Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
Jungle News
July 3, 2012

Dear , 
Fireworks by Udi
Fireworks, by Udi
Become Udi's Monkey Buddy and receive his photo and artwork. 


Great News! We have met our match for our Independence Day Cause! Thanks to the generosity of so many of you, we raised the $5,000 needed to build a new habitat to accommodate laboratory retirees!

A VERY special thanks to
Stop Animal Exploitation Now (SAEN) for offering a $2000 matching gift for the Independence Day Cause. Hats off to Dorothy Garwick who sent us a check for $2,000 to be sure the match was met, WOW, you're the best Dorothy!

Not to mention Wendy Shotsky, who is always there with donations for all of our monkey causes, we love you Wendy! And thank you James, Holly, Jace, well, there are so many of our loyal donors to thank, I would take up the entire newsletter, so I will just say THANK YOU everyone!

Lots of monkey love from Kari Kari Bagnall
Become a summer monkey buddy!
Pip with popsicle
Pip beats the heat with a cold treat

Last week we told you about our newest fundraising challenge match. This time we are working hard to raise $10,000 by the end of September!

Please help by becoming a "Summer Monkey Buddy" by making a donation of $84. The concept is pretty simple -- 120 monkeys matched with 120 donors who each give $84 will raise the $10,000 required for the match. 

Our collective generosity will become $20,000 when we raise $10,000. I hope you will show your support--as you so often do--so we can achieve this valuable boost to our fundraising goal.
Pip with popsicle eyes closed
Pip's patriotic popsicle is the best thing ever!
Please become a Summer Monkey Buddy and receive your special monkey gifts!

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