LisaMarie Dias Designs Newsletter

February 2012 

October 2010 


LisaMarie Dias Designs - Connecting You to Your Customers


Practical Tips and Hints to Help YOU Optimize YOUR Online Presence

Our goal is to help YOU leverage social media for profitable growth!
This Month's Webinar?
This month, I only have time for one webinar - it will be Wednesday, February 29
(our bonus day this leap year!)
at 1:00 (ET)
I am leaving it up to all of you to decide the subject!  Please take this quick, one question poll to help me decide which topic to cover:
Demystifying Social Media
(and there is room to make a suggestion of your own.)
Then keep an eye on my Facebook Page, my LinkedIn stream and/or your inbox for a note next week with the results.
Thank you in advance for your help and feedback!

Follow Me

Find us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter  View our profile on LinkedIn 


Visit our blog 


 And please forward this

E-Newsletter to anyone that might find it helpful. Thank you!




If you are on Google+ please add me to one of your circles!


Webinar Recording now available 


Interested in learning more about LinkedIn but cannot make it to a webinar? Click on the link below to purchase the recording of my Advanced LinkedIn Tips, Tricks and Tactics webinar!


Buy Now 


Next Month... 


Additional LinkedIn resources, Hootsuite Bells and Whistles, linking your blog to your LinkedIn profile and more!  

Join Our Mailing List!

Sunset over Ocean 

One-Size-Fits-All Solutions for Social Media


People frequently ask me for a 'One-size-fits-all' solution to make money using Social Media. I tell them that it really depends on THEIR goals and I sometimes get the feeling that they think I am stalling. But it is true, one person's goal might be to get more customers to walk into their physical shop whereas another my be looking for speaking engagements. Trust me when I say that the 'right' sites for the first are not necessarily the same as those for the second.


Next, they look for one single, foolproof strategy or tactic and again, we need to fully define their needs, assess their current status on social media and determine their time and monetary budget before we can come up with a strategy and tactics that will help them achieve that goal. Here is a brief analogy to help clarify these concepts. 


Facebook Welcome Page 

Constant Contact - helping you grow your business:


Constant Contact thoroughly understands the importance of social media, integrating social sharing options and providing social links for use in all of their templates. But now, they have taken their involvement to whole new level with a new 'Social Campaigns' feature that allows you to build 'Welcome' Pages for your Facebook Business Pages to help you grow your fanbase.


Click HERE to learn more about this new feature and click HERE to see it in action! 


Linked In
LinkedIn News and Tips...
  • LinkedIn Recommendations: You need at least three for your profile to be considered 'complete'. A great incentive to get - and give - a few!
  • Videos on LinkedIn: You CAN upload videos to your LinkedIn personal profile, via the slideshare application but to do so you need to upgrade to at least the Silver, first level, paid version of LinkedIn ($19/month). If you do have a lot of video, it may be worth it as that level allows you up to 10 videos a month.