September 24, 2012Top
In This Issue
STH Calendar
"What Would It Take...?"
STH Weekly Worship
Office of Spiritual Life
Reading Retreat
STH Catholic Students Gathering
Job Opportunities
Freisinger Chamber Orchestra
A Writing Works Workshop
Invitation for UM Students
Mock Ordination Interviews
Video Contest for Students at UM-Related Institutions
ATS Survey
2012 STH Student Sermon Celebration Day
Other Special Events of Interest to You
STH Calendar 
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"What Would It Take...?"

Thursday September 27,
STH B-19
Refreshment will be served in
the Oxnam Rm. B-24

A research report and discussion with
Dr. Wesley J. Wildman and the
"Spectrums Project" Research Team

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STH Weekly Worship
11:10 - 12:00 
Marsh Chapel


September 26


"Taking and Blessing"

Rev. Holly Benzenhafer Redford

October 3
"Breaking and Lifting"
Dr. Thomas Thangaraj

October 10
(World Communion)
Rev. Anastasia E. B. Kidd
Shawn Fiedler 

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Office of Spiritual Life


Daily  Morning Prayer

Monday - Thursday

8:00 - 8:20 am

Muelder Chapel 343





Phillip Berger  



Nicholas Spark  



Dean Bryan Stone 


For more information contact:  

Miracle Ryder  


Allison Bovell 

Bible Study

Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30

Muelder Chapel 343


This week's focus is  

"The Power of Prayer."

This covenant fellowship group is led by 2nd year  M.Div Student Hannah Rogers. Bring a lunch if you'd like.  No preparation necessary;  all welcome to enjoy fellowship, prayer, and Bible study.   

Bible Study Outline (link)


Contact Hannah Rogers:

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Reading Retreat 

Saturday, October 6 



Kindly RSVP by October 4th to 


You are invited to spend a day in study and devotion at our first Reading Retreat of the semester.  We'll begin with breakfast and morning worship.  We'll name our study intentions for the day, and be sent off to study in the STH library or classrooms as preferred.  We'll gather again at mid-day for a delicious lunch, and again in the late afternoon, celebrating the privilege of study within our community.  

Our theme this day is Holding What Gives You Life, inspired by John 6:35 and our World Communion weekend. 


Don't hesitate to ask any questions of Rev. Robin Olson or

Miracle Ryder,  We hope you'll join in this fun, relaxing, and focusing day apart.

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STH Catholic Students Gathering
October 3, 2012
12:00 pm
STH 306


There will be a lunch gathering for Catholic students at BUSTH. An informal gathering to get to know one another and also to plan a special Wednesday worship service to be held on October 31, 2012.   


This is a nice chance to gather and talk about being Catholic at BUSTH, and see if there is interest in some continued ways to connect. Please take lunch from  Community Lunch on this day and we will eat together in room 306. Feel free to share the word with others you think might be interested. Email with any questions. 


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Job Opportunities

Media-Web Assistant
STH Dean's Office

Website Designer

The Howard Thurman Papers Project (HTPP)
  Read description:

Writing Assistant
Andover Newton Theological School
Read description:

Program Manager for Service and Engagement Programs
Northeastern University, Boston
Read description:

Program Manager for Dialogue and Educational Programs
Northeastern University, Boston

Freisinger Chamber Orchestra
Sunday, September 23, 2012 
Old South Church (Sanctuary)
645 Boylston Street
Boston, MA (Copley Square) 


For our fifth season, the FCO presents only ONE concert, on Sunday, September 23.  It will be in the 850-seat sanctuary. 


Rather than describe the wonderfully varied program (Haydn, Mozart, French arias, and a world premiere of composer Dan Shore), we invite you to view it on our beautiful new website:


I hope you can attend, along with lots of friends. In fact, if you would like, you can bring one for free!  We are also inviting musicians, dancers, and even visual artists gratis.

Our goal is to attract more people, since we'll have the space. Our musicians play at a high level with tremendous conviction, so it will be another great concert, along with excellent soloists (Nathan Swain, oboe, and Sean Lair, tenor).


I look forward to staying in touch, and wish you much happiness and success!



Peter Freisinger, Conductor 

Join Our Mailing List
All submissions for the Collegium must be sent to the Office of Community Life & Lifelong Learning ( by noon on Wednesdays in order to appear in the next edition. Please include the title of your event, the date, the time, and the location as well as a brief description of your event.
A Writing Works Workshop
Tuesday, September 25 
Hartman Rm. B-23  
Just a reminder that Danielle Tumminio, WW Coordinator, will be hosting a Writing Works Workshop. All are welcome. The workshop will be held in B-23. Please make sure to sign up by midnight on Monday so Danielle can prepare appropriately. The signup sheet is online at this link:
An Invitation for United Methodist Students 

Dean Moore and members of the Methodist Studies and Relationships Committee invite you to lunch on Thursday, September 27th in the River View Room in the Faculty Dining Room (5th floor of the George Sherman Union Building).  We would like to engage you in conversation regarding ways we can be most helpful in supporting you in your formation process and ministry. 
Please arrive at 12:15 to go through the line and get your lunch.  Our conversation will begin promptly at 12:30.  We will conclude by 1:45. 
Please RSVP to Lisa Case in the Contextual Education Office ( by Thursday, September 20th regarding your attendance.  It's very important we know who is planning to attend so we can have an accurate count for lunch.
Please contact me ( or Dr. Karen Westerfield Tucker ( with any questions.   If you are unable to attend this session, but are interested in receiving information about future gatherings, please let us know as well.
Wanda Stahl
Director of Contextual Education and Congregational Partnerships

Mock Ordination Interviews
Thursday, October 4, 2012 


We invite any student going before their Board of Ordained Ministry for Full Membership interviews to participate in a Mock Interview process. A group of pastors and lay people will read the Autobiographical  Statement and Theological Statement you've prepared for your Board, interview you about them, and then give you feedback.  


If you would like to participate on Thursday, October 4, email a copy of your Autobiographical Statement and Theological Statement to Lisa Case at the Office of Contextual Education by Tuesday, September 25, 2012. If you have any preference regarding time of day, please let her know.


To help defray some of the expenses of this program there will be a $15 fee for the mock interview.  


Please send your check for this fee, payable to BU School of Theology, to Lisa Case by September 25. We strongly encourage you to plan on not only being interviewed but also on observing at least one other candidate's interview. It is valuable to see how different interviews can be, and we can often learn more when we are not the one being interviewed. If you have questions contact Lisa 617-353-3038 or Wanda Stahl 617-353-9699;


In January, we will hold another round of interviews for persons going before their Boards of Ordained Ministry for commissioning.


Rev. Dr. Wanda Stahl

Director of Contextual Education and Congregational Partnerships



Video Contest for Students at UM-Related Institutions
September 24 - October 24 


NASCUMC, an association in which our school's president is a member, is sponsoring a video contest September 24 - October 24, 2012. Students at United Methodist-related educational institutions will be challenged to: "Tell us, in 3 minutes or less, why your school's connection to The United Methodist Church matters."


Contest Overview

  • Eligibility: Student or team of students must be enrolled in a UM-related institution.
  • Prize: The first-place winner(s) receive a Go Pro HD video camera, Final Cut Pro X editing software, and 3 hours of virtual coaching with a team of professional filmmakers. Second and third place winners receive cash prizes.
  • Judging: The first round of judging is by panel of experts, and the second round is by popular vote on the contest website.
  • Read contest rules here.
ATS Survey


Dear New Students, 


We hope the start of your semester is going well!  We are writing in the hopes that you will take 5 minutes and help out the Admissions Office in the process of data collection for the School's accrediting agency.  


Every year the Association of Theological Schools surveys entering theological school students around the country.  They collect demographic and financial information about students and inquire about motivations for entering seminary and professional aspirations. Data generated from these responses are helpful to academic deans, student services and admissions offices, and faculty.  


We would greatly appreciate it if you would fill out this survey no later than Wednesday, October 17th. 

Link to the survey.  


Please contact the Admissions Office with any questions about the survey. Thank you for your time and cooperation. This really helps us out!



STH Admissions Team


2012 STH Student Sermon Celebration Day
Saturday, November 3, 2012 
Marsh Chapel 
Award 4

The Garner Prize for Preaching is dedicated to promoting homiletical excellence among M.Div. students at Boston University School of Theology. Its aim is to encourage preaching that embodies the best of exegesis, theology, and performance/delivery.

The Garner Prize is calling for up to 15 BUSTH M.Div. students to preach sermons on either a Hebrew Bible or a New Testament text at a Student Celebration Day at Marsh Chapel on Saturday, November 3. The scripture reading and sermon must be no more than fifteen minutes in length. A panel of three judges, Dr David Jacobsen, Dr Robert C. Neville, and Dr Kathe Darr, will evaluate the sermons and identify three award winners who will receive a prize of $500, $300, and $200 respectively.

All participants will receive a CD of their scripture reading and sermon as thanks for their homiletical contribution to the celebration. The awards are made possible through a generous gift from Tammie and Chapin Garner, a prominent BUSTH alumnus, adjunct faculty, pastor, and author. The event is also sponsored in part by the Office of Community Life. 

Deadline for entry is October 15, 2012. 


Priority will be given to the first fifteen third-year M.Div. students who register. Second-year and first-year students are also welcome to apply for remaining positions. Students can enter themselves and STH faculty members are encouraged to submit recommendations for any potential student participants to   

Additional information and a list of the 2012 participants can be found on our Facebook page, The Garner Prize for Preaching.


Other Special Events of Interest to You
  • The African American Studies Fall 2012 Lectures and Special Event
  •    Boston Theological Institute  
  • Institute for Philosophy & Religion  2012-13 Lecture Series "Beyond Aesthetics:  Philosophical and Theological Construals of Art"

Each year the Institute sponsors a lecture series on issues that cross the boundaries between different academic disciplines and between scholars and the educated public. Past topics have included "Courage," "Loneliness," "Civility," "Life, Death, and Immortality," "Responsibility," and "Evil."

This year Institute series will offer an interdisciplinary examination of the relation between aesthetic and other forms of value in the modern world, including the nature of beauty and sublimity, the rise and fall of aesthetics as a discipline, and the claims of  the "end" of art.  In addition to the lecture series, a parallel undergrad/grad seminar will be offered in the fall. 

  • Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs (CURA) 27 years of research, publication and education  

The Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs is a center for research, publication, and education on one of the most important questions in the contemporary world: How does culture affect economic and political developments world-wide? Specifically, how does religion impact international affairs? Since its inception in 1985, CURA has sought to discover, trace, and analyze the connection between culture, economics, politics, and globalization. We have conducted research projects on every continent except Australia, and these projects have resulted in publications that have become major points of reference on their topics. In a dynamic and modernizing world, CURA's ultimate agenda is to further global understanding and communication.