LisaMarie Dias |

How can I help? Please send an email to let me know how I can help you get your message online and into your client's inbox! |
"The Universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper"
Eden Phillpotts |
Have a Question? |
Can't get your bullets to align? Can't figure out why your fonts keep changing? Send me your questions or problems and I will answer them in future issues!
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Once you start publishing your articles, remember to let everyone know!
See the widget on my website Home Page to see an easy way to share the news. |
Next Month |
I am busy creating more graphic add-ons for the next issue.
Click on the links below to send a quick email to let me know what you would like to see more of.
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New month, new template, new suggestions! |
This month I want to offer some help with your e-news content. While I spend a lot of time making making sure that you know how to make your e-newsletter as unique and visually attractive as possible, the real reason your readers are opening your publication is for the content - the information, suggestions and insights you offer. Without valuable, well written content, your readers will become, for lack of a better word, 'deleters'.
Many people are overwhelmed by the thought of having to 'create' new content each month. There are numerous ways to do this - don't let that fear be the reason you don't publish!
Content can take many forms:
- Write your own suggestions, thoughts, observations
- Refer to a recent white paper, report or news item and give your insights and perspective
- Collect your most useful blog posts (avoid this if your blog readers and e-news list have a lot of overlap!)
- Invite a guest writer
- Include useful articles you have read or found on sites such as or others. (See "tips" below for list of other sites and their areas of interest.)
And keep in mind, you only need a few helpful points - we are not looking for pages of info here. The last thing you want to do is to add content, your own or from others, that is just 'filler'! |
Visiting Guest: Deborah Gaines
This month, writer and consultant Deborah Gaines, offers some valuable tips on how to write effectively. |
After 20 years as a working writer, I've found that most people either minimize or exaggerate the difficulty of writing well. At one extreme, there's a "give-it-to-the-intern" attitude that leads to costly and embarrassing mistakes, like confusing "their" and "they're" in a mailing targeted to corporate attorneys. At the other, I've met executives who pay consultants $300 an hour to handle their personal correspondence. (Not that there's anything wrong with this-from the consultant's point of view.)
The truth is, you don't need to be Jane Austen to write effective business communications; showy prose may actually obscure your message. That said, nothing kills your credibility faster than bad writing. It astounds me that companies will spend a fortune to produce a brochure, website or media kit without budgeting for a decent writer.
What constitutes good writing? Poets and novelists come to blows over this question, but in business the answer is simple: Good writing gets results. Here are ten steps to writing that works. Click here for the rest of this article
June Class Schedule:
Wednesday June 3rd: Introduction to Constant Contact
1:00 - 2:00 ($20)
Online Webinar - from the comfort of your own desktop!
Join us for an informative overview of Constant Contact. One participant's information will be used to open an account and start an e-newsletter during the session! Email me to volunteer to be the featured participant.
Wednesday June 17th: Advanced Constant Contact Tips and Tricks
1:00 - 2:00 ($20)
Online Webinar - from the comfort of your own desktop!
Join us as we look at advanced image, input and graphic tricks to take your publications to the next level! Email with requests for specific areas you would like to see covered. |
This Month's Tip:
If you do make the effort to write your own content and you think that it may be of interest to others, you should consider submitting it to an online article site. Often called 'article marketing', this is a excellent way to establish a reputation as an expert in your industry, build 'brand' awareness and to build your customer base.
By including your website and contact info in the bio in the footer of each article, you will be able to drive readers to your website (or brick and mortar site) - a no-cost way to increase site traffic!
While there are some sites that will pay you for your articles, below is a list of reputable places to post content that will be offered to others free of charge:
- all types of articles - well respected - my favorite!
- bills itself as the web's largest free content article directory - all types.
- it's tag line is 'News for Nerds' and 'Stuff that matters' - a good match for technical articles.
- varied with a focus on technical
- a huge selection of articles as no cost but there is a recorded advertisement that pops up as you arrive at the site - annoying but I suppose that is how they cover their costs.
There are others but I left out the ones that are more social (vs professional) in focus and avoided ones that feature articles that only a SPAMMER would love. To find more, just google 'article marketing'.
Certain sites have specialty interests so check first. And be sure to follow the submission guidelines. Some have specific requirements for formatting and the number of links you can include in the body of a document, etc. Many of the sites have very similar instructions so while the first may take a few minutes, subsequent submissions will be much easier! And while you are on the sites, surf around, you may just find an article or two that you will be able to use in your own publication!
If you want to learn more about article marketing, here is very informative blog post written by Joe Pullizzi |
Till next month...
Be well and enjoy the process!
LisaMarie |