E - News Letter | Weekly July 21, 2009
Community Rowing, Inc.
HPB from H2O
CRI Receives Impressive Media Coverage
Within the past week, CRI has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, US Rowing News and the local Maynard-Beacon Villager.  WSJ's article, "Forever Rowing Upstream" points to CRI's leadership in reaching out to populations typically excluded from rowing such as inner city youth and people with mental and physical disabilities. The US Rowing News article highlighted CRI's impressive 1st and 2nd place finishes in the final of the women's junior at the US Club Championships that took place last week in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. And finally, the Maynard-Beacon featured CRI's Junior Men's Varsity Four finishing 2nd in the nation with a silver medal and the Lightweight Men's Eight finishing 3rd taking bronze, at last month's US Youth Rowing Championship in Lake Harsha, Cincinnati. To read these great articles click on below links.
G-ROW held its first Learn to Row camp last week with more than 45 girls from across the city participating in the week long session.
Volunteer Rowers and Coxswains Needed For Tuesday, July 28th
A big THANK YOU to the volunteers who have already signed up for a shift to either row, or cox a boat!
We are still in need of coxswains and a few more rowers. 
*Please Note: Coxswains are needed to steer the boat only.  All coaching is done by the coach who is in a motored launch next to your boat the entire time.
Shift Times: 
Shift 1:  2:00pm - 5:00pm
Shift 2: 4:30pm - 7:00pm 

Please email Leigh Terry at: leigh@communityrowing.org to sign up for a shift and include:
  • Name
  • Current CRI program
  • Volunteering to Cox or Row
  • The Shift(s) you are volunteering for
  • Your cell phone number
  • Your email
CRI's Cookout is This Saturday at 6PM!

How do you like your Goose Burger Cooked!?
Even the coyote's are getting excited about CRI's Cookout this weekend, along with 175 CRI members, friends and family who plan on attending!  If you have not already RSVP'd for the Cookout please let us know if you are coming through Evite!  If you did not receive the Evite please let us know so we can add you to the list!
There will be plenty of food, drinks, live music, and water games for everyone!
Community Rowing, Inc. (CRI)
Harry Parker Boathouse 
20 Nonantum Road, Brighton, MA 02135 
In This Issue
Media Coverage
G-Row Camps
Article Headline
CRI Cookout
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