Welcome to the March issue of TruTalk. We have some terrific classes coming up, taught by some of our favorite experts.
- We're hitting the streets! Take a look at our upcoming training classes. This quarter we're offering classes in Chandler, AZ, Denver, CO, Virginia/DC, and Southern California.
- Don't miss Robert Freeman's Oracle 10g OCP DBA Certification Prep Class in March and Oracle Database 11g New Features class in June.
- There's still time to sign up for our Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g Development and Deployment class in March.
- If you've started thinking about upgrading from Release 11i to Release 12, check out my Oracle E-Business Suite R11i to R12 Technical Upgrade class in Salt Lake City in March. This is a no holds barred, hands on class. This class offers an essential practice run at doing this upgrade.
- In April, we have Steve Feuerstein coming! Need I say more? Well, actually, I do need to say more. Steve is incredibly knowledgeable and an excellent teacher. So if you'd like to hear from this talented expert, sign up early!
- In May, Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha will be presenting his highly acclaimed Oracle Performance Management Seminar.
- Hey ARIZONA! We're bringing our Oracle 11i Workflow Builder, Business Events and Administration and our E-Business Suite R11i to R12 Technical Upgrade classes to Chandler, AZ in April. Sign up before we run out of space!
- We have two terrific articles from guest authors Lon White and Kathy Duret. Lon describes how to automate some DBA tasks. And Kathy covered how to export/import an entire Discoverer schema, a task that is harder to figure out how to do than you might expect.
- We also have terrific articles by Ference Mantfeld, one of our BI experts, and Tanel Poder, one of our Oracle internals experts.
- I'm wrapping up my paper/presentation submissions for Collaborate - we'll have a booth and are really looking forward to seeing folks.
Don't miss out on this terrific lineup of classes with the best trainers in their fields!
Mike Swing TruTek
What We Do |
TruTek is a national leader in technical and functional Oracle training and consulting. We offer Oracle database and E-Business Suite consulting, training and remote services. We have a state of the art training facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. If you have 5 or more people interested in a class, we can also bring classes to your company if you would like onsite training. And if you've wanted to take a training class, but were intimidated by the crowds, we also offer "Personal Training" for certain classes.
Did You Know? We Do More Than Just Training!
At TruTek, we offer training classes, remote database and applications administration support, and on-site consulting. And in the next month, a few of our top consultants will be rolling off of projects, so check them out:
Mike Swing - Besides teaching many of our E-Business Suite technical
classes, including several of our DBA classes, Mike has extensive
experience implementing, upgrading and maintaining various Oracle RDBMS
versions and the E-Business Suite. Mike teaches our classes on
installing and upgrading to Release 12, so if you need someone with
plenty of hands on experience, he is one of our best resources. Mike
also has experience supporting RAC implementations and has a deep
understanding of parallel concurrent processing, load balancing and
Rick - With 15 years of manufacturing planning, forecasting and inventory management experience, and 10 years of functional Oracle ERP implementation experience, Rick is one of our top manufacturing experts for the E-Business Suite. Rick specializes in supporting the Oracle BOM, CST, EAM, ENG, INV, PO, MRP, MSCA and WIP modules.
- Here's a Database Administrator with excellent credentials. Samuel is
an Oracle Certified Professional, an Oracle 10g Certified Technician,
and he has an Oracle DBA Masters. Couple that with years of experience
as a senior database analyst, and you've got someone that can manage
your database and work well with any development team.
Dennelle - It's always good to have a skilled
financials functional expert in your corner. Dennelle specializes in
General Ledger, Fixed Assets, Purchasing, Payables, Receivables, Cash
Management, Order Management, ADI, FSGs and UPK. Dennelle is also a
great trainer, so her hand-offs to clients go especially well.
- Offering strong technical skills combined with excellent project
management and team lead capabilities, Susan is an experienced ERP
application designer and developer. Susan is a Certified Oracle
Application Developer, and can resolve issues quickly due to her wide
variety of experience and technical knowledge.
- With a solid background handling all aspects of database design,
development, performance tuning, security, and recovery, Terry can
handle both Oracle DBA and developer responsibilities. Terry is also
skilled in project management, requirements/specifications writing, and
Microsoft Project.
- Fred has strong experience supporting large, worldwide Oracle
E-Business Suite implementations and upgrades as a project manager,
lead, and functional consultant. Fred's experience includes both
Project Manufacturing and Oracle Financials.
- Joe is an Oracle developer with over 12 years of experience in
designing, building, maintaining and enhancing both ERP and custom
applications across a variety of business sectors.
- Bob is an accomplished Oracle DBA with extensive experience as an
Oracle Apps DBA. Bob's E-Business Suite experience includes installing,
updating and cloning environments.
- Nathan has both functional and technical expertise, which makes him a
valuable asset in supporting the E-Business Suite. Nathan has worked as
both an Oracle Database Analyst and Oracle Financial Applications
specialist, responsible for implementing Oracle Accounts Payable,
Oracle Purchasing, Order Management, Fixed Assets, Cash Management,
Accounts Receivable and Oracle General Ledger. Nathan has performed
data conversions as well as Oracle database installation,
reorganization, tuning, and instance recovery on various Linux, Unix,
NT, and VAX/VMS platforms. Nathan's technical skills include RMAN
backup and recovery, RAC on AIX, Oracle Warehouse Builder, Workflow and
XML Publisher.
- Jim is one of our best manufacturing consultants. His experience
includes full life cycle implementations in manufacturing management,
purchasing management, production planning, and materials control. Jim
has worked as a Project Manager, Team Leader, and as a Functional
Application Implementer.
- Craig's most recent assignment had him multi-tasking as a Unix System
Administrator, Oracle Database Administrator, Applications System
Administrator and E-Business Suite Developer. Craig's solid technical
background makes him an excellent candidate for any E-Business Suite
Also, if
you're looking for a developer to design custom software or programs
for your company, we have a Java team ready to roll!
We have other consultants with E-Business Suite, DBA
and developer skills available as well.
Contact us if you'd like to see
more resumes.
crontab Forgetfulness - Lon White
Here's an article by Lon White, CTO at Triora Group, who has won the TruTek article writing contest so many times that we're now making him an official newsletter author.
This month I thought I would share some pointed tips on automating some
tasks that are central to the Apps DBA, as well as some tips on how to
prevent those same tasks from biting you in the caboose later on. Those
of you that read my articles know that I love automating DBA tasks
where appropriate, partly because I like the challenge, and partly
because I do not want to have to "remember" to do certain tasks when
they are repetitive but not frequent. I add the "appropriate"
descriptor here since I have had very interesting conversations with
fellow DBAs about the feasibility of scripting things. This a
discussion we can have later, but suffice it to say, there are things
that should not be automated. Likewise, there are tasks that should be
automated, but the cost of doing such far outweighs the benefit. Make
So, tip one is central to cloning. You do clone, right? Surely, you are
not one of those folks that let everyone "test" in production are you?
If you are, stop reading this article now, navigate away from this
knowledge, and don't come back until you have enough sense to know the
horrible-ness of your misdeeds!
Read More About crontab Forgetfulness
Your Claim to Fame...
You might argue that our newsletter staff weighs in more on the technical side than the functional side. Yes, we admit it, we're geeks. But that doesn't mean we don't want to include articles about the functional side of the E-Business Suite. Really, we do. So here's your chance to help us keep a balanced perspective in our newsletter. If you've got a good functional topic, please, let us know. Enter our writing contest! If you'd like to enter, just write an article about Oracle or the Oracle E-Business Suite. Tell us about a technique that you've used that made your life easier at work. Or describe something you've learned from all those books on your bookshelf, and how it applied to your environment. If you're not sure if you've got a good topic, send us a note, and we'll help you figure it out. Go ahead, you know you want to!
Submissions should be sent to editor@trutek.com by March 25th. We'll include the winning article in our next newsletter. And the winning author will win a very cool prize, a $50 Gift Certificate from Amazon!
Discoverer Eulapi for Exporting and Importing the Whole Discoverer Schema from the Discoverer Server - Guest Author, Kathy Duret
Kathy Duret is an Oracle E-Business Suite Database Administrator at Charter Steel, in Wisconsin. Here's her winning article about the Discoverer Eulapi. Think you can do better? Go on, consult your writing muse and send us an entry!
This tip saves my Discoverer Administrators time and frustration. I hope other Discoverer users find this valuable.
Our Discoverer Administrators had a couple of issues with backing up
and refreshing EULS. On a one by one basis, the Java tool on the PC
worked fine. But, when they tried to do either a full export for backup
purposes or tried to refresh all of production from the QA instance of
Discoverer, the java refreshes took all day and typically hung up their
PC so they couldn't do any other work.
We decided to see if we could do the work on the Discoverer server,
rather than the PC, so the user's PC would not be hung up, and we could
schedule the backups through a cron job.
Sounds simple enough, right?
Well, I couldn't find any examples of how to refresh the whole schema
through the eulapi on the Discoverer Server. I could only find some
examples of how to export/import a workbook or a business area or
import a group of workbooks or business areas. The trouble is, if you
have a lot of workbooks or business areas, this could take quite a bit
of effort. So we really needed a way to export and import the whole
schema easily.
After playing around with a combination of examples that Oracle had for
eulapi and for the Java api used by the Discoverer Administrator tool,
I found the combination that worked for us. Whereas the Java export
took about 4 hours on a PC, the export took less than 30 minutes on the
server. The Java import took all day on the PC and only 30 minutes or
so on the Discoverer Server. Also, the user didn't have to use a
different PC to do work during the day, or try to remember to run
imports and exports at night.
This is run from the $ORACLE_HOME/bin for Discoverer and assumes you have your user and permissions set up.
For a basic eulapi export of the whole schema:
./eulapi -connect yourusername/yourpassword @source_db -export
yourfilename.eex -all -business_area_and_contents % -wildcard -log
Backup script for Linux:
I schedule this as a cron job; it could be scheduled through Grid Control as well.
I set up a file that has a number of preset variables including Oracle
Home, Date, where I want my logs to go, etc., and source that first in
the script.
Read More About Discoverer Eulapi
Don't Miss Us at UTOUG in March!
We are participating in the UTOUG Training Days March 12-13th at the SLCC Miller Campus in Sandy, UT. Be sure to come and find Mike, Sherri, Tammy and Bethany. Also, some of our favorite instructors will be speaking:
Mike Swing Teaching at TruTek in March, April and May!
Upgrading Oracle E-Business to Release 12
Tanel Poder Teaching at TruTek in June! Steven Feuerstein Teaching at TruTek in April! Daniel Fink Robert Freeman Teaching at TruTek in March and June!
Can't make it to UTOUG Training Days? Then check out our complete TruTek Training schedule, our Papers and Presentations link, and our Books link for more from these instructors/authors. If you like what you hear, you can sign up for classes with these top trainers!
RMOUG Training Days Were Great!
If you missed the Rocky Mountain Oracle User Group's training days last month, you missed a great conference! Several of the people we love to bring in as instructors presented, including:
Robert Freeman Teaching at TruTek in March, April and June! Dan Hotka Teaching at TruTek in June! Mike Swing Teaching at TruTek in March! Tim Gorman Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha Teaching at TruTek in May! Dan Fink Tanel Poder Teaching at UTOUG this week and on THIS TOPIC at TruTek in SLC and Denver in June!
Did you miss RMOUG Training Days? Then check out our complete TruTek Training schedule, our Papers and Presentations link, and our Books link for more from these instructors/authors.
What Happens When the Primary Node Becomes Available Again? by Mike Swing
This question was asked at my presentation on Parallel Concurrent Processing Failover and Load Balancing at RMOUG's Training Days last month.
Question: After a request fails over to the secondary node, and the primary
node becomes available, does the request fail back to the primary node, or does
it finish running on the secondary node?
Answer: It fails back to the primary node as soon as the node becomes
Presumably, jobs commit every 1000 rows, or so, and can easily rollback any
uncommited work in the event of a failure or failback. If the job is
restartable and doesn't need to start from the beginning, this would be a
reasonable strategy.
Case Study on Oracle Rowcache Internals, Cached Non-existent Objects and a Describe Bug, by Tanel Poder
Tanel Poder presented at
RMOUG last month, and the feedback on him was terrific! Described as an
incredible speaker with great material and a great understanding of his
topic, Tanel had one of the best attended sessions at RMOUG, with an
estimated crowd of 500. We couldn't resist the chance to bring Tanel in
to give a seminar, so be sure to sign up for his Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Seminar
in Salt Lake City on June 10-12 or in Denver from June 15-17. Don't miss it! Also, if you like what you read here, be sure to check out Tanel's blog, Core IT for Geeks and Pros, for more information about Oracle internals. And if you're going to UTOUG Training Days this week, catch a sneak peek at Tanel there!
article should give you a feeling for how deep Tanel's Oracle knowledge
got a question regarding Metalink Note 296235.1, about a describe bug
which causes objects to "disappear" when they are described when
the database is not open.
The question was:
you describe any DBA_* Views (Data dictionary views) in a mount stage,
than you will not be able to describe those views even after opening
the database. Do you know what happens behind the scenes here?
did take a look into this and it looks like the issue comes from a
deficiency in the OPI describe call codepath, which incorrectly sets a
non-existent flag in the dictionary cache when the database is closed.
With this post, I hope to shed a little light into the core parts of
Oracle's dictionary cache (also called rowcache) internals, and also
show how, armed with some internals knowledge, it is possible to determine
why some bugs happen, and what components are involved. This in turn
should help us to diagnose complex problems (potentially involving
bugs) better and avoid or work around them too.
Let's look into a test case (Oracle on Linux 32bit):
SQL> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 595591168 bytes Fixed Size 1263128 bytes Variable Size 163580392 bytes Database Buffers 423624704 bytes Redo Buffers 7122944 bytes Database mounted. SQL> SQL> desc dba_tables ERROR: ORA-04043: object dba_tables does not exist
See... I can not describe a table (or view in this case) as Oracle database is not open. This is expected behavior.
Read More About Rowcache Internals
Of Course We'll Be at Collaborate 09!
Check out our booth and check out our presentations! Once more, several of our favorite people will be presenting:
OAUG: Mike Swing Teaching at TruTek in March, April and May!
- How Does Parallel Concurrent Processing Really Work?
IOUG: Mike Swing Teaching at TruTek in March, April and May! Jonathan Lewis Robert Freeman Teaching at TruTek in March, April and June! Steven Feuerstein Teaching at TruTek in April!
Dan Hotka - Oracle11g New Features for Developers Teaching at TruTek in June!
Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha Teaching at TruTek in May!
Didn't Make Collaborate, But Still Got Something to Say?
You would not believe how many submissions there were for Collaborate 09 this year. It seems there are LOTS of people with LOTS of things to say. So if your abstract didn't get accepted, we still want to offer you an opportunity to be heard... or, well, read. Go ahead and write that paper, and send it on over to us, and we'll put it on our website under the Papers and Presentations link. We'll even write up a brief description of your paper and include it in our newsletter. See, there's more than one way to become wildly famous beyond all your dreams!
Check out the Papers and Presentations link, by the way - we've added a ton of new material this month!
Vendor Spotlight: SeeMoreData
Just in case you missed Ferenc Mantfeld's Advanced SQL Programming class this week in Salt Lake City, Ferenc has submitted a few articles about topics near and dear to his heart. Ferenc is very knowledgeable
about BI and SQL. His company's product, SeeMoreData, is a breakthrough consolidated BI and reporting tool that does it all:
- Enterprise Reporting
- Consolidation and integration of Data from multiple disparate
datasources (join data from Oracle to data from Excel, to data from
lotus Domino / Sql Server / Adabas, etc.)
- Advanced Scheduling engine
- Caching engine with advanced optional user-specific caching
- Email integration (any email server including Lotus Notes, Outlook, Netscape, Thunderbird, etc.)
- Easy and fast implementation of Dashboards
- Analytic explorer which lets you graphically explore any
"spreadsheet-type" report by any attribute / dimension across any
aggregation and measure.
- Simple Top N or pareto analysis
- Simple and powerful Pivot Analysis that lets you compare like entities / period summaries side-by-side
- Annotation of reports / charts
- Exception based highlighting
- Data driven batch reporting (send relevant reports to recipients based on data content)
- Powerful built-in analytical and statistical functions.
- Hierarchical processing made easy
So, read up on what Ferenc has to say, and check out his website if you'd like more information about SeeMoreData. You can also read more of Ferenc's views about Business Intelligence and effective reporting at his blog: http://smdbi.blogspot.com
The Value of Embedded BI: Who Gives a Click? by Ferenc Mantfeld
The promise of BI in today's business world sounds exciting,
fascinating and shows potential rapid ROI, yet uptake is slow because
most organizations do not want yet another application for their end
users to log into, yet another application where the data does not
match their existing applications' data, and where IT resources are
going to be employed to hunt down the discrepancies between systems. So
how does BI provide an immediate and tangible return?
In the usual world, where companies have many applications, users often
log into their online transactional systems (CRM, ERP, etc.) and then
simultaneously open the reporting / BI application. For illustration
purposes, let us describe getting a full customer profile report that
we are looking at in a CRM / ERP system, where the CRM / ERP system
contains the bare essentials. The report might contain the customer's
details, purchase activity, top products, activities and interactions
with the company, demographic information, and perhaps some predictive
information as to which of our products might interest them based on
various factors. When the user wants to find full information on a
customer from the reporting system, the user normally highlights the
customer number (1 click), copies the customer number (another click or
Ctrl-C), then switches to the BI Application (alt-tab, another click),
opens the relevant report (another click or series of clicks), then
pastes (another click or Ctrl-V) the copied customer id into the report
parameter, then clicks the 'Go' button (another click). If the report
result is then to be saved to a local drive and attached to the CRM /
ERP system as an attachment, a whole lot more clicking is going to
The problem with the above scenario is that it is very: - time-consuming
- annoying
- and the possibility for human error (did not copy the entire customer
number, accidentally hit another key while pasting, etc.) increases
Read More About Embedded BI |
A Dashboard Will Magically Solve All My Problems by Ferenc Mantfeld
Dashboards as a business phrase have really only been around since the
turn of the century, brought about by the visual impact of the dials
and gauges in a car or aircraft, giving the viewer a real-time
informative view of everything important to run the vehicle. But the
concept of having executive level summary information from the various
facets of the business is nothing new.
Dashboards are only as good as the depth, breadth and quality of the data behind the information.
Dashboards should present their information in an agreed-upon format
and ideally should allow their target audience the ability to drilldown
into the next level/s of detail to verify the summary information
behind it.
If you build it, will they come? That depends on whether or not they
(your target consumers of the dashboard/s) were consulted in the first
place as to what they wanted and how they wanted to see and interact
with it.
So before you rush out to build a dashboard, spend a little time
investigating (talking to people) what, and more importantly, why, it
should be built, and this time investment will yield tremendous
increases in customer (user) satisfaction.
Do You Live in Ex-Hell (Excel)? by Ferenc Mantfeld
Many of today's organizations have evolved into one or more
uncontrolled "spreadmarts" (spreadsheet based data marts) with some
very serious consequences.
Let's face it, everyone in business uses Excel to some degree. However,
when we make important decisions based on these numbers, never forget
this about spreadsheets:
- Manual data entry can lead to deliberate or inadvertent manipulation, thus losing "truth"
- Spreadsheets are desktop and individual-centric
- Creating spreadsheets consume time
- Spreadsheets have no auditing controls (SOX / Basel II compliance implications)
- Formulas are derived by the spreadsheet author, leading to possible inaccuracies
- Spreadsheets do not provide an easy ability to drill through to the underlying data
- Spreadsheets offer no ability to secure the data (stolen laptop means
stolen data in Excel), which has many implications besides industrial
espionage, including privacy law compliance
- Spreadsheets offer no ability to easily schedule refreshes or to take
action (send Web Services call to SOAP server) based on triggering
business conditions
So with all this, why then do we still rely today on spreadsheet information to made important decisions?
Excel is the ideal prototype environment, it is a familiar interface,
it has some "advanced" visualization, and it has the ability for us to
massage data - and we don't need to purchase a license to log into a
proper robust BI tool.
To someone who needs to get information one-time only, Excel might be
the perfect answer to solve a temporary summary data question. However,
if this is to be a repeatable process, or if it is to provide
meaningful data that is to be shared, this is a worst-case scenario, as
it creates more work and data management responsibility.
It is recommended that if you do have a "spreadmart" running in your
organization, that you look towards a central, secure, accurate and
consistent method for managing insight into this information, such as
that provided by SeeMoreData.
Confio Igniter Suite
Confio builds performance management software that improves the
effectiveness of IT systems and the people who run them. The Confio Igniter
Suite currently includes products that help Oracle DBAs, managers, and
developers continuously monitor the performance of databases and the
applications that depend on them, isolate specific problems, and identify
solutions in production systems.

Another Book by Robert Freeman!
Yes, it's true, Robert has published another fine technical book about Oracle. Here's the scoop straight from Robert:
I just finished my newest book..... It's for Sybex and it's called OCP Oracle Database 11g Certified Professional Study Guide. It's a prep guide for the Oracle Database 11g OCP
Exam (Exam 1Z0-053) and I'm very excited about it. I love teaching and
helping people learn new things, and I hope that all of you who seek
for your 11g OCP
will benefit from this book. I worked with my old friend Charles Pack
on this book and I think it's turned out to be a great book.
I'm getting ready to start on my next book, Oracle Database 11g RMAN Backup and Recovery. It is my hope that this book will *continue* to be the go-to book for RMAN and Oracle. The book will be the most up-to-date RMAN
book out in the market. Look for more information on this book to be
forthcoming here in my blog. I can tell you we are going to be adding
lots of content and will clean up a lot of stuff too. If you liked the RMAN book before, trust me, this copy will be even better.
Upcoming TruTek Training Schedule |
We're always open to adding new classes, so let us know your interests!
We add new classes regularly, so be sure to check the latest version of
the schedule on our website.
Technical Classes
Mar 17-20
E-Business Suite R11i /R12 Technical Upgrade
Mar 24-26
Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g Development
and Deploymentwith
Stewart Bryson
Mar 30-Apr 3
Oracle 10g OCP
DBA Certification with Robert Freeman
Apr 14-16
Oracle 11i
Workflow Builder, Business Events and Administration
Chandler, AZ
Apr 14-17
E-Business Suite R11i /R12 Technical Upgrade
Chandler, AZ
Apr 21-22
The Best of
Oracle PL/SQL Seminar with Steve
May 12-14
Introduction to
SQL Using Oracle 10g
May 12-15
Introduction to
Oracle Business Intelligence EE (OBIEE)
May 19-22
Oracle Release
11i Applications System Administration
May 19-20
Performance Management Seminar with Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha
Jun 1-2
Oracle SQL
Performance Tuning Tips and Techniques
Jun 3-5
Advanced Oracle
PL/SQL Tips and Techniques
Jun 1-5
Oracle Database
11g New Features with Robert Freeman
Jun 10-12
Advanced Oracle
Troubleshooting Seminar with Tanel Poder
Jun 15-17
Advanced Oracle
Troubleshooting Seminar with Tanel Poder
Denver, CO
Jun 15-19
Oracle R12
Applications DBA Concepts and Administration
Denver, CO
Jul 6-10
Oracle R12
Applications DBA Concepts and
VA/ DC Area
Functional Classes
Mar 16-19
Financial Business Process Overview
Southern, CA
Mar 26- 27
Oracle Release
11i Fixed Assets
Southern, CA
Mar 31- Apr 4
Oracle Release
11i Advanced Pricing
Southern, CA
Apr 6-7
Oracle Release 11i
Southern, CA
Apr 8-9
Oracle Release
11i Accounts Payable
Southern, CA
Apr 6-9
Oracle Release
11i Procure to Pay
Southern, CA
Conferences and User Group Meetings - We'll Be
Mar 12-13
The Utah Oracle Users Group will be
holding Training Days 2009 at the SLCC Miller Campus.
Sandy, UT
May 3-7
The Oracle Applications User Group will be
holding Collaborate 09
Orlando, FL
Enough Already!
Our newsletter editor's dad, who is 82, likes to spend a little bit of time every day shredding his junk mail and then putting it into the pre-addressed stamped reply envelope and mailing it back in. That's one way to deal with too much information! We know how it is. You're on everybody's mailing list, and maybe you're just not interested in being there. Hey, we don't want to cram your mailbox unless you'd like to hear from us. So here's what you can do:
If you like our newsletter and think someone you know would like it as well, click on this box to forward it:

And, if you're just not the right person for this newsletter, click on Safe Unsubscribe at the bottom of this newsletter and take yourself off the list.
And if you accidentally remove yourself from the list and want to be put back on, click here, enter your email and be sure to click Submit, then click Update Profile in the email that you receive.
And if we're just not hitting the topics that you want to hear about, either submit an article yourself, or click here and fill out our survey. We know people who know stuff - that's our claim to fame - and we'll get them to write about that stuff! |