LisaMarie Dias Designs Newsletter

June  2011 

October 2010 


LisaMarie Dias Designs - Connecting You to Your Customers


Practical Tips and Hints to Help YOU Opimize YOUR Online Presence

October 2010 

Astronimical Clock




Ten Simple 10 Minute Tasks to Optimize and Maintain Your Online Presence






I love this image of the astronomical clock of Prague in the Czech Republic. Installed in 1410, it is the only astronomical clock in the world that is still working. It is a fascinating combination of astronomy, astrology and a daily monitor of the passage of the sun, shifting with the seasons to adapt to the change in the time of sunrise. To me, it is a wonderful reminder of the larger picture of time and of how there is neither 'too little' nor 'too much' of it, but that it is just a construct to mark the movement of the sun and stars.

That said, I know that many of you feel that there just isn't enough time to do everything, especially when it comes to Social Media and maintaining your online presence. In an effort to make that all more manageable, I have come up with ten simple tasks which each take about ten minutes to complete. The first five are Social Media Maintenance tasks which should be done on a regular basis. The second five are Network Building and Online Branding tasks that will help you optimize your online presence. By scheduling in these short, ten minute tasks and having this list ready when you find an extra ten minutes to spare, this sometimes overwhelming job will become more manageable.


Click here for the ten simple ten minute tasks


Helpful tips and updates...
Do you use Constant Contact?  They just added a "Social Share" feature that makes it super quick and easy to share anything published via Constant Contact to your social media profiles.
Are you concerned about what people can and cannot see when you post to Facebook?
  When using your Facebook PERSONAL profile  (we are not talking about a  Business Page here) there ARE ways to control who sees the information you post. 
Here is a great article, written for teachers about how to 'safely' 'friend' and interact with students from their personal profile. While I would highly recommend that teachers create Pages instead, this article includes a good explanation of how to create lists to segment and restrict various people from seeing all your posts.
And please keep in mind, the only way to REALLY be sure that no one sees what you post is to NOT POST it in the first place! None of the privacy settings are truly foolproof - the best rule of thumb is, if you really don't want certain people to see it, it may be best not to post it. Consider sharing it via email or possibly a password protected photo sharing site.

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 And please forward this

E-Newsletter to anyone that might find it helpful. Thank you!




NEW LisaMarie Dias Designs Workshops

Workshops now available


As much as I leave time in my presentations for questions, people will often say at the conclusion, that they would like more time. They may not be ready yet for a one-on-one session, but would like more time with me to ask questions, as a group.  More than once, I have had people say, you know, 'I didn't even know what I didn't know' and 'that woman's question was really helpful!'


I too, would love to spend more time, in small groups, to be able to delve into specific topics.  Answering YOUR questions and making sure YOU understand how these tools can help YOU succeed are my key goals!


To that end, I am offering a series of WORKSHOPS.  Small groups where we will discuss a topic in depth, allowing us time to answer more questions, visit more sites and see more examples. 


Starting this summer, I will offer the following in a workshop format:


Optimizing Your Presence on Linked In - Really getting started

Social Media for Artists - Determining which tools are right for YOU

Website Optimization for Usability - You know how to use your site but do your customers and clients?

Everything you ever wanted to know about Social Media but were afraid to ask - an open Q&A session.


And if you have a group of your own, either a division or team from your company or a networking group you meet with and would like me to come to you, there are discounts available when you host the session.


Please contact me today at 973.275.9497 for pricing and availability.


Foursquare for Business


Foursquare offers a variety of different ways to engage and reward your Foursquare users.  Dependng on your goals, the type of business you have and the type of customer you are trying to reach, you may want to use the 'Swarm Special', which is designed to encourage multiple visitors to arrive all at once or a 'Flash Special' to have people check in at a specific time. There are currently seven different types of Specials you can set up.


Click here for a good overview of the options and details on how to set up a Special for YOUR business.


Upcoming Webinars: (Visit our website for details and agendas) 

LMDD Online Marketing Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Linked In
Tuesday, June 21 @ 1:00 (ET) - Click HERE to learn more and to register for this information packed session. 

LMDD Online Marketing Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Linked In

Thursday, June 30 @ 6:30 PM (ET) (EVENING webinar!) Linked In - The Basics (part 1 of a two part series to get YOU started on Linked In)  Click here for more info and to register


Monday, July 11 @ 6:30 PM (ET) (EVENING webinar!) Linked In - Advanced tips and techniques to optimize your use of Linked In - (part 2 of a 2 part series) Hold the date, info to follow.


LMDD Online Marketing Webinar: How an E-Newsletter can help YOU grow YOUR Business Tuesday, July 12 @1:00 PM (ET) Click HERE to register for this FREE online webinar

Upcoming Live Presentation

Social Media Panel - part of a full day event

Thursday July 14 - Skyland Manor - Ringwood, NJ

B.I.G event - info to follow

Workshop: Optimizing Your Presence on Linked In

Wednesday, July 27 @ 12 noon - 1:30 Live workshop to be held in NYC, Penn Plaza

Click HERE for more info and to register