SEFA Logo with Words
The Reclaimer:  Online!

Dedicated to strengthening your business 

November 17, 2011
In This Issue
Join SEFA in Charleston
Ideas That Work!
Join Our Mailing List!
Quick Links

Important Dates

Thank you for your membership!   We here at SEFA are dedicated to helping you to improve your business.  Whether it is through educational programs or networking opportunities, we strive to provide you the best.
You are important to us, and we appreciate your comments, suggestions and any concerns.  Please feel free to contact us at anytime for all your industry needs: 877-707-7332.
Join SEFA in Charleston, South Carolina!
Charlestown NC
Francis Marion Hotel:  January 12 & 13, 2012
The SEFA Board of Directors has made education and training a priority in 2012 -- and they are starting the new year out with a terrific management conference in Charleston, SC. 
Frank Briercheck, Vice President of Sales for Phenix Supply will be on hand to present "Legendary Customer Service Starts at the Counter".  Jon Meijer, DLI Vice President of Member Services, and Peter Blake, SEFA Director of Membership Development, will team up to explore Social Media and Marketing in Today's Competitive Marketplace.
SEFA will also have James Peuster leading "Management Training for the 21st Century".  Before James came to prominence as the leading expert on Route Development, he served as a national training manager.  He will use this experience to guide participants through the management process.  Learning how and when to delegate.  Knowing how to motivate employees. Participants will learn ways to stop being a fire fighter, and become a fire preventer.

For more information or to register for any of the above events, contact Jon at the SEFA office,(877) -707-7332 or send an e-mail to


Easy-to-Do Ideas that Work -- Try Them! 

jeans press Pressing Jeans Make you Tense?


After Years of struggling and stretching the legs of laundered Dockers and jeans, I decided to install a tensioning pants topper in the laundry pressing station. I leave the pants on the topper until they are dry, and finish the legs on the laundry hot head. The legs lay flat and are easily pressed with very little hassle. My finisher has been pressing laundered pants for many years and has NEVER been happier since I installed the tensioning legger. There is also a drycleaning legger in this station for items that require a lighter finish. This system worked great for military fatigue pants as well.

--Tom Gosselin, Kleen Laundry and Drycleaning

Have an idea? A helpful Suggestion? Send them to us and we may publish them in an upcoming The Reclaimer: Online or on our website. This is a new regular feature of this e-mail update and will be a new feature soon on The idea was first published in a DLI publication of the same title.
The Officers and Directors of SEFA have worked hard to increase the value SEFA/DLI add to your business.  We strive to answer to the needs of the members and to help our members grow.  Members are encouraged to contact the SEFA Office to learn ways in which they can better use all the services and cost saving programs SEFA/DLI have to offer.
We are always looking for ways to better serve our members and the industry as a whole, so please let us know if there are areas you feel we could assist you in.  Please either call us at 877-707-7332 or email us at:




Wash Respess,
SEFA President