E - News Letter | Weekly March 24, 2009
Community Rowing, Inc.
HPB from H2O
"Psss, Everyone Can Row, Pass it on!"
CRI Video Last Image
We are almost at capacity for Spring Programs, and we need YOUR help to fill the remaining spots!  As you may know, we asked every new participant how he or she decided to join CRI and we found that over half of the new members signed up for a beginner program because they had a friend or family member that rows, or rowed at CRI!   Remember program revenue keeps us afloat, so here is what we are asking you to do this week:
1. Forward this email to 5 friends and convince them to start rowing and sign their kids up for novice competitive rowing.
2.  Join Facebook and join the group called; "I'M Rowing At CRI This Year!"
3. Convince your friends to do the same.
4. Start TWEETING today!  Join Twitter and spread the word about CRI. 
5.  Ask your friends to do the same.
6. Contact your local Park Department and tell them about CRI programming
7.  Contact your local YMCA and tell them about CRI programming.
8. Talk to friends, or acquaintances who work in traditional media.
We have several new programs this spring, one of which is  Rowing League,  a program for your co-workers, or a group of friends that would like to build teamwork while having fun on the Charles River. It begins May 5th and runs through June 9th and meets in the evenings from 6:30pm - 8:00pm.  See below for a complete list of beginner programs and links to sign up online.
Post the CRI Video on
Your Facebook Page!
Clip Art Video Image "Join CRI Today"
CRI's 1st Annual Garage Sale
Garage Sale 1 As stated in last week's e-news, CRI will be holding a Garage Sale in lieu of a Raffle this year! 

Just yesterday, CRI held its first meeting to  begin planning for the Saturday, May, 30th, Garage Sale that will be held from 8:00am to 3:00pm.

A dedicated committee is spearheading the effort. However, to make the event a success we will need the help of all CRI's members and supporters.

  • Start saving bags of all sizes to donate for "cash and carry' of sale items;
  • Begin to identify items that you would like to donate (click here to see what items we will accept);
  • Invite your friends to donate sale items and/or attend the event;
  • Email Leigh Terry today at leigh@communityrowing.org and let her know you want to volunteer. (Remember the time you volunteer will count toward your community service hours.)
Details of the various volunteer opportunities leading up to and including the day of the event will be posted next week, but we hope you will begin to think today of how you can chip in to make this event a big success.

The CRI Facilities Committee
is Seeking Gardeners!
This spring, we will be planting a variety of flowers and plants to help beautify the grounds.
If you're interested,  please contact Bruce Smith at bruce@communityrowing.org, or Tom Gonsiorowski
at facilities.committee@communityrowing.org 
Earth Day River Cleanup - April 25th
Earth Day

The Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup is scheduled for: 

Saturday, April 25, 2009 from 9am - 12pm. 
Join over 2,000 volunteers representing 100 organizations in the Boston and Greater Boston area and help keep our river clean!
If you would like to volenteer on Earth Day and be part of the CRI Earth Day Cleanup Group please contact Leah Mentch, Recycling extraordinaire! at office@communityrowing.org, or 617-779-8267.
In This Issue
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Seeking Gardeners
Earth Day
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