Providing you with the information and tips you need to create your own, effective and attractive online marketing materials is my goal each month. In this issue, you will find a useful article, a great suggestion from a fellow reader and a full calendar of events all designed to help you make the most of your online marketing campaign efforts this year.
And this month's question is for you! Please take a moment to answer the brief (only one question!) poll to let me know how I can make
this E-Newsletter the most valuable one you receive!
3 Easy Steps to Take to Make Your E-Newsletter Campaign More Successful!
Tip of the Month
One of the main reasons that online marketing campaigns fail to produce tangible results is that business owners do not follow through. They will start an e-newsletter, pack it full of great information, send out a few issues and then stop. The excitement wears off or the task becomes too time consuming and they give up. And without regular communication, the business falls off the reader's radar.
The simplest way to ensure online marketing success (and a positive return on your time and monetary investment) is to start with a plan and to be consistent in your follow through. In an effort to help you keep on top of this task, here are three easy steps to take to make your e-newsletter campaign more successful!
Upcoming Classes and Events |
E-Networking Panel: Constant Contact, Linked In & Twitter
Tuesday, January 19th @ 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Live Panel Discussion Hosted by: NJAWBO Essex
I will be one of the panelists discussing these useful Social Media Tools See Website Upcoming Events for full details
Keep Your Business on Target with Social Media Tactics You Can Do Now
Wednesday, January 27th @ 8:30 AM
Learn how your business can easily and cost-effectively use: Twitter, blogs, Linkedin and video in your business to help increase your sales, marketing and brand name. I will be one of the panelists.
See Website Upcoming Events for full details
How an E-Newsletter can Help YOU Grow YOUR Business
Online webinar
Wednesday, Feb 10th at 1:00 (ET)
Please join us for this free 60 minute webinar to learn about the pros and cons of starting an e-newsletter and to see how to use one to grow YOUR business. There will be plenty of time in the agenda to answer participant questions. A great overview and opportunity to see how this tool can benefit YOUR business.
Getting Started on Constant Contact
Online webinar
Thursday, Feb 18th at 11:00 (ET)
Please join us for a 90 minute online webinar where, from the convenience of your desktop, I will show you how to upload contacts, edit content, insert, link and manipulate images and send your Constant Contact publications. Agenda will be modified to accommodate participant questions - contact me in advance to make sure we address yours! This class is designed for those of you that are already familiar with what Constant Contact can do for you but want detailed information on how to get started. Price $25  | |
Tip of the Month:
Last month, the featured article focused on things to do before you send out your e-news. Longtime
LMDD E-News reader Carrie Greene of Carrie Thru added the following suggestion:
Read the copy aloud. I use a program that reads it to me. It's amazing how many errors I find that way. I use a free download called "read please 2003 free".
It's not pretty, fancy or anything but it does read the text aloud. It's amazing what a big difference it makes!
Thank you Carrie for the great tip! And if YOU have a helpful tip, please pass it along, I would love to include it in an upcoming issue!
Question of the Month:
This month, I have a question for you!
I work with clients to help them with all aspects of their online presence. Increasingly, this includes introductions and assistance with Social Media.
My goal with this E-Newsletter has always been to help you put together your own, effective E-Newsletter. I am wondering if I should start a separate E-News for those of you interested in Social Media hints and tips or if I should include a Social Media update as part of this E-News. |
Please click HERE for brief, one question Poll. I truly appreciate your taking the time to help me make this as useful as possible!
And if you would like to send additional comments or feedback, please email or call me at 973.275.9497
Thank you! |
Learn while you Laugh
I usually focus on "do's" but here is a humorous video on what NOT to do when writing your E-Newsletter.
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