NAWBO Delaware Newsletter October, 2009 

Message from the President of NAWBO Delaware
by Karen L. Miller 

"2nd Hustle" or maybe 2nd ACT or 3rd ...Karen Miller

To quote liberally (not literally) from Essence magazine, "Everyone needs a 2nd Hustle" or gig. While I don't know how many of you are juggling two careers, two businesses or two interests, or some combination, what I do know is that I keep meeting our sisters of entrepreneurship who have at least one other business gig. It may be a sign of the times, that in order to keep up AND keep engaged, we won't get it all from one source.
This trend may also be a result of corporate downsizing. Those of us who have spent a lot of time in a corporate role get to a point where we'd rather consult or follow our passion (or both) and that means taking on another business venture...
I just did. I've decided to complement my consulting business by becoming a contract trainer. I love my consulting work, but it's very episodic, and specialized, not to mention seasonal, so I'm following this parallel path, building some new skills, and growing my strengths. I'd love to hear your story about your second gig.
I'd also like to hear how NAWBO or another business organization helped you in your business. Caren McCabe shares her story with us below in this issue. I know NAWBO has led me to collaborations with other consultants and led me to find business services. We'll be featuring networking in a coming NAWBO program, but our program will be more than just a business form of "speed dating" NAWBO networking is a way to form deep trusted relationships that could lead to your next client or your next client's client ... think about it. 
- Did someone help you solve a business challenge?
- Did you give a presentation that led to referrals?
- Did you gain a new skill?
- Did you develop a new system?
Let us know. We'd love to feature your story in a coming newsletter. 

Member Spotlight - Carol Arnott
Carol A laughing
As with many women, Carol E. Arnott CFP�, CDFA™, ChFC, wears several hats in the community. Her financial planning practice, affiliated with the Greenville Financial Group, focuses on women in financial transition including those who are moving from one career to another or those women who find themselves suddenly single through death of a spouse or divorce. She guides women through the maze of financial decisions required, especially during difficult times, to provide solutions which help them plan their path to financial independence.
Carol's financial planning practice has been featured in The New York Times, The News Journal, Delaware Business Ledger, Community News,,,  and Delaware Today magazine, where she was recognized as a 2006 Woman in Business honoree and one of the "state's best financial planners" in 2008. She has appeared on FOX29's morning television show as a financial planning specialist and regularly presents seminars on a variety of financial topics important to women.
Carol is an active member on several nonprofit boards and believes strongly in the value of community involvement. In 2008 her passion for supporting women in our community led Carol to establish the Network to Encourage Women's Support for Women, best known as NEWS4Women, which supports local businesses and raises awareness for local nonprofit organizations. Since its debut NEWS4Women has been called the 'premier resource' to promote economic growth for women, advocate for legislative and social issues affecting our families, and to unite women through programs, information, and an active social network. As the Chief Visionary Officer for NEWS4Women Carol brings women together in a unique and community minded way to support one another both in business and in life.
Carol E. Arnott CFP�, CDFA™, ChFC
Greenville Financial Group
4001 Kennett Pike, Suite 318
Greenville, DE 19807
Carol E. Arnott, Chief Visionary Officer
PO Box 4285
Greenville, DE 19807-0285
Delaware Positions on Policy Areas Voiced at WIIP Annual Conference 
by Cathy Imburgia
Cathy ImburgiaNAWBO Delaware had two representatives attend this year's Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) Conference. NAWBO Delaware Chapter President, Karen Miller, and Public Policy Chair, Cathy Imburgia, recently joined women business owners from around the country in Washington, DC for the two-day annual policy meeting and Economic Summit.
WIPP, the voice for women in business in our Nation's Capital - used the opportunity to bring a strong small business message to the White House and to Capitol Hill. In addition, the conference provided a forum to brief and hear from attendees on four key policy areas:  health care, procurement, retirement and energy.
At the WIPP/Walmart Economic Summit for Women Business Owners, the Center for Women's Business Research, the National Women's Business Council, WIPP and Walmart released new data with astonishing results about the economic impact of women business owners, including:
- Today, women-owned firms have an economic impact of $3 trillion annually.
- Women-owned firms create and/or maintain more than 23 million jobs - 16% of all U.S. jobs!
- If U.S.-based women-owned businesses were their own country, they would have the 5th largest GDP in the world.
This is brand new knowledge and the results promise to have significant and wide-ranging impact for policymaking, economic development, and private investment focused on women business owners and their communities.
"Women-owned firms, which are growing at twice the rate of all businesses, have enormous untapped potential to provide jobs and create vital communities in the future," said WIPP President Barbara Kasoff. She added, "It makes good business sense for government and local communities to support these firms by providing knowledge, skills and tools for their growth."
The study concluded that policymakers and communities seeking to increase the economic power of women-owned firms should focus on developing the next generation of programming, educating and supporting women entrepreneurs on how to grow their firms.
In Delaware, we plan to take this message and our positions on two policy areas -- procurement and healthcare ­-- to our federal, state and local government officials.
Let your voice be heard by telling us your position on procurement and health care and, most importantly, how these issues impact your business.  Our Public Policy Committee will soon survey our members and select Delaware women business owners so that we can build our position statements and find opportunities to carry our message forward.
Contact Chair Cathy Imburgia at or
302-791-0765 for more information about NAWBO's Public Policy Committee or how you can let your voice be heard.
 Upcoming Events
Oct 15, 2009
Oct 27, 2009
Nov 6, 2009
Nov 11, 2009
"Strategic Philanthropy - Aligning Your Giving With Making Your Living"
Nov 12, 2009
3 sessions to choose from between 9am & 2pm
Dec 4, 2009
Dec 11, 2009
It Pays to Be a NAWBO Member!
by Caren McCabe
(Member since '06) 
Last spring, I attended the "Bridge The Divide" event in Dover. I had a conversation with Jayne Armstrong, District Director of the Small Business Administration, regarding my training and consulting business. One thing led to another and I found myself conducting a one-day Dynamic Communication seminar for Jayne and her staff. I never would have gotten the job without my NAWBO affiliation.
How has NAWBO membership helped your business? Send your success stories to us at and we'll publish them in future newsletters.
BRAC & Beyond Business Conference
October 30th, Chase Center on the Riverfront
There are Billions of Dollars in Government Contracts Available!!
Get engaged in this unique business opportunity. This conference will give you the resources you need. At this event:

> Learn how to use the Dept of Defense/Army contracting process to secure business for your firm.
> Make the critical connections you need with Army Commands and the civilian defense dept contractors.
> Discover the multiple resources that the State of Delaware offers to help you enter and succeed in the Defense/Homeland Security market.
> Discover evolving regional opportunities beyond BRAC that present opportunities to Delawae residents and businesses.
Register Now!
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Member Milestone - Devona Williams

20 Years in Business and Named Top 100 MBE 
spotlightGoeins-Williams Associates, Inc. (GWA) celebrates 20 years of providing performance consulting services to organizations and individuals. Dr. Devona Williams, President and CEO says, "The key to longevity of our business is: providing consistent quality service; finding a niche in the marketplace and sticking to it; providing superior customer service; and giving back to the community." GWA has provided consulting services to customers nationally from Denver, Colorado to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as well as the tri state area and Delaware. Her diverse customer base includes fortune 500 companies like McDonalds, DuPont, AstraZeneca, non profit organizations like the YMCA of the USA and YWCA of the MidAtlantic to hospitals like Children's Hospital of Philadelphia at Christiana Care. Government work has also been a hallmark of work for GWA especially the many agencies of the State of Delaware.
Top 100 MBEAn author of many focus group studies, organizational assessments, comprehensive strategic plans, and marketing and management studies, GWA and her team has contributed much to improving performance of organizations and the quality of life in many communities. These studies have examined everything from teen pregnancy, transportation planning, educational reform to cultural diversity and arts management.  GWA also provides customized adult training in diversity, team building, leadership,  conflict management and performance coaching.
GWA is a creator and distributor of training materials including its own the Spice of Life� Diversity products and DISC and other paper and online assessments. GWA list of customers for these products includes: Kelloggs, Coca-Cola, Patrick Henry Airforce Base, PECO Energy and Nokia.
Founded by Williams in 1986 and incorporated in 1995, Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc., already an  award winning company was recently named a TOP 100 MBE in the Region including Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and the District of Columbia.
News from Your Program Committee - Mark Your Calendars!!
by Caren McCabe
Girl in SunWe're heading to the beach on Tuesday, October 27 from 5:30 - 7:30pm.  Darnyelle Jervey of Incredible One Enterprises is the featured presenter.  Her presentation, "R U A Passionista�," is where passion meets distinction in life and business. Determining whether your passion is profitable and the steps to establish a brand on your profitable passion. Check the NAWBO calendar for more details.  Register Now!!
Money in handsJoin us Wednesday, November 11 from 5:30 - 7:30pm at La Piazza Italian Restaurant & Grille in Middletown for a panel discussion on "Strategic Philanthropy - Aligning Your Giving With Making Your Living." Are your business resources limited for charitable giving? Have you thought about how you can contribute to community in a more effective or efficient way? Do you find yourself deluged with requests for your time, talent and/or money? How do you measure the impact charitable contributions have on your business? Come to this program to hear how three NAWBO members tackle the challenge of multiple charitable requests.  Register Now!!
Everyone's invited to our New Castle County Satellite Networking meetings the first Friday of the month. Our next meeting is Friday, November 6 from 8:00 - 9:00am at 1501 Casho Mill Road, Suite 13, Newark, DE. Thanks to our friends at Aflac for hosting!  Register Now!!
SmileyWe're looking for venues and hosts for Satellite Networking Meetings in Kent and Sussex counties. All that's needed is a room to hold up to 20 people for a 1-hour networking program once a month. If you have a location in mind and/or are interested in helping out, contact Caren McCabe,
NAWBO Delaware
P.O. Box 4657
Greenville, DE 19807