opening bid $1,000 for each dinner.

View interview with Peter Platt

View interview with Brian Alberg

Interviews by Caroline Alexander for

                                                                                        Brian Alberg

Quick Bites

Visit The Nutrition Center Market in GB on Wednesdays, the Pittsfield Markets, The Sheffield Farmers Market

Sheffield Farmers Market

Last day of the Sheffield Farmers Market is this Friday September 3rd!

Visit a Farmers' Market, find one on
Meet your farmers, enjoy the harvest!

Jasper Hill Farm VT
Classes with Amy Cotler, Caterer-Author-Locavore
Amy Cotler has been a culinary professional and farm-to-table advocate for nearly 30 years. She was the founding director of Berkshire Grown and taught cooking, writing, and culinary history at the Culinary Institute of America and the Institute of Culinary Education.

Her new book, The Locavore Way, is a comprehensive guide to seeking out and savoring local food wherever you live. 

Labor Day: On The Farm Outdoor Locavore Harvest Feast

Sunday, September 5 (Labor Day weekend), 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (family-style)
At Hawthorne Valley Farm in Ghent, New York

Harvest Celebration

September 13, a Monday, 6:00 to 9:30 or 10:00
At Amy Cotler's teaching kitchen, West Stockbridge, MA.
Details here

Route 7 Grill's final Pig Roast of the Summer Season:
Friday September 3, 2010

Local Paul Paisley spit roasted pork + house made local fixin's.
Bell Weather will be playing music.
$35 per adult, first-come, first-served

Route 7 Grill
999 Main Street (Rt 7)
Great Barrington, MA 01230
Phone: 413.528.3235

End the Summer in Party Mode, Pig Roast & Music

corn on the cogNorth Plain Farm

Saturday September 11th
4 pm drinks 5pm Eat Local Food $35

BG logoStay In touch!

Berkshire Grown's e-newsletter will come out twice a month, around the 1st & 15th, during the growing season.  Please send information to, thanks!

Barbara Zheutlin, Director
Sheryl Lechner, Outreach Coordinator