Community Rowing, Inc. Newsletter

WeeklyNovember 29, 2011
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Didn't Get Your Winter Training Registration Done On Cyber Monday? Good News.... It Isn't Too Late!
Beat the Winter Blues - Sign up Today!!

Didn't get all your holiday shopping done on Cyber Monday? No worries! Register today for Winter Training 2011 at CRI - the hottest training in Boston.


Treat yourself, your family and your friends to the gift of fitness! Give the gift of indoor rowing, lifting or yoga. Stuff your stockings with classes. Sign up for three and the rest are FREE!!

Reserve your seats now. Click on the link below:
  Please RSVP for The Annual Party and Meeting
                    Snow Flake

CRI's Annual Holiday Party & Meeting
Thursday, December 8th, 2011 at 6:30 PM
Harry Parker Boathouse
Community Room

 Everyone is invited to join in the festivities and cast their vote for two new board members*


Beer, Wine and Dinner Provided
Please RSVP today (It's FREE)


Your Coaches & CRI look forward to seeing you December 8th!



*If you are interested in running, please e-mail Lila McCain at: 
In your e-mail, provide a short statement describing your involvement with rowing and CRI, your non-rowing experience and skills that will contribute to the board and to CRI, and your reasons for wanting to serve on the board. At the annual meeting you will be asked to share this information with the membership prior the vote.


Community Rowing, Inc.

Notice of Annual Meeting and Board Elections 


Meeting topics will include:


- A brief review of the year 2011 and a look ahead to 2012 from CRI       Directors  
- An announcement of the formation of an equipment committee to       update our 3 year equipment plan 
- Announcement of a task force to review the General Sweeps             programs at CRI  


Two member-elected board positions will be open at the CRI Annual Meeting on December 8th.

Every year two members are elected to 2-year terms on the CRI Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting. The board plays a critical function in assessing club performance and direction, and everyone on the board puts in time to achieve results -- just like the rowers at CRI. You'll be working on issues that are CRI-wide and helping us achieve our mission: Rowing for All. 

We would particularly like to encourage members with skills or interests in fundraising and with local community connections to consider running for the board.

If you are interested in running, please e-mail Lila McCain at with a short statement describing your involvement with rowing and CRI, your non-rowing experience and skills that will contribute to the board and to CRI, and your reasons for wanting to serve on the board. At the annual meeting you will be asked to share this information with the membership before the vote.

If you have questions, please e-mail: 


Lila McCain at:

Jane Morse at: 



Possible Building Closure Thursday Dec 1
Check Website for Update/Building Hours For Thursday
There is a possibility that due to DCR construction work that the boathouse will be without water for some time on Thursday, December 1.

Because the facility will have no fire and safety systems operational due to water shut-off, the building will have to be closed.

Please check CRI Website for updates. As soon as we have the details we will post an announcement. 
Parking Lot Survey - Have You Participated?
Community Rowing Would Like YOUR Feedback 
Rainbow on 10.28.2008
Do you have opinions about what it is like to drive to the boathouse?  If so, Community Rowing would like your feedback! CRI is conducting a brief, ten question survey about driving into and out of the parking lot. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Your feedback is valuable as we work towards improving access to the building. The survey will be open through Friday, December 9th. And as a thank you, all survey respondents will receive a complimentary tasty-treat for your participation. You can pick up your free home-made chocolate chip cookie from the front desk, (prepared by CRI boat rigger Seth Davis), at any point during the day from Wednesday, Dec.14th through Friday, Dec.16th.  

All survey related questions should be directed to:
CRI To Expand Rowing Beyond The Charles
Bringing the Sport of Rowing to Groups and Individuals of All Ages

Community Rowing, Inc. and the esteemed Harvard Business School's Community Action Partners (CAP) are joining together to develop a strategy to further pursue CRI's mission, Rowing For All, by expanding the sport of rowing for fitness and recreation to include groups and individuals of all ages.


An established 18-year-old program, Community Action Partners brings alumni of the Harvard Business School and the John F. Kennedy School of Government together with Boston-area nonprofit organizations to work on projects designed specifically for each non-profit. CRI has been chosen as one of 18 organizations to collaborate with CAP this year. More than 50 nonprofits applied for the opportunity.


Community Action Partners will help Community Rowing identify new programs in order to expand CRI's already fast-growing operations beyond the current location on Nonantum Road. About half a dozen business professionals will begin immediately working with Bruce H. Smith, CRI Executive Director, as well as Community Rowing's staff and volunteers to expand CRI's many rowing programs and produce an expansion plan for CRI. 


CRI and CAP plan to explore how to best replicate programs similar to CRI in other communities, furthering CRI's ongoing efforts to develop strong rowing programs based on CRI's successes. With guidance from the CAP consultants, many of whom have some connection with rowing and CRI and have witnessed the often transformative effects of rowing, CRI hopes to make strides towards achieving its goal of providing access to the growing sport of rowing to thousands more people in Massachusetts, and around the country. 



Community Action Partners is a volunteer organization of Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School alumni helping Boston-area nonprofits apply management skills to their business challenges. Since its inception in 1993, more than 800 CAP volunteers have served 154 nonprofit clients in a variety of sectors, delivering over $2 million in consulting value annually at no cost.

             Shop The CRI Holiday Store 
       Store Extended through Wednesday            
                            Look for the New CRI Gortex Hat 
Boathouse Gear

                            To Shop Click on the link above
Rowing Photos Make Beautiful Gifts
Regatta Photos Available for Purchase Now!
CRI 8+ Wins Gold CanAmMex 2011
Community Rowing is fortunate to have wonderful images of racing being captured at regattas, and what better time to create lasting memories to share with family and friends. Give the gift of pictures. Who wouldn't want a picture of themselves rowing?   

Gerry Roy, long-time CRI rowing parent, has been photographing CRI rowers for many years. On his website, you be able to view photos chronicling not only our whole spring through fall season, but many seasons past as well. Check out Gerry's photo library at:  

Bill Danielewski, also parent of a CRI rower, offers photos of the season as well. Check out his photos at:


Didn't get a chance to attend the regattas this fall. Looking for pictures from Merrimack Chase, Textile or Popes Island regattas? Did you row and want to give photos of yourself to family members? Have a photo album you are working on? Rowing photos look lovely framed, and make excellent gifts!
Join CRI's G-Row Boston Marathon Team!
G-Row Boston is an official charity of the 2012 Boston Marathon.

If you are interested in fundraising and running for

CRI's G-Row Boston Outreach Program please apply online today

by clicking the link below, or the image above. 




G-Row Boston Link


For more information please e-mail:-mail:

Applications are accepted until the team is filled.

(The G-Row Boston Marathon Team has 15 marathon numbers total.)


Four-Oar Rule Now in Effect!!
Boats Launching from CRI Must Follow Four-Oar Rule
It is that time of year again! All club boats launching from CRI must follow the four-oar rule. Doing so is crucial for your safety on the water.
For more information on cold weather rowing safety from USRowing click the link below:

Winter Wisdom, November 01, 2010

Private Events & Room Rentals

Meeting Room Rental - 
Thursday, December 1st  5pm - 9pm 

There are no weekend private-events this week.
In This Issue
Winter Training ... Register Today and Beat the Winter Blues!
Please RSVP for the CRI Annual Holiday Party & Meeting
Possible Building Closure Thursday - Please Read!!
Parking Lot Survey - Please Participate - Tell Us What YOU Think
CRI To Expand Rowing Beyond the Charles
Boathouse Holiday Store Last Chance to Buy
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