May 2009

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A monthly publication designed to support those of you that are writing and maintaining e-newsletters/ e-zines of your own;  full of practical tips, useful suggestions, graphic add-ons  and hopefully, even some inspiration!
LisaMarie Dias
LMD 09
How can I help? 
Please send an email to let me know how I can help you get your message online and into your client's inbox!
Introduction to Constant Contact
1 on 1 sessions 
Online/ phone sessions designed to give you an overview of how Constant Contact can help you get your message online!  
By the end of the session you will have started your own e-newsletter!
1 hour sessions: $40 
Call 973.275.9497 or email to set up an appointment today to
get your message online and into your client's inbox! 
orange spray
"Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one's courage"
Anais Nin
Join Our Mailing List
Advanced Constant Contact Tips & Tricks
Group Class
Wednesday, May 6
1:00 - 2:00
Buy Now
Wednesday May 20
7:00 - 8:00
Buy Now 

Designed for those of you that already have a Constant Contact account and are on your way but want to learn more.  This month's classes will focus on inserting images, linking images and using PayPal buttons like the ones shown above.
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Welcome back! 
Yes, you are in the right place!  This month we will be talking about template choice and tone so I used a new template, font and color scheme to illustrate how a few changes can really make a big difference in the way your message looks and 'sounds'. 
You have control over many options when putting together your e-newsletter.  Each component contributes to the overall tone and character of the final product.  Consider the following when creating your documents:
Template Choice: How much, and what type of information will you be posting?  if you will have short, concise paragraphs, a narrow column format with a side bar might work well.  Use the side bar for short bulleted lists, links, quotes and advertisements and the larger body for your message.  If you will have large bodies of text, a single column format may be best.  And if your articles are really long (more than a few paragraphs), you may want to only include the first paragraph or two and a hyper link to a webpage with the full text.  See the Question and Answer section below for an example of this.
Font Choice: Constant Contact now offers 22 different fonts! You do not need to use the font that 'comes' with the template you choose. While it may seem obvious, you really should try at least a few of them to see how different each one feels - especially as headings.  See this month's tip below about changing fonts.
Color Choice: Use your website, business cards and logo as a guide.  In general, you want to brand all of your materials so that they are quickly and easily identifiable. 
And yes, in this issue, in an attempt to illustrate how very many options you have, I have broken many of these rules.  Hopefully it inspires you to play within your account to try to find the mix that conveys your voice and message best!
This Month's Tip
When changing colors and/or fonts, you can do it block by block.  But to do it correctly, you should change them 'globally'.  Click on the "Global Colors and Fonts" link found in the upper left hand editing column, under the preview button. (Please note that this link will not be visible if you are in the midst of editing one of the blocks.) It will open a long drop down of options including colors, fonts and font sizes.  You can edit each of these!  Look carefully, they are very well labeled and coordinate exactly with the label on the blocks in the template.  Changes made here will be applied 'globally' meaning if you change the heading font and/or size, it will affect ALL the headings in your current template. You can still change a single heading if you go into that box with the regular editor but I would suggest against it.  If you have ever tried to change a font somewhere, only to have it change back 'mysteriously', this is probably why.  Use this system to globally change things and your templates will hold their changes reliably!
Questions and Answers
Q: This all sounds great but I just don't know where to begin!  What should I do first?
Click on this link for the Answer.
Calendar of Upcoming Classes
Constant Contact -Advanced Tips and Tricks
Wednesday, May 6 - 1:00 - 2:00 or Wednesday, May 20 - 7:00 - 8:00 pm
(see sidebar for description) Focus on images and links.
Constant Contact - Introduction and Overview (Beginners)
Wednesday, May 13 - 1:00 - 2:00 or Wednesday, May 27 - 7:00 - 8:00 pm
(see sidebar for description) I will need one volunteer, for each session, to send info in advance for use when we create a sample e-newsletter in class.  It's like getting a 1-on-1 session for the price of a group class!  Call (973.275.9497) or email to volunteer.
Upcoming classes: I have had requests to do an advanced class on animated .GIFs and on article content. I will schedule these for late May or early June. Please RSVP if you are interested and to let me know when would work best for you.  And please let me know if you have any other requests!
I am happy to report that I am now an 'expert author' for!  Follow me on Twitter ( and/or Facebook for updates on where to find my latest articles. See links to the left!
New Graphic Add-ons
Please visit the website and go to the Graphic Add-Ons Page (or just click on the stripe!) for new images including the stripe shown below!  Please note that this stripe can be resized as necessary to accommodate various widths.  Call or email for assistance.
Save 10%
Take a 1 on 1 'Introduction to Constant Contact' session and receive 10% off an 'Advanced' follow-up 1 on 1 session!  A great way to get started, get some experience and then follow-up with any questions and problems you might have!  Mention coupon when scheduling second session. 
Discount not applicable to group classes
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