LisaMarie Dias Designs NewsletterJuly 2010 
Summer is here!

A monthly publication designed to support all aspects of  your online marketing efforts.  Full of practical tips, useful suggestions  and hopefully, even some inspiration!

Using FaceBook for Business

Some case studies, suggestions and inspiration

LMDD on FaceBook 
The number one question I get these days, both during my presentations and when speaking with clients is, "how can I use Facebook for my business?"  Unlike Twitter, where people often say that they don't quite understand what it is or how to use it, people already know, and in many cases, are already ON FaceBook. And most have heard stories of how someone they know is making tons of money there.  What they want is advice on how to set up THEIR business on FB. 
FaceBook Business Pages can be used in a wide variety of ways - they can be forums or just a place to share promotions and coupons, a place for games or a destination to shop.  Defining your goals and designing your page to meet them is key! 
To address this issue, I will be offering an advanced webinar (see sidebar on the left for details) filled with ideas and suggestions on  How to use a FaceBook Business Page to Grow YOUR Business.  We will visit a number of 'successful' pages for businesses of all sizes - companies that are using them as a resource, others that have created games to entertain, brands that are using them purely for promotion and others that are using them for e-commerce.  We will also discuss how you can create and manage a plan a to use FaceBook to grow YOUR business.  See sidebar at lower left for more info or click HERE to register.
And if you would like a personalized session, geared just to your industry and your business needs, please let me know - I would be happy to set up a time to work with you directly!

Do you have a FaceBook Page for Business?

Please join us for an
advanced online webinar on
  How to use a FaceBook Business Page to Grow YOUR Business
Many businesses create a FaceBook Page for their business with the thought 'if you build it, they will come'. The real key to FaceBook success is getting people to come back!
Please join us on
Wednesday, July 21st at 1:00 (ET) for a webinar on  How to use a FaceBook Business Page to Grow YOUR Business 
During this session we will discuss case studies of successful FB Pages for businesses of all types and sizes, I will show you how to create and manage your content stream and there will be plenty of time for questions about how to use this for YOUR business.
This will be an ADVANCED session - while you do not need to have a Business Page to participate, a basic knowledge of FaceBook will be necessary to get the most out of the session.
Please pass this along to anyone you know that has a Business Page but would like to make it more effective.
 Click HERE to register TODAY!

Follow Me Find us on Facebook View our profile on LinkedIn Follow us on Twitter 

And please forward this E-Newsletter to anyone that might find it helpful.  Thank you!
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Social Media Marketing Case Study 

This is a great SlideShare presentation  created by Adam Singer.  It is over 2 years old but is still totally relevant - a very clear, step by step description of how the company used multiple social media channels to achieve a very successful product launch.
Click here to view presentation
If you have a Facebook Business Page and use Constant Contact...
Use this handy widget to add a sign up box to your Page
Constant Contact offers a great widget that is easy to link to your FB Page.
  • Log into your Constant Contact account
  • Go to 'contacts' tab
  • Click 'Join my mailing list'
  • In the right hand sidebar you will see the FaceBook icon
  • Click 'install facebook application'
Follow the steps to create a new tab on your Fb Page that will have a sign up box which will funnel addresses directly to your CC account. 
Click here to see this in action on my FB business page.
Special Invitation 
How to Use E-Newsletters to Grow Your Business FASTER - audio call
Monday, June 28th 8:00 PM (et)
Marc Weiner, CEO of Sales-Success-System, has generously invited me to be his visiting guest on his monthy training call and he has allowed me to pass the invitation along to my readers as well! 
Please join us on this FREE call as I provide an overview of different ways to optimize the use of an E-newsletter to grow your business, including specific tips on how to gather data on your audience's interests and preference and how to better target your messages.
Most importantly, I will discuss the three key (and very easy!) things that you can do to ensure your e-newsletter's success!

This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about e-newsletters and to hear some of Mr. Weiner's award winning sales advice!
Please for call-in info. 

Do you use Slideshare? 

 Slide Share Screen shot
Using, you can upload and convert your Powerpoint presentations and post them, FREE, to Linked In, Facebook and other venues!
Share your expertise, expand awareness about your products or services, explain your point of view, the options are endless.
This is a great tool to re-purpose your Power Point Presentations and share them with a larger audience!
Join Our Mailing List!
Upcoming FREE Webinars 
How an E-Newsletter can help YOU grow YOUR Business
Wednesday, June 23rd 1:00 (ET)
Please join us for this free 60 minute online webinar where we will talk about the pros and cons of starting and maintaining an E-Newsletter.  The agenda will include time to answer questions - this is an excellent opportunity to learn how an e-newsletter can help You grow YOUR business!  
Designed as an overview, you are welcome to attend even if you are already publishing your own e-news as it will be packed with tips and suggestions!
Fee: No charge!  Click HERE to register
Introduction to Twitter
Thursday, July 8th 1:00 (ET)
Please join us for a 60 minute online webinar where,  from the convenience of your desktop, I will show you how Twitter works and how businesses of all sizes are using it to grow!
Whether you are curious as to what it is, or are on it but have no clue why, this webinar will give you an inside look as to how it can be used effectively to network, establish yourself as an expert in your field and to find leads.
Agenda will be modified to accommodate all participant questions.  You do NOT need to have a Twitter profile to participate. A valuable Twitter resource packet will be available to all participants.
Fee: No charge!  Click HERE to register
Save $50!
LinkedIn Special
Whether you need help getting started or need a plan to optimize your presence, set up a two hour appointment to work on your LinkedIn profile
and save $50! 
Two hour LinkedIn appointments, thru July 30th, will be $100 (a $50 savings!)  Call (973.275.9497) or email to set up an appointment today to take advantage of this powerful professional networking site!
Offer Expires: July 30, 2010