North East Fabricare Association Headlines & More -- Online!
July 22, 2011 |
Greetings! |
Thank you for your membership! We here at NEFA are dedicated to helping you to improve your business. Whether it is through programs like Fall Fest or our endorsed vendor services, we strive to provide you the best. You are important to us, and we appreciate your comments, suggestions and any concerns. Please feel free to contact us at anytime for all your industry needs: 800-442-6848. |
Helping to Cope with Record Temperatures! |
 There may be no hotter place then standing over a steam press in the Northeast in the middle of the summer. While it can be the nature of the work, and the nature of the climate, there are a few things you can do to try and make your employees as comfortable and productive as possible.
There are some simple tips you can do immediately like running exhaust fans throughout the night. This will reduce the interior temperature in the plant before morning. Make sure you turn off any unused equipment. These can simply act as radiators even when powered, but unused. You should also make sure your press heads are all insulated. This will really help to bring down the temperature for the operators.
Not as easy to do immediately, but still extremely important are to make sure all steam pipes, valves, feeds and returns are well covered and insulated. This serves not only to cool the plant down, but can also greatly reduce energy costs.
There are also a number of great cooling devices and technology on the market to help keep your employees and the plant cool. We strongly suggest you visit NEFA Associate members like Aldrich CleanTech and Williams Engineering to check what is available. A complete list of Associate Members can be found at . As heat escalates in the plant, and workers begin to show signs of heat stress, hydration is critical. Providing plenty of water, and encouraging employees to drink plenty of fluids is imperative. Even the offering of iced down towels delivered during the day can go a long way with employee morale! |
Maine Moving Forward with Toxic Use Reduction Rulemaking |
NEFA is now reviewing the draft rules for Maine's Toxic Use Reduction program. Perc is listed as one of the six priority chemicals initially being targeted. There will be a comment period from August 17 through the public hearing date: September 6th. Any member wishing a copy of the proposed rules is invited to contact Peter Blake at the NEFA Office.
Before passage, the DEP is required to review the economic impact of these regulations on all businesses with less than 20 employees. We will be contacting members in the state with a fact sheet of how this regulation will change the way they do business.
We will have a copy of the draft rules placed on the NEFA website: by early next week. |
Brad Friel Memorial Clean Classic set for August 3rd! |
NEFA's 16th Annual Brad Friel Memorial Clean Classic will be held August 3rd at Quarry Ridge Golf Course in Portland, CT. This is NEFA's second year at Quarry Ridge and those who played last year are excited to return. The course offers a unique field of play complete with terrific scenery, high elevated tees, and a great staff to help everyone enjoy a terrific day of fellowship and fun!
The cost to play is still only $125 per person and includes prizes, lunch at the turn (complete with beer and soda), and a full dinner at the end of the event. Due to the potential for travel for some players, we have been able to have a later than usual shotgun start at 9:45!
To register or to find out how you can sponsor the event, go to NEFA's website to download a registration form:
This is truly a great event for those who love golf or those who just want to come out and enjoy the sun with good friends. It is a scramble format, so even those less experienced golfers can still have a great time. If you don't already have a group you are going to play with, register anyway, and we will match you up! Directions to the course can be found here: |
Easy to Do Ideas That Work -- Try Them! |
Being able to offer your customers more options will increase your volume. | Expand Your Cleaning Menu!
Diversify the articles you can handle for your customers. For years drycleaners have been subcontracting care for Furs and Leathers, now many cleaners are also taking in rugs, Ugg Boots, and even sneakers for professional care.
Longtime, well respected NEFA Member, Horrigan Cleaners has long been known as rug specialists. They have recently started picking up and delivering professionally cared for area rugs to cleaners in many Massachusetts and Southern NH towns. This is a win-win for everyone. You are seen as an answer for all your customers cleaning needs -- and you have a new service to promote and attract new members! Whenever you can offer your customers more services, you increase their traffic to your store. If interested call Mike Horrigan at 978-632-4200 or visit them on the web at

Have an idea? A helpful Suggestion? Send them to us and we may publish them in an upcoming Headlines & More: Online or on our website. This is a new regular feature of both this e-mail update and The idea was first published in a DLI publication of the same title. |
 We are currently putting together a new educational schedule, and as always we are looking for input. Call or e-mail us and let us know your ideas! We are now interviewing a new technical training person and hope to have a new set of spotting and finishing classes coming to an area near you! NEFA is also putting together a new "NEFA Temp" person to help management fill in when the need arises. There are some new exciting opportunities ahead! All members are encouraged to call and set up an appointment, it would be great to visit! We are always looking for ways to better serve our members and the industry as a whole, so please let us know if there are areas you feel we could assist you in. Please either call us at 800-442-6848 or e-mail me at
Peter Blake,
NEFA Executive Vice President