LisaMarie Dias Designs NewsletterMarch 2011 
October 2010 

LMMD Effective Online Marketing Solutions

Practical Tips and Hints to Help YOU Opimize YOUR Online Efforts

October 2010 

Now you can 'LIKE' a Business on Facebook from either your Personal OR Business Profile!

As of March 10th, all Facebook Business Pages will be converted to the new format.  Whether you switched early or are converting now, there are quite a few exciting changes!


In addition to being able to Comment on other Pages while in the guise of your own Page (see last month's e-newsletter for a tutorial on how to switch between FB Page mode and Personal Profile mode), you are now able to 'LIKE' pages while in Business Page mode as well! 


This is a really plus, allowing you to network and engage across FB as your Business! Each time you comment, your Business icon, with a link back to your Business Page, is shown.  And when you 'Like' another Business, the icon for that Business is displayed on YOUR Business Page.  This is great when other Businesses 'Like' you, as YOUR icon is then on THEIR page (a mini advertisement for your page!) but it is also an opportunity to showcase the businesses you would like to endorse.


Only 5 'Likes' are displayed at any time.  If you have more than that, they rotate through  randomly, like the new photo strip at the top of the Page.  If you would like to 'Feature' certain Pages (actually, their icons), you can do so by following the steps below!


 Click here for a Step by Step Tutorial on setting up your 'Featured Likes' on FB 


Featured Likes on FB


Just the facts...

This month, it's really a 'just the facts' kind of issue - hints, tips tutorials - everything YOU need to succeed!
Many of these topics come from questions readers like you have asked - please do let me know if there is anything that you would like to see answered here in a future issue!  Contact me at
with questions on specific tools, strategy issues or just about anything that YOU need to help YOU succeed.
And please pass this issue along and share it socially with others that may need this help as well.
Thank you!

Did you Know?

80 x 80 pixels square   

Ideally, Linked In Profile photos are 80 x 80 pixels so a SQUARE image works best!


Follow Me

Find us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter  View our profile on LinkedIn 

And please forward this E-Newsletter to anyone that might find it helpful.  Thank you!

Constant Contact Hints and Tips

Have you ever added a photo to your Constant Contact e-newsletter and find the text was way too tight to the image?


Text TOO close


 A quick and easy way to fix this is to right click on the photo and scroll down to 'padding' then go to 'increase' in the little pop up menu.


Increase Padding at CC Photos

Linked In Features
Reply to an Invitation without 'Accepting'

Have you ever received a Linked In invitation from someone that you don't recognize. You MIGHT know them but cannot tell.  Did you know that you have the option to 'Reply' to the invitation, without 'Accepting' it.  A great way to follow up and see if you do, in fact want to link to them or to determine if they thought that you were someone else!
Reply to LI invite without accepting

Just Click on the little arrow next to the 'Accept' button and you get a small dropdown menu with the option to 'Reply (don't accept yet).


And always remember to include enough info in YOUR invitations, how you know them, why you are requesting they link to you, etc., so that people are sure to accept! 


Save the Dates: (Visit our website for details and agendas) 

LMDD Online Marketing Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Linked In Tuesday, March 8 @ 1:00 (ET) - Register Here 
Radio Interview with Keys to Clarity: How an E-Newsletter can help YOU grow YOUR Business Wednesday, March 9th


Radio Interview with Darlene Gonzalez: E-Newsletter Tips and Hints Thursday, March 31st