LisaMarie Dias Designs Newsletter |
October 2011
Practical Tips and Hints to Help YOU Optimize YOUR Online Presence |
Helpful tips and updates...
If you are sharing industry specific information with your social media followers on a regular basis, you can sometimes find yourself in what I refer to as 'the echo chamber' - where you are posting the same thing as everyone else in your industry.
Sometimes this is inevitable, as when there is big news and you want to be sure to share and comment on it. And sometimes, it is important to share the same information with your own insights and/or interpretation so people can better understand the significance of the news. But often it can just be one more voice saying the same thing.
While posting your own insights and content are always best, it is a good idea to find new and different content to share whenever possible. In addition to adding new information and voices to the mix, it can help identify you as someone that is truly a leader in your industry. Someone that is staying up to date on not only what is happening in your industry but also in related fields.
One site that I have recently been keeping an eye on is Thoora. It is still in beta but seems to have more than just the 'usual suspects' and I have found some interesting posts to share and people to follow using their 'explore' (search) feature.
And to see what I share daily, please visit my Facebook Page for links, insights and my own tutorials.
More Linked In updates...
There is now a dedicated section in your Linked In profile to list your volunteer experience.
This is especially useful for job seekers and those returning to work after an absence as it allows you to demonstrate your involvement in various causes.
Remember to elaborate, in your summary, on the relevant skills and tasks associated with your volunteer work.
QR Codes
I think that QR (the abbreviation of Quick Response) codes have the potential to be an excellent addition to printed ads and packaging. While I think that they need to get more (and easier to use) QR code readers out and into wider use, the images themselves can be found everywhere these days!
From the NYC subways to the NY Times, from Oprah magazine ads to cereal boxes, they are easily recognizable. Scan the one above to see where it takes you.
Check back next month for more on how and where to use these new images!
Follow Me

And please forward this
E-Newsletter to anyone that might find it helpful. Thank you!
If you are on Google+ please add me to one of your circles!
Facebook updates are still rolling out daily!
These days, I feel like I could write an entire weekly e-newsletter just covering the Facebook changes of the week. Rather than have this become all Facebook, all the time, I will include a few links here to keep you up to date.
- New FB Feature - Recommending Places - a MUST READ if you have a brick and mortar location and/ or have a registered FB Place Page (and if you have a brick and mortar location you definitely should have a place page as well!) this is FB's answer to YELP and other review sites
- The biggest change will be the new FB Timeline feature - here is an excellent article with step by step instructions, including a link to get yours right now, rather than waiting til everyone gets them September 30th
- FB Friend List changes - Smart Lists are FB's answer to G+ circles with the added bonus that they will 'help' you create your lists. And they are introducing new 'Close Friends' and 'Acquaintances' lists - read the post for more details and please visit my FB wall to let us know how YOU are using these new features!
And please check my Facebook Page, daily for all the news, and explanations of how the changes will effect YOU!
Success Stories - Elizabeth Frick, PhD.
The Text Dr.
Last month we looked at a Success Story that featured an artist with fabulous images. This month, we look at the e-newsletter of Dr. Elizabeth Frick, The Text Dr. who, as her tagline says, helps 'create better writers'.
Each month she keeps her readers engaged by providing fabulous content, rich links, tips and polls. This example includes before and after images to give you ideas on how to re-create your own e-newsletter!
Click here to see her Success Story
Linked In makes it easier to find "Groups you Might Like"
Once you have created an effective Linked In Profile and built a network of people that you are interested in engaging with, the next step is to identify some GROUPS that you would like to join.
Linked In Groups are a great way to meet people that have similar interests, learn more about a particular topic or industry and to establish yourself as an expert in your arena. They are especially important if you are a job seeker as groups can post their own job openings and recruiters often look to groups to find potential candidates to fill their positions.
And since Linked In values group membership, if you are interested in linking to someone, but do not know them directly, if you share a common group, Linked In will allow you to send them an invitation, even if you do not have their email address.
Searching on industry specific keywords in the Linked In search bar (with the drop down menu set to GROUPS) is a good way to get started. Also, check to see what groups your colleagues and connections are members of. Your newsfeed will also contain updates when someone in your network joins a group - that can be a helpful heads up that a specific group exists. And Linked In offers a tool, called "Groups You May Like" that is also very helpful. Using data gleaned from your activity and links, they make suggestions posted under the tab "Groups" and often, you will see this info in your right hand sidebar when you are looking at the list of groups you are already a member of.
Click here for an interesting article on how Linked In chooses the groups it shows you.
One of the downsides of Linked In Group Membership is that you can get inundated with messages and comment notifications.
Click here for a Tutorial on How to Modify your Linked In Group Notification Settings
And remember, groups are only helpful if you check them regularly and ENGAGE! Add them to your 'To-Do' list to visit them at least once a week and reply, add a comment or start your own discussion.
Click here for some helpful tips on how to start and manage your own group on Linked In
Twitter Tips
Twitter is still an excellent tool for networking and finding valuable content. One of the hardest things with Twitter is that it moves so quickly that it is hard to find things again when looking for them even just a few hours later. Adding a tweet to your 'Favorites' list solves this problem. Click here for a helpful article on how and why to do use the Twitter Favorites feature.
Another great way to keep track of information on Twitter, and more importantly, to be found, is to use HASHTAGS; the # sign before the keywords used in your industry. For example, #Twitter could be added to a post about Twitter tips to attract people searching on that keyword. Conferences and conventions are also using these to aggregate info and comments about the events. Click here for an excellent article on how and why to use hashtags when Tweeting
Keep in mind that people on Linked In that either do not use, or dislike, Twitter, may not appreciate seeing hashtags in your Linked In posts so you may want to consider re-formatting your posts before sharing them Linked In rather than just pushing the tweets there!
Upcoming Webinars: (Visit our website for details and agendas)
Live Workshop: Social Media for Artists Saturday, October 15 @ 11 - 4:00 Live workshop to be held at the Newark Museum
A full day workshop, packed with info and including an interactive session. Limited enrollment, this will be a full day session for less than the cost of a one hour consultation! Information will be geared to help Craft, Performance and Fine Artists but the techniques and tips covered will be helpful for any business. Keep an eye out for further info.