There have been a bunch of excellent new Facebook additions, my favorite being the ability to comment and post on other pages on FB either as your personal profile or your business profile!
In the past, no matter where you commented or posted, your icon (and the page someone would click through to when they clicked on it) was your personal profile. NOW, you have a choice! When you are visiting another page and want to offer some business advice, switch into your business hat (I envision jumping into a phone booth a la Superman!) and answer or post using your business icon. When you are congratulating your friend on a promotion or wishing your nephew a Happy Birthday, switch back into your Personal Profile icon and post away!
Please note that if you ONLY use Facebook for personal use and do not have a Business Page, you need not worry about this - it only applies to those of you that have both a personal AND business profiles.
Click here for a Step by Step Tutorial to get you started