LisaMarie Dias Designs Newsletter

July/August  2011 

October 2010 


LisaMarie Dias Designs - Connecting You to Your Customers


Practical Tips and Hints to Help YOU Opimize YOUR Online Presence

October 2010 

Who you follow + Who follows you = Your networking experience   


Who you follow + Who follows you = Your networking experience






Imagine that someone told you about a GREAT new networking group that you just HAD to try! "EVERYone goes and there is a ton of activity!", they promise. Always on the lookout for good networking opportunities, you would probably take the time to check it out.


Imagine now, your first visit. You arrive to find the room packed with people and, judging from the volume, there really is a lot of activity going on. You enter optimistically and pull up a chair between two people. You turn and introduce yourself to the person on your right. "Hello, my name is..." Oddly, you notice that the person has not turned to meet your gaze.


She is staring straight ahead and you realize that she is talking, to no one in particular, even as you are introducing yourself!


Click here for full post...



Helpful tips and updates...
Do you use Constant Contact?  They have just added a new 'Text to Join' feature which allows you to set up a keyword that your customers and clients can text to you to join your list.  The text can also trigger special deals and coupons to be delivered to the sender.

To try it, text
LMDDCC to 22828

If you have a store, you might want to post this to encourage people to sign up for your e-news while in line and to offer special deals.  You could also include the info in print ads and mention it in a radio promo!


From the Archives

Before I had my own blog, I used to be a guest blogger - here is a Twitip post that is a good follow-up to the new post above


Who to Follow, and Not to Follow on Twitter - That is the Question 


Follow Me

Find us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter  View our profile on LinkedIn 


Visit our blog


 And please forward this

E-Newsletter to anyone that might find it helpful. Thank you!




If you are on Google+ please add me to one of your circles!


Join Our Mailing List!

What to do when Business Associates send Facebook Friend Requests 

What to do when Business Associates send Facebook Friend Requests


Recently, a client asked:


"I am receiving Facebook Friend Requests on my Personal Account from people I do not know.  I think that they are hearing my radio interviews and then inviting me. I would like them to follow me on my Facebook Business Page - what should I do?"


This is an excellent question!  It is great that people are following up after hearing and meeting her and she is correct in wanting to direct them to her Business Page. 



Click here for a tutorial on What to do when Business Associates send Facebook Friend Requests 


Adding a contact to your Constant Contact Account


There are many ways to add a contact to your Constant Contact account:



Someone can sign up on their own by using your sign up box or link - note: your Welcome letter is automatically sent to anyone using either of these methods


Or, using the 'Add & Update' Link you can:

  • Add an address
  • Add an address including details
  • Upload data from a .txt, .xls, .xlsx or .csv file
  • Connect with your Gmail account to sync your contacts
  • Link to Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, ACT!, Salesforce or Quickbooks
  • Install the Contact Capture tool to add addresses from your desktop

Please keep in mind that the only way a new contact will receive your Welcome Letter is if they use the sign up box or link! 


If you would like your contact to receive the welcome letter but you are uploading the address yourself, you can insert the address into the sign up box (instead of using one of the other methods) and go through the full sign up process which will trigger the welcome letter to be sent!


Upcoming Webinars: (Visit our website for details and agendas) 

LMDD Online Marketing Webinar: How an E-Newsletter can help YOU grow YOUR Business Thursday, September 15 @ 1:00 PM (ET) Info to follow - Hold the date!
LMDD Online Marketing Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Linked In
Tuesday, September 20 @ 1:00 (ET) - Info to follow - Hold the date!


Workshop: Optimizing Your Presence on Linked In

Wednesday, July 27 @ 12 noon - 1:30 Live workshop to be held in NYC, Penn Plaza

RE-SCHEDULED - date to be announced


If you have already registered, you will automatically be registered for the next date.  Please email you would prefer a refund.  I do apologize for any inconvenience!