
A Wonderful Time Was Had by All!
We hope you were one of the guests at the CLC Award Event, honoring Libby Denebeim for a lifetime of community service with the first Norma Satten Community Services Innovation Award. Members of the Satten and Denebeim families were joined by friends and well-wishers for a festive evening.   Hadley Hall and Bill Haskell recounted the early days of Libby's work, a leader in the hospice movement and a force behind bringing leaders from the civic, gay and Catholic communities together to bring Coming Home Hospice into being. 
Her work on behalf of mental health services, at-risk youth, her many years as a member of the school board, her leadership in senior services and her most recent efforts to end Human Trafficking were highlighted in a slide show.  We thank the many sponsors for their continuing support of the movement for community living.
Special Event
Connections for Healthy Aging
Aging While Black
Meet Sarah!
Upcoming Events
CARA Convention
SCAN Summit
Pictures of CLC Activities
Computer Classes
Healthy Aging Blog
Join Our Mailing List
Pictured above is Libby Denebeim, CLC Executive Director Marie Jobling and CLC Board President Elinore Lurie. Pictured clockwise below are Dr. Joseph Satten and family, Event Coordinator Extraodinaire Judy Auda,  Libby and members of her family, and Past CLC Board President Dr. Margaret Miller with Elinore and husband Larry Lurie.  Subscribe to our blog to see more pictures and highlights of the convening over the next few days at www.sfhealthyaging.org.  Photos by Gene Cohn.   

Next "Connections for Healthy Aging" Workshop
Beverly Brumfield and Donna Willmott join a discussion about being an "empowered elder".  
Staying healthy and engaged as we age is no easy matter these days. But with a little help from our friends, we can be informed and empowered to do just that.    

The next 4-session workshop will be: 


Friday, October 19, 26, November 9 and 16 

10:00 to 1:00 (including lunch)

Western Park Apartments, 1280 Laguna Street   


You can view or download a flyer with more information HERE.  Workshops are free, but space is limited so registration required.   To register, or for more information, email Marcia Peterzell at marcia.peterzell@comcast.net or call (415) 821-1003. 

"Aging While Black" Forum Informs and Inspires   
The Community Living Campaign, with support from IT Bookman Community Center and Pilgrim Community Church, Black Coalition on AIDS Rafiki Wellness Program, hosted this culturally rich and totally engaging forum
on September 22nd.  
A distinguished panel of
speakers (shown clockwise) included Dede Hornes, Moderator; Elder Shirley Freeman (Spirituality and Aging) Dr. Justin Morgan (Health and Aging), Attorney Sharon Caesar (Wills, Trusts and Obituaries), and Dr. Brenda Wade (Mental Health and Aging).  To see more pictures, visit CLC's blog at www.sfhealthyaging.org.   
Photos by Photographer Jay Martin.  
And you can see Dr. Brenda Wade on the The Dr. Oz Show  on FOX2 KTVU and on IND 36.  To learn more,  visit Dr. Wade's website.  

Meet Sarah!
 In June 2011, the Community Living Campaign began a social network with Sarah. Artistic, creative and friendly, she welcomed volunteers to assist with remodeling her room. A little rearranging and a touch of feng shui began the process. Sea foam draperies and beaded curtains added a splash of color and sparkle to the area, reflecting Sarah's personality. A couple more structural changes and some additional organizational touches will complete the transformation.


In addition to a knack for interior design, Sarah enjoys swimming, beading, writing poetry and song lyrics, reading, and is utterly addicted to coffee drinks! She loves going out with friends, attending her poetry club, and is making plans to return to City College to study creative writing.


Wherever Sarah is, you can be sure her black Lab/Chow/German shepherd mix dog is nearby. Sarah and her family were pioneers introducing service animals to 

Parkmerced. In fact, her beloved Kamalani was the first dog allowed at Parkmerced!


Always looking for new adventures, Sarah was interested in finding a volunteer opportunity near home. Rocket Dog Rescue holds an adoption event every Sunday in the Stonestown area. It was a perfect match! Sarah brought her talents to work, utilizing the skills she learned with Kamalani. She works with one or two dogs every week, comforting and calming the animals, and sharing information with visitors. She says that although it is their goal, and very rewarding when an animal is adopted, she still has mixed feelings. "The problem is that you get attached, and bond with the animal - then it's hard to let go."


Sarah has also offered to share her clerical experience with the CLC, and help us with our paperwork. Thanks, Sarah! We really look forward to working with you!


(Story by Karen Holt, photos by Rocket Dog Rescue).

Events To Expand Long Term Services and Supports 
Last month, Deborah Doctor of Disability Rights California and Georgia Burke,  National Senior Citizens Law Center talked about opportunities and risks to consumers under the changing health care system, with Council Co-chair Sandy Mori.
S.F. Long Term Care Coordinating Council
Thursday, October 11, 1:00 to 3:00, 
1 South Van Ness Avenue

Agenda will include a discussion of: 

-   the Council's policy agenda for the coming year, 

-   discussion and possible action on the Housing

          Trust Fund on the November ballot, 

-   the growing need to intregrate efforts to 

           improve dementia care in the move to

           managed care and 

- the impact of changing demographic trends.  


LCOS Annual Breast Cancer Support Luncheon


October 18, 11:00 to 1:00
Lutheran Church of our Savior - Social Room,  
1011 Garfield Street   
Event will showcase a quilt being designed and stitched by support group participants. Great lunch and raffle prizes.  Guest speaker will be Pamela Ratliff, MPA, Sr. Community Partnership Manager for the Community Partnership Program of Stanford Cancer Institute.  More info, call Deloris McGee at (415) 585-9859.
California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) Convention   
CLC was pleased to be "in the house" as part of CARA's Regional Convention in Millbrae. Several hundred seniors discussed the issues, sang, moved, voted and otherwise engaged. One question for discussion: What does Aging with Dignity and Independence mean to you?Highlights of all three regional conventions will appear on the CARA website once completed at www.californiaalliance.org.  Photos by Marie Jobling. 
Summit on Transforming Long-Term Care Services and Supports 
SCAN Foundation hosted a statewide convening of its partners at the local, state and national level in September. Unique in its scope, the conference draws together in a single date and place state and national policy-makers to offer their insights and advice to the several hundred attendees.   With the rapidly changing face of health care and long term care coverage in California, especially for those on both Medicare and Medi-Cal (the "duals), everyone came seeking a clearer view of what may lie ahead. 
Pictured from top to bottom are Diana Dooley, Secretary of the California Dept. of Health and Human Services Agency being interviewed by Bruce Chernoff, President and CEO of SCAN Foundation. And many San Franciscans will recognize the speaker on the right, Will Lightbourne, who served as the Director of San Francisco Catholic Charities and now is the Director of the State Department of Social Services, which oversees programs like In-Home Supportive Services. Local SCAN funded AGEnts of Change grantees from communities across the state were also on hand, as well as the team leaders for San Francisco's SCAN funded collaboration through the San Francisco Long Term Care Coordinating Council - David Nolan, Anne Hinton, and Bill Haskell.  The conference has become increasing accessible to people withe disabilities and as a result, of the conference material is now posted on-line.   To tap this wealth of knowledge, you can view and download Summit Material Here.

Picture This...CLC Networking Events Over the Past Month
Each month CLC's Community Connectors and leaders are busy organizing events and participating in activities.  CLC was on the road to lots of events during the month of September. 
CLC can use curriculum developed under BTOP, including this great handout by the Community Technology Network - A Brief Guide to Internet Safety.   CLC now has a mobile computer lab and network to do trainings virtually anywhere. Pictured at left, CLC brought 10 computers to the Eastside Senior Center in San Jose as a part of our work with the SCAN funded AGEnts of Change Initiative.  Below right, Marcia and Deloris teamed up for the Fifth Annual On Lok Conference Sustainable Long Term Care Cultivating Healthy Aging (photo by Carmen Lee) which offered great information.  For those unable to attend, conference material can be found HERE.


Deloris and Jennifer teamed up for the 16th Annual Self-Empowerment Conference, which Jennifer helped organize. 


Judy Auda gets computer ready for a social media class at SF Senior Center, 481 O'Farrell. 

Around the City - Come Engage with Us

Computer Training and Special Activities 

Community Living Campaign (CLC) shows you how technology and social media are new tools to help individuals, neighborhoods and organizations reduce isolation and reweave community.  For an up-to-date schedule as new CLC computer classes and activities are added, go to www.clcsocial.org.  For all BTOP classes, go to www.sfconnected.info.  These classes provided in part with a grant from the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. 


Valencia Gardens

Every Monday

9 to 3

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

360 Valencia

30th Street Senior Center


Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

225 30th St.

IT Bookman

Every Tuesday

11 to 1

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

446 Randolph

Telegraph Hill Center

Every Wed. 

9  to 12

One on one training

660 Lombard

Laguna Honda Hospital

1st &3rd Wed. 

1:30 to 3:30

One on one training

375 Laguna Honda

Mission Neighborhood Center

Every Wed.

10 to Noon

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

362 Capp

Dr. Davis Senior Center

Every Wed.

11 to 1

Facebook Classes

1706 Yosemite

S.F. Senior Center - Aquatic Park

Weds. in October,

1 to 3

Introduction to Facebook with

Rob McBride 

890 Beach

Bethany Center

Every Thurs. 

9 to 12

One on one training

580 Capp

Centro Latino

Every Thurs.

10 to 12

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

1656 15th St.

San Francisco Senior Center - Downtown

Weds. in October,

1 to 3

Introduction to Facebook with

Lee Shoemaker

481 O'Farrell

Happiness Institute

Every Thurs. 

1 to 5


1720 Market



 More pictures, opinions, resources at www.sfhealthyaging.org


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1360 Mission Street, 4th Floor
(415) 821-1003