cropped blue pen w logo
LisaMarie Dias Designs Newsletter July 2009 
A monthly publication designed to support those of you that are writing and maintaining e-newsletters and e-zines of your own;  full of practical tips, useful suggestions, graphic add-ons  and hopefully, even some inspiration!
E-newsletters and How They can Work for YOU!
Tuesday, June 23 8:00 - 9:00 PM (ET)
During this tele-seminar you will learn:
  • The advantages of setting up an online e-newsletter
  • How to get one started
  • What items to collect before you start your newsletter to make it easier
  • Do's and Don'ts of e-newsletters
  • Other strategies for staying in touch with your clients.
 I will be making this presentation as part of the Compass Rose series of events on Effective Marketing.  As a courtesy to my readers, the class will be FR*E - go to this  link and use the code 'newsletter' to sign up at no charge.
Hope to 'see' you there!
Advanced Tips Class
How to make your text and logos appear to 'float'
(See example in the Tip Box below)
Wednesday, July 22nd
1:00 - 2:30 (ET)
Online Webinar - from the comfort of your own desktop!
This month's class will be "How to make your Logo and Text appear to Float" - see example in tip box below.  ($25)

Pay Now 

Template Suggestion
Go deep....
Many of the Constant Contact templates offer multiple background options.  When you find a template with a layout you like, take a minute to see if there are some alternate graphic options. They are usually found in a drop down menu format that opens when you try to 'change' the graphic. 
The template I have used this month is usually seen with a camouflage background - by going deep, and checking all the options, I found this beautiful blue textured background.  It offers a very different look and feel with the same massing!  
Question of the Month
Tying this all together
Q: I have an e-newsletter but also want to have a presence on the social media sites, what should I do?
"Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance"
John Petit-Senn

Template Suggestion
Just because it is offered, you don't need to use it!
As you can see, the text boxes in this template are offered with a graphic background.  In some cases, this works really well as with the quote above.  In some cases, such as in the text box to the lower left, the image can actually make it difficult to read the text! 
Just because a template offers an option, no matter how cool it is, if it doesn't work, don't use it.  
By going into the 'Global colors and Fonts' menu, you can delete the graphic, as I have done with this box.  The template layout still works and the text is more readable!
Do you know someone that wants to start an E-Newsletter but just doesn't know where to start? 
Or someone that could use some help with their E-Newsletter each month?
Please forward this email
Forward this email to a Friend
We will both thank you!
Tip of the Month
Make your images appear to 'float' 
Make your images appear to FLOAT by placing them on background that is the same as the surrounding field.  In the example below, the letter M is on the same size block on both the left and the right but the left box is the same color as the surrounding field.
 M on white  "M" on white background                 M on yellow   "M" on yellow background
To learn more about how to do this with simple text and more elaborate graphics, such as logos, please sign up for this month's advanced class (see above)
To BLOG or not to blog.... that is the question.
Note Pad Logo 
I am considering starting a Blog where I would publish an e-news production related tip each week.  It would be in addition to this e-newsletter and I am wondering if you would be interested in recieving it. Please click on the link below to send a quick reply to let me know what you think!
Contact Me
Social Media Links 
 twitter logo  Facebook logo  Linked In logo
To learn more about how to have a presence on Social Media sites, to help you determine which sites might be best for your business and to better understand how to tie this into your online marketing campaign, give me a call (973.275.9497) or send an email to
I can help you make sense of it all!
Join Our Mailing List!
Save 50%
If you are considering starting an e-newsletter and would like my help, you can save 50% over the cost of a private one-on-one session by getting a group together (minimum 3 people plus yourself) and volunteering to be the featured participant! 
We use your information and images to create the in class sample and you pay only the $25 group cost vs. the $50 one-on-one session fee.  A savings of 50%!

No Expiration Date