Women are so very underprivileged in Nicaragua that it is twice as hard for them to make it through school as it is for men; and far fewer women are able to garner the resources to pay for schooling. Many do not even finish high school.
So...JustHope, Messiah Community Church in Denver, Colorado, and a group of amazing women in the Boca de Cantero sector of Chacraseca, Nicaragua have gathered 20 women to change that - one female student to start...but hopefully many more in the future.
The US women are providing the funds needed for a young woman to go to University for a year ($1000 will cover tuition, supplies, a small stipend for transportation or housing, and staff support for her and the group). The Nicaraguan women chose the young woman whom their group will support - someone they know and can meet with on a regular basis - they will surround that woman with intentional and careful support for as long as the two groups are able to sustain their partnership (it takes 5 ye ars to graduate).

Glenin Beatriz Martinez
Mungia is 20 years old and majoring in Business Administration. She has already finished one year of college, but she was doubtful of her financial ability to continue. She lives in the same sector/neighborhood as the group of women who are supporting her, which is one of the outermost sectors in Chacraseca and transportation to and from is very difficult. Glenin has had to work very hard to get where she is and she is SO excited about this opportunity, as is her support group!
The focus of the 20 Women of Hope project is on getting to know one another across borders through sharing letters, emails, and videos at monthly meetings, and on getting one young woman through college.
If you are interested in learning more about the 20 Women of Hope Project or would like information about forming a group, please email us.